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 Premonitions of Death

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PostSubject: Premonitions of Death    Premonitions of Death  Icon_minitimeThu Aug 28, 2014 6:03 pm

Premonition words of some Columbine victims about their deaths:

Isaiah Shoels:
“Finally, Shoels recalls that even Isaiah possibly had a premonition of his death. ‘My son told me and my wife, ‘Daddy, what would you do if someone gunned us down?’ Me and my wife asked him why he was talking like that. He said, ‘I'm just asking you a hypothetical question. What would you all do if someone gunned us down; would you gun them down?’ And, ‘would we go kill them?’ I said, ‘No son, you can't fight hate with hate. But if you or any one of your other siblings get killed over foul play, whatever that foul play was, I will fight it until the day I die.’ And it just so happened to be racism and hate and I mean that, I'm going to fight it until the day I die.”

Kyle Velasquez:
“Al was home mowing the grass when a neighbor told him about the shootings. He picked up Phyllis from her job at Mervyn’s department store. When Al told his wife about the shooting, she had a terrible premonition. ‘I just knew right then I was never seeing Kyle again. It was one of those mom things."

Cassie Bernall:
“‘P.S. Honestly, I want to live completely for God. It’s hard and scary, but totally worth it."
“’I will die for my God. I will die for my faith. It’s the least I can do for Christ dying for me."
"Now I have given up on everything else I have found it to be the only way to really know Christ and to experience the mighty power that brought Him back to life again, and to find Out what it means to suffer and to Die with him. So, whatever it takes I will be one who lives in the fresh Newness of life of those who are Alive from the dead.”

John Tomlin:
”The night before his death, John stayed up until after 2 A.M. talking on the phone with his girlfriend, Michelle Oetter. She was sharing with John about some problems she was having with one of her friends. As their conversation wound down and they were close to saying goodbye, Michelle recalls that John said the strangest thing. He said, ‘Michelle, I know you’re going through some tough times in your relationship with your friend, but even if I am not around to help, remember you can always turn to God”.

Rachel Scott:
"Over her last three weeks she knew that time was short... she felt it in her gut. Rachel's Diary... which is a whole other Christian Story in itself, describes in detail that she didn't understand what was going to happen, but that something was up and she wouldn't be around for long. She Told her friends and wrote in the diary that some kind of sacrifice was going to have to be made and she said "she was ready to make it." On the Day of her death she wrote in her diary "Lord this is the end... I've gotten what I can."
''I'm dying,'' she wrote weeks before she was murdered. ''I consider it homicide. The world you have created for me has led to my death.''

Lauren Townsend:
"she had a keen premonition of her own early death. Amazingly, she left a four-page will and, shortly before the shooting, wrote in her diary that she had "learned and done everything God wanted me to do here"

What do you all think about this?, do you think that is a coincidence or part of something dark like I read once?
I just think that some people are more sensible to have these sort of feelings. Parents and victims of the Columbine Massacre were just some of them.

The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent; but if we can come to terms with this indifference and accept the challenges of life within the boundaries of death — however mutable man may be able to make them — our existence as a species can have genuine meaning and fulfillment. However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light
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PostSubject: Re: Premonitions of Death    Premonitions of Death  Icon_minitimeFri Aug 29, 2014 8:53 am

Where have you found these quotes especially about Tomlin? it's pretty interesing I've never read these before. What's strike me the most is how often they invoked to God.
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PostSubject: Re: Premonitions of Death    Premonitions of Death  Icon_minitimeFri Aug 29, 2014 11:23 am

wow very mind blowing... like some of them knew they would die soon...
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Juicy Jazzy

Juicy Jazzy

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PostSubject: Re: Premonitions of Death    Premonitions of Death  Icon_minitimeFri Aug 29, 2014 11:33 am

I don't know about the others but whenever I read those diary quotes from Rachel am I the only one that believes that she wasn't predicting the shooting, but was suicidal and was predicting her death by her own hands?
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PostSubject: Re: Premonitions of Death    Premonitions of Death  Icon_minitimeFri Aug 29, 2014 11:55 am

@juicy jazzy: i had the feeling that sometimes she thought about suicide.
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Juicy Jazzy

Juicy Jazzy

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PostSubject: Re: Premonitions of Death    Premonitions of Death  Icon_minitimeFri Aug 29, 2014 2:29 pm

em81 wrote:
@juicy jazzy: i had the feeling that sometimes she thought about suicide.

She was a social butterfly being constrained by her religion. Her diary entries made it clear she would often question God's existence. Plus apparently she had great disdain for her parents (mentioned by Devon Adams in her blog that Rachel would often get worked up about her parents when in drama class). She seemed like one of those girls who would thrive in a party/social environment, she probably wanted to drink with her friends and have sex with her boyfriend, but her faithfulness kept her away from that. Throw in the usual teen angst experienced by everyone her age and thats recipe for her manic depression clearly shown in her diary.
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PostSubject: Re: Premonitions of Death    Premonitions of Death  Icon_minitimeFri Aug 29, 2014 2:55 pm

I found them in several articles about them that I read a while ago, the ones of Rachel are the most known but like Juicy Jazzy I also think that Rachel was suicidal and depress and that maybe Isaiah was talking about an act of racism againts him or his family in general what in the end happened to him at Columbine but whatever they meant with those quotes, is very surprising like shortly after talk about death several times they really died.

The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent; but if we can come to terms with this indifference and accept the challenges of life within the boundaries of death — however mutable man may be able to make them — our existence as a species can have genuine meaning and fulfillment. However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light
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PostSubject: Re: Premonitions of Death    Premonitions of Death  Icon_minitimeFri Aug 29, 2014 8:00 pm

what you didn´t mention is the conversation between Daniel Mauser and his father before the shooting. he talked with his dad about gun laws. (but i am not really sure what he said) but i think that´s the reason why his fater is active in this topic. think that is interesting too.
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PostSubject: Re: Premonitions of Death    Premonitions of Death  Icon_minitimeSat Aug 30, 2014 2:21 am

em81 wrote:
what you didn´t mention is the conversation between Daniel Mauser and his father before the shooting. he talked with his dad about gun laws. (but i am not really sure what he said) but i think that´s the reason why his fater is active in this topic. think that is interesting too.

You are right, I totally forgot about it and I will try to look for it to add it.

The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent; but if we can come to terms with this indifference and accept the challenges of life within the boundaries of death — however mutable man may be able to make them — our existence as a species can have genuine meaning and fulfillment. However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light
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PostSubject: Re: Premonitions of Death    Premonitions of Death  Icon_minitimeTue Sep 02, 2014 3:55 am

Also Sean Graves had a recurring dream about being shot. After the shooting, he didn't have any more of those dreams.
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PostSubject: Re: Premonitions of Death    Premonitions of Death  Icon_minitimeThu May 04, 2017 8:20 pm

mrc123 wrote:
Also Sean Graves had a recurring dream about being shot.  After the shooting, he didn't have any more of those dreams.  

mrc123 wrote:
Also Sean Graves had a recurring dream about being shot.  After the shooting, he didn't have any more of those dreams.  

These are too premonitory to be a coincidence. I think the students could've  sort of known what E&D were planning. Sean Graves thing sounds even more premonitory b/c after the shooting he'd have PTSD dreams, esp after the shock wore off.

Tom sounded more like he was just saying "if I'm not available at the time you can talk to God" and Cassie only sounded like she wanted to devote her entire life to Jesus.

** It does seem like Rachel could've had some depression issues.  

She was the most premonitory. She knew she wouldn't live to marry. And even knew she had 1 year to live the year before columbine.
She drew her eyes with 13 tears that turned to blood watering a rose, from a Columbine plant. She drew it a year earlier & on the last page of her most recent diary.

She also talked about a cold, cruel wind that wanted to blow her candle  out. She also predicted her death as homicide.  She was the most scarily premonitory & the 1st death.  Even her quote about one act of kindness starting a chain reaction.

On April 20, 1998 she even wrote “I have no personal friends at school. But you know what…it’s all worth it to me…If I have to sacrifice everything I will.”  

It sounds like she was suicidal. Like school wasn't worth suicide over but suicide was still worth it. Still very strange date. And even stranger picture she drew on that date.   There was no way she could've guessed 13 deaths w/ her 13 tears, E&D planned more & no one could know who'd die.

It also sounds like she'd sacrifice for the school even if she didn't have much friends.

Maybe she was suicidal but also knew E&D would attack & didn't mind being a victim for better change.

She'd could've had an idea(their school shooting essay) & didn't want to tell authorities, who ignored red flags anyways. B/c E&D could target her family. The drawing was her premonitory muse.

And Isiagh  using the words "gunning us down" was scarily accurate. Even if it sounded like he meant racial crimes. He prob knew there was a good chance they'd gun him down one day like Rachel & didn't tell authorities for the same reason. Though talking about it w/ his dad that day was premonitory. Since it was  wrong time, wrong place for him.
Townsted had to too, she suddenly wrote a 4 page will out of nowhere. She had to know they'd kill them. She prob ddin't tell authorities for the same reason as Rachel.

Kyle's mom definitely had a real premonition. But she had to hear about Eric's violent death threats or the pipe bomb his father found.

They were remonitions, other things,  knowing E&D would kill them, or all 3. I bet Brown was behind why parents didn't want to press charges in his name for the death threats (Let it just blow over w/ the misunderstood psycho kid). But if other kids thought E&D could shoot up why didn't Brown decide to press charges? Or did Brown disagree?
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PostSubject: Re: Premonitions of Death    Premonitions of Death  Icon_minitimeFri May 05, 2017 12:00 am

Don't forget Sue Klebold's premonition she mentioned in her book. Where as she was holding Dylan in her arms at birth it was as if a bird of prey passed over them and she has this immediate feeling that this child would bring her terrible sorrow. She didn't recall this premonition again until the day after Columbine
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