EH/DK Harassed
John Savage [566] DK teased for clothes
Josh Chavez [736] DK made fun of in gym; called “Stretch”;
uncoordinated, not good at sports
Danielle Danford [770] DK once spoke of jocks giving him
Patrice Doyle [785] both teased about trench coats, but
mildly; teased for bowling weird; not teased until they wore trench coats; last year EH was looked up to as smart
Keith Parkison [1,070] stayed away from EH when he and other
TCM began harassing people
Joseph Ragole [1,102] jocks picked on EH/DK in halls
Justin Baer [1,290] jocks once picked on EH in gym, pushed
him into lockers
Amy Evans [2,961] both teased for trenchcoats on hot days
Angela Nelson [3,896] EH occasionally harassed by jocks
David Smith [4,454] EH teased, but not badly; others had it
Steve Trujillo [4,650] heard that jocks had slammed EH and
DK into lockers, but he never saw it
Scott Rathbun [5,085] both teased previous year by kids who
graduated; doesn’t understand why EH/DK would do such a thing to people who had never done anything to them
Jordan Grimm [5,701–02] he teased DK about coat
Mr. Peter Horvath (CHS dean) [5,708] 3–4 weeks prior to
attack, EH and DK said a student was mouthy to them
Susan DeWitt [6,196] EH mad at Mike Dinkle for making fun of
him (apparently this was behind EH’s back); (also noted in Susan’s report on p. 18,390) EH upset/hurt that
Mike Dinkle made fun of him)
Dustin Harrison [6,576] teased about clothes; [6577]
teachers did not intervene when EH/DK were harassed in class
Dustin Thurmon [7,261] made fun of EH/DK for trench coats in
90 degrees; taunted them in bowling class
Mollie Weksler [7,357–58] teachers and a staff member picked
on EH/DK
Frank Zirger [7,412] if any made fun of DK, he let it roll
off his back; never saw EH/DK express anger toward others
Chris Morris [9,823] EH picked on by jocks because he was
Mr. Robert Kirgis (Blackjack Pizza Owner) [10,160/10,170] heard EH/DK mention they
were picked on by jocks
(Redacted) [10,264] relentless in his abuse of EH during
gym; EH bad in sports; others teased him, too
(Redacted) [10,265] had friends who taunted EH
(Redacted) [10,273] made fun of EH in gym; had big head on
skinny body; made fun of lots of people (not just EH)
Mr. Robert Kirgis (Blackjack Pizza Owner) [
[10,490–92] EH and DK said they got picked on
because they were nerds
Mr. and Mrs. Klebold [10,509] said DK said that EH was picked
“Once, during sophomore year, Dylan said something to Tom about
“hating the jocks.” Tom asked him if they were giving him a hard time, and Dylan answered with confidence: “They don’t bother me. I’m six four. But they sure give Eric hell.” – Sue Klebold, “A Mother’s Reckoning”
Kristi Epling / Alyssa Sechler [10,718–19] EH was teased by
jocks for how he dressed and his size
Cory Friesen [10,726] he thought EH/DK were picked on
constantly at school1
Chris Morris [10,834–35] EH picked on more than DK; EH
depressed about his size and getting picked on
Robert Perry [10,853] “like a lot of other TCM members, he
[EH] had been constantly picked on, taunted, and had food thrown at him”
Mike Paavilainen [16,418] EH/DK teased more in junior year
by jocks who graduated in 1998; EH teased for “heil Hitler” salute in bowling
(Redacted) [18,989] student had run-ins with Rocky
Hoffschneider, who had also harassed EH/DK
(Redacted) [19,648] years ago DK made fun of because he
didn’t fit in and was very odd
(Redacted) [19,710] he and others teased EH relentlessly in
gym because he was bad at sports.
Other accounts:
In fact, a typical Columbine school day for Harris and
Klebold was torture.
Former student Devon Adams told the Governor’s Columbine
Review Commission that the boys were regularly called homos, fags, losers,
weirdos, and freaks.’
Nathan Vanderau witnessed a cup of human feces
being thrown at Eric and Dylan.