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 Does HATE need to have a reason to exist?

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Fox Mulder

Fox Mulder

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Does HATE need to have a reason to exist? Empty
PostSubject: Does HATE need to have a reason to exist?   Does HATE need to have a reason to exist? Icon_minitimeTue Oct 31, 2023 2:48 am

338. No. Hate, like any feeling, if it is not based on social interdependence, does not need to have an origin. all feelings whose causality arises from emotional dependence and not from will or spontaneity, are nothing more than reactions to the existing environment. The same goes for violence or any other feeling. Hate, love, be violent, why? because yes. When the social reason is transcended, all sense of humanity is destroyed. This applies to any type of conscious being, which is independent of society for its behavior. .338

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Fox Mulder

Fox Mulder

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Does HATE need to have a reason to exist? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does HATE need to have a reason to exist?   Does HATE need to have a reason to exist? Icon_minitimeTue Oct 31, 2023 2:53 am

Tim Kretschmer appears to have been one of the few to come close. obviously developing totally destructive violent behavior. All killers have some type of motivation caused by something other than will, at least until now.
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Does HATE need to have a reason to exist? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Does HATE need to have a reason to exist?   Does HATE need to have a reason to exist? Icon_minitimeTue Oct 31, 2023 10:25 am

Hate does have a reason to exist. Hating everyone is fun.
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PostSubject: Re: Does HATE need to have a reason to exist?   Does HATE need to have a reason to exist? Icon_minitime

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Does HATE need to have a reason to exist?
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