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 Dylan Klebold Follower?

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Dylan Klebold Follower? Empty
PostSubject: Dylan Klebold Follower?   Dylan Klebold Follower? Icon_minitimeSun May 04, 2014 2:54 am

Dylan as a follower: For Dave Cullen, Dylan was follower that didn't know anything what was going on and even wrote that Dylan only knew what happened on the day of the shooting. That is another BS. Dylan knew exactly what he was planning. He was not this innocent guy that Dave Cullen try to show to the readers. He knew what he was doing, he even was the one that had more fun during the shootings. Eric didn't force Dylan to do anything. For Dave Cullen, Eric was the evil one who lied through the years, like the juvenile diversion. For him, Eric lied through all Juvenile Diversion, unlike Dylan, who was honest. Well we have proof that actually the one who lied was Dylan, since he never admitted he had depression and was suicidal, unlike Eric who even wrote he was having homicidal thoughts. And according to Devon Adams, was Eric who followed Dylan in everything he liked, unlike Dave Cullen wrote. He even wrote that Dylan smoked Kamel cigarettes like Eric, but in fact he smoked Marlboro Menthol. Dylan was not this innocent guy, he was guilty just like Eric was.

If i remember , NBK came from Dylan ..

Also, in a different documentary, someone else (I believe it was Brooks Brown's parents) said that Eric was pretty stoic while Dylan was laughing, and was acting like he "was having the time of his life." Maybe both killers were enjoying it, but I heard people saying that Dylan was acting like he was having much more fun and enjoying it a lot more than Eric was.

+ Eric Harris was badly bullied and even Randy Brown  can admit that
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Dylan Klebold Follower? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold Follower?   Dylan Klebold Follower? Icon_minitimeSun May 04, 2014 3:51 am

columbine22 wrote:
And according to Devon Adams, was Eric who followed Dylan in everything he liked, unlike Dave Cullen wrote.
Well, I don't think it was everything... Didn't Eric introduce Dylan to Rammstein?
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Dylan Klebold Follower?
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