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 April, Bloody, April...

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April, Bloody, April... Empty
PostSubject: April, Bloody, April...   April, Bloody, April... Icon_minitimeWed Apr 30, 2014 11:43 pm

In Europe and Asia is May already,while here in America we are in a few hours to finish, what could be, the most "bloody" month of the year: April. Many mass shootings and massacres had took place in this month, between other several events like Hitler's birthday/death, bombings, genocides and Lincon's and Martin Luther King's murder. “April has historically been a whole month of assassination, mass murder and mayhem.” and why april?, in an article I read, this could be the explanation: “Some experts say that April is a time of change that can trigger a disturbed mind to act out. The sudden increase in light this time of year can drive people with certain mental illnesses to manic behavior, some said", “Spring, like medication, can bring them out of the winter’s depression". If is true that the change of season or month can depress more the people and provoke or get worse a mental illness, specially if these incidents are in some way related or influenced by each other (most of the school shootings of this month, are influenced  the Columbine high school massacre and the Columbine shooters mentioned in their diaries such events like the Oklahoma City bombing that took place in April too. Something thatcan  be another fact of why all these events happend in this month). There is still not enough proofs that can substantiate this. But whatever happen in April and whatever this month can cause in people's brain, in April,  almost every year, happen something and this is the list of most of the massacres/rampages and school shootings that took place this specifically month:

April 19, 1993 - Waco Siege. (76 victims)

April 19, 1995 - Oklahoma City Bombing. (168)

April 20, 1999 - Columbine High School Shooting. (13 victims)

April 28 - 1999 - W. R. Myers High School Shooting. (1 victim)

April 26, 2002 - Erfurt Massacre. (16 victims)

April 16, 2007 - VA Tech Shooting. (32 victims)

April 03, 2009 - Binghamton Shooting. (14 victims)

April 07, 2011 - The Tasso da Silveira Elementary and Middle School Shooting. (12 victims)

April 09, 2011 - Alphen aan den Rijn shopping mall shooting (6 victims)

April 02, 2012 - Oikos University Shooting. (7 victims)

April 06, 2012 - Tulsa Shooting (3 victims)

April 04, 2013 - Boston Marathon Bombing (5 victims)

April 09, 2013 - Lone Star College Stabbing (14 wounded victims)

April 02, 2014 - Fort Hood Shooting (3 victims)

April 09, 2014 - Franklin High School Stabbing (25 wounded victims)

April 15, 2014 - Calgary stabbing (5 victims)

Some of them, ocurred in Brazil, Canada and Germany, while the others in the U.S. The April of this month had two stabbings and a few others ocurred too, where any gun was involved either and where in only one (the Calgary stabbing) are mortal victims. Most of those events ocurred in colleges and high schools and most of the perpetrators are young people. Also, this is happening more in our modern world and generation.

But, really have april something mysterious that provoke this events?, the change of seasons really could provoke something in people with mental illness?, or is because many of them are just copycats that want to do the same that last similar rampages?.

The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent; but if we can come to terms with this indifference and accept the challenges of life within the boundaries of death — however mutable man may be able to make them — our existence as a species can have genuine meaning and fulfillment. However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light

Last edited by Mj2beat on Fri May 02, 2014 2:50 am; edited 1 time in total
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April, Bloody, April... Empty
PostSubject: Re: April, Bloody, April...   April, Bloody, April... Icon_minitimeThu May 01, 2014 6:17 am

I remember to have once seen a graphic with the numbers of School Shootings ranked by month and as surprising it might be, the month with the highest amount of School Shootings was March and not April, although April followed closely.
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April, Bloody, April... Empty
PostSubject: Re: April, Bloody, April...   April, Bloody, April... Icon_minitimeThu May 01, 2014 8:03 am

Mj2beat wrote:
In Europe and Asia is May already,while here in America we are in a few hours to finish, what could be, the most "bloody" month of the year: April. Many mass shootings and massacres had took place in this month, between other several events like Hitler's birthday/death, bombings, genocides and Lincon's and Martin Luther King's murder. “April has historically been a whole month of assassination, mass murder and mayhem.” and why april?, in an article I read, this could be the explanation: “Some experts say that April is a time of change that can trigger a disturbed mind to act out. The sudden increase in light this time of year can drive people with certain mental illnesses to manic behavior, some said", “Spring, like medication, can bring them out of the winter’s depression". If is true that the change of season or month can depress more the people and provoke or get worse a mental illness, specially if these incidents are in some way related or influenced by each other (most of the school shootings of this month, are influenced  the Columbine high school massacre and the Columbine shooters mentioned in their diaries such events like the Oklahoma City bombing that took place in April too. Something thatcan  be another fact of why all these events happend in this month). There is still not enough proofs that can substantiate this. But whatever happen in April and whatever this month can cause in people's brain, in April,  almost every year, happen something and this is the list of most of the massacres/rampages and school shootings that took place this specifically month:

April 19, 1993 - Waco Siege. (76 victims)

April 19, 1995 - Oklahoma City Bombing. (168)

April 20, 1999 - Columbine High School Shooting. (13 victims)

April 28 - 1999 - W. R. Myers High School Shooting. (1 victim)

April 26, 2002 - Erfurt Massacre. (16 victims)

April 16, 2007 - VA Tech Shooting. (32 victims)

April 03, 2009 - Binghamton Shooting. (14 victims)

April 07, 2011 - The Tasso da Silveira Elementary and Middle School Shooting. (12 victims)

April 02, 2012 - Oikos University Shooting. (7 victims)

April 06, 2012 - Tulsa Shooting (3 victims)

April 04, 2013 - Boston Marathon Bombing (5 victims)

April 09, 2013 - Lone Star College Stabbing (14 wounded victims)

April 02, 2014 - Fort Hood Shooting (3 victims)

April 09, 2014 - Franklin High School Stabbing (25 wounded victims)

April 15, 2014 - Calgary stabbing (5 victims)

Some of them, ocurred in Brazil, Canada and Germany, while the others in the U.S. The April of this month had two stabbings and a few others ocurred too, where any gun was involved either and where in only one (the Calgary stabbing) are mortal victims. Most of those events ocurred in colleges and high schools and most of the perpetrators are young people. Also, this is happening more in our modern world and generation.

But, really have april something mysterious that provoke this events?, the change of seasons really could provoke something in people with mental illness?, or is because many of them are just copycats that want to do the same that last similar rampages?.

Interesting post. Good job.

"I’ll see you in Heaven if you make the list"
Zachary Patrick Bowen (March 7, 1995-November 5, 2021).
I miss you little brother.
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April, Bloody, April... Empty
PostSubject: Re: April, Bloody, April...   April, Bloody, April... Icon_minitimeThu May 01, 2014 11:16 am

Hale-Bopp wrote:
I remember to have once seen a graphic with the numbers of School Shootings ranked by month and as surprising it might be, the month with the highest amount of School Shootings was March and not April, although April followed closely.

Could be but I wasnt counting only school shootings, most of them are but in April also occurred bombings and genocides and shootings in other places, so the list is longer. Where do you see that graphic btw?

The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent; but if we can come to terms with this indifference and accept the challenges of life within the boundaries of death — however mutable man may be able to make them — our existence as a species can have genuine meaning and fulfillment. However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light
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April, Bloody, April... Empty
PostSubject: Re: April, Bloody, April...   April, Bloody, April... Icon_minitimeThu May 01, 2014 8:12 pm

Mj2beat wrote:
Hale-Bopp wrote:
I remember to have once seen a graphic with the numbers of School Shootings ranked by month and as surprising it might be, the month with the highest amount of School Shootings was March and not April, although April followed closely.

Could be but I wasnt counting only school shootings, most of them are but in April also occurred bombings and genocides and shootings in other places, so the list is longer. Where do you see that graphic btw?
Yes, that is true. I did see the graphic in a German book about School Shootings, I will search for it the next days at the internet.
You also could add the Alpheen Van Den Rijn Mall Shooting to your list, which happened on April 09 2011, just two days prior to the The Tasso da Silveira Elementary and Middle School Shooting.

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April, Bloody, April... Empty
PostSubject: Re: April, Bloody, April...   April, Bloody, April... Icon_minitimeFri May 02, 2014 2:53 am

Hale-Bopp wrote:
Mj2beat wrote:
Hale-Bopp wrote:
I remember to have once seen a graphic with the numbers of School Shootings ranked by month and as surprising it might be, the month with the highest amount of School Shootings was March and not April, although April followed closely.

Could be but I wasnt counting only school shootings, most of them are but in April also occurred bombings and genocides and shootings in other places, so the list is longer. Where do you see that graphic btw?
Yes, that is true. I did see the graphic in a German book about School Shootings, I will search for it the next days at the internet.
You also could add the Alpheen Van Den Rijn Mall Shooting to your list, which happened on April 09 2011, just two days prior to the The Tasso da Silveira Elementary and Middle School Shooting.

Thanks for reminded me that one, is on the list now. If you find the graphic or something similar, please share it to me. I am very interested on it .

The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent; but if we can come to terms with this indifference and accept the challenges of life within the boundaries of death — however mutable man may be able to make them — our existence as a species can have genuine meaning and fulfillment. However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light
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April, Bloody, April... Empty
PostSubject: Re: April, Bloody, April...   April, Bloody, April... Icon_minitimeSat Apr 18, 2015 5:04 pm

A quote from T.S. Eliot: "April is the cruelest month."
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April, Bloody, April... Empty
PostSubject: Re: April, Bloody, April...   April, Bloody, April... Icon_minitimeMon Apr 20, 2015 6:39 am

Well, I can offer some psychological info on this. In the northern hemisphere temperate climate zone (coveing most of Europe and a huge part of NorthAmerica) the period between mid March and late April is a turning point for most people as far as their internal hormonal balance shifts.
Longer days make a turning point where a depleted winter level of serotonin (whose production is linked to sunlight) starts to rise rapidly, which also can coincide with rising levels of endorphine and testosterone/estrogen for each sex.

This can cause an increase in a subjective "enegy" level for each person (the "Hey, let's go out and do stuff!" feeling), increased and intensified sexual behavioral patterns, but also increased agression and nervousness. For some people the winter-to-summer hormonal shift can be exhausting and cause a feeling of constant tiredness known by its german name frühjahrsmüdigkeit.

Of course its not the same ffor everyone, but the hormonal shift in temperate climates is a fact and has statistical consequences for many things, including crime and birth rates.

In spree killings in particular, IMHO this period can become a catalyst for the more disorganzied, more emotionally unstable or depressive individuals. If someone has a general idea of planning for a shooting, his internal inertia, depression, anxiety can prevent him from taking a specific date and planning for months ahead. The post winter shift may give him the boost he needs to take action. IMHO Cho would likely be a good example.

Life is like a tram - you need to know when to get off.

"Bullet Time" - a school shooting film from Poland
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April, Bloody, April... Empty
PostSubject: Re: April, Bloody, April...   April, Bloody, April... Icon_minitimeMon Apr 20, 2015 4:49 pm

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Easter Week-end: Black mass/black sabbath. To mock the death of Jesus Christ, a man is sacrificed on Good Friday. On Easter Sunday, known to satanists as unholy sunday, a woman or man is sacrificed followed by three days of fasting and chanting.

19 - 25  Sacrifice preparation:  kidnapping, holding and ceremonial preparation of person for human sacrifice.

25  The Da Muer ritual:  Grand climax.  Sex rituals and sacrifice of a woman or young girl.

30 Walpurgis night/Beltane: One of the most important nights on the satanic calendar. Blood rituals and human sacrifice take place.

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April, Bloody, April... Empty
PostSubject: Re: April, Bloody, April...   April, Bloody, April... Icon_minitimeSun Sep 25, 2022 5:57 am

The Monkseaton Shooting also happened in April.
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PostSubject: Re: April, Bloody, April...   April, Bloody, April... Icon_minitime

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