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 Eric's meds and alcohol

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Eric's meds and alcohol Empty
PostSubject: Eric's meds and alcohol   Eric's meds and alcohol Icon_minitimeFri Dec 02, 2022 1:45 pm

Something I think is often overlooked in discussions about the Luvox Eric was taking is a particular warning you see on virtually every antidepressant and is no different in this case.

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Quote :
What Should I Avoid While Taking Fluvoxamine?
Avoid drinking alcohol or using illegal drugs while you are taking antidepressant medications. They may decrease the benefits (e.g., worsen your condition) and increase adverse effects (e.g., sedation) of the medication.

We know that while Eric was taking his medication he was sneaking drinks while still a minor; his journals mention his drinking and on the basement tapes he is taking swigs from a bottle of Jack Daniels. To what degree do you think Eric's mixing of alcohol and pills affected his behavior, if any?

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
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Eric's meds and alcohol Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric's meds and alcohol   Eric's meds and alcohol Icon_minitimeFri Dec 02, 2022 2:08 pm

Anti depressants tend to make you feel more drunk more quickly but some people see no effects at all with drinking. I can only presume that Eric didn’t have particularly bad issues with it or he would have stopped doing at least one of them but that isn’t really recorded fully. He may have stopped drinking or the meds or both sometimes or not taken meds on drinking days etc. All I know for sure is that he definitely drank alcohol sometimes and took his meds sometimes but there’s not clear documentation about what he was doing when overall.
Anti depressants make some people suicidal but I believe it would happen quickly into taking the meds and he would have clearly mentally gone down hill that people would have noticed. It doesn’t tend to start happening when you have been on the meds for a while. There are cases when people have killed themselves after a decline in mental health after taking a new medication but I am not sure if there are many homicides as a result of this.
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