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 "Today is not a good day to be here"

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"Today is not a good day to be here" Empty
PostSubject: "Today is not a good day to be here"   "Today is not a good day to be here" Icon_minitimeSat Jun 07, 2014 3:51 pm

Can anyone speak or link to the legitimacy of this message that was supposedly put across the daily announcements? I was linked to it via another thread and am really considering the legitimacy of it. The daily news goes off in the AM, and Eric/Dylan are both not in the building, but it still plays? To me that either speaks of someone having knowledge of the event beforehand or to the lack of care by the people running the daily announcements.
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"Today is not a good day to be here" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Today is not a good day to be here"   "Today is not a good day to be here" Icon_minitimeSat Jun 07, 2014 4:11 pm

There are many differing accounts throughout the 11k of what students recalled the morning announcement saying.
Initially after the attack rumors were circulating that Eric / Dylan were behind the morning announcement or that somehow the message must have referred directly to the impending massacre.

Eric V, associate of E/D was responsible for posting the morning announcement on 4/20.

Quote :
Veik stated the RNN features a phrase of the day each day. He stated the phrase of the day that had been planned for, he did not feel was appropriate, so he changed it. He wrote the phrase, which was aired that morning. The phrase was "how could you expect us to stay in school on a day like this?" Veik stated the original phrase of the day was by James Davis, a senior. The phrase was "quit your bitching." Davis told Veik he didn't care if it was inappropriate because he was going to be graduating in 16 days. Veik went ahead and changed the phrase because he felt it was inappropriate

The quote was reportedly a reference to the good weather.
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"Today is not a good day to be here" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Today is not a good day to be here"   "Today is not a good day to be here" Icon_minitimeSat Jun 07, 2014 4:14 pm

Thanks for the help Queen Farooq. Interesting name.
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"Today is not a good day to be here" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Today is not a good day to be here"   "Today is not a good day to be here" Icon_minitimeSat Jun 07, 2014 4:27 pm

brewcrew86 wrote:
Thanks for the help Queen Farooq.  Interesting name.

That's OK. There are many different rumors about what the phrase of the day was on 4/20.
Still the phrase that Veik reported posting is quite spooky considering the terrible events that unfolded later in the day. I do have some notes somewhere regarding this "phrase of the day" and exactly what other students remembered, i'll have a look for it and post it in this thread.
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"Today is not a good day to be here" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Today is not a good day to be here"   "Today is not a good day to be here" Icon_minitimeSat Jun 07, 2014 4:35 pm

Very much appreciated. I am not new to this incident but lack in knowledge concerned - any help is greatly appreciated. In no way do i condone what happened, but I am very interested in wondering why.

Even just the fact Eric was so intelligent, to me it's interesting to just look at a time you couldnt just "google" things to figure them out. I am saddened by the events that took place, but am always interested in why, same as EARONS (which imo is far, far worse. 50 victims and no one ever caught)

So thank you very much for the help.
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"Today is not a good day to be here" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Today is not a good day to be here"   "Today is not a good day to be here" Icon_minitimeSat Jun 07, 2014 4:35 pm

Very much appreciated. I am not new to this incident but lack in knowledge concerned - any help is greatly appreciated. In no way do i condone what happened, but I am very interested in wondering why.

Even just the fact Eric was so intelligent, to me it's interesting to just look at a time you couldnt just "google" things to figure them out. I am saddened by the events that took place, but am always interested in why, same as EARONS (which imo is far, far worse. 50 victims and no one ever caught)

So thank you very much for the help.
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"Today is not a good day to be here" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Today is not a good day to be here"   "Today is not a good day to be here" Icon_minitimeSun Jun 08, 2014 10:11 pm

Perhaps the message was referring to the date's association with marijuana. "Today is not a good day to be here" or, "how could you expect us to stay in school on a day like this?" could just mean that they'd rather be spending the day smoking weed.

Perhaps not, though.
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"Today is not a good day to be here" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Today is not a good day to be here"   "Today is not a good day to be here" Icon_minitimeMon Jun 09, 2014 7:47 am

fatlittleparasite wrote:
Perhaps the message was referring to the date's association with marijuana. "Today is not a good day to be here" or, "how could you expect us to stay in school on a day like this?" could just mean that they'd rather be spending the day smoking weed.

Perhaps not, though.

Veik does mention earlier in his statement that everybody was discussing "4-20," and he believed that was the time people would go out smoking marijuana. pg(10914)
Just to reiterate the phrase Veik says he wrote was: "How could you expect us to stay in school on a day like this?"
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"Today is not a good day to be here" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Today is not a good day to be here"   "Today is not a good day to be here" Icon_minitimeMon Jun 09, 2014 8:15 am

Then this thread is as good as closed. Nice weather, national weed holiday and high school. At least I know what was exactly stated, thanks again.
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"Today is not a good day to be here" Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Today is not a good day to be here"   "Today is not a good day to be here" Icon_minitime

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