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 Evan Todd?

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Lunkhead McGrath
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PostSubject: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 28, 2016 3:37 am

I read one of his interviews yesterday and he doesn't feel any remorse for the way he bullied Eric and Dylan, how can he not? He should know by now bullying is wrong.

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PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 28, 2016 4:09 am

He seems to be a waster from everything I have read about him, from his comments directly after the attack condoning the ridicule and bullying they received to the article where he lost his college ring... somehow managed to get the word hero in that article if I remember rightly... erghh he seems a real oxygen thief of the world

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PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 28, 2016 10:38 am

Of all the innocent, good kids they killed that day and they *intentionally* let this guy live?? If anything he should've been the first to go, especially all the shit he talked about the outcasts at that school after the shooting. I get they probably didn't really know him but still. At least Dylan called him fat.
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PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 28, 2016 10:48 am

If I chose to look way deeper, them being unable to shoot a bully right infront of them is an indication that even though they have a gun in their hands they're still weaker and intimidated by him. It was okay for them to kill the innocent ones cause in contrast they have the power and control over them. Also, they made too long of a contact with Evan, and talking to him, so an instant shot couldn't happen. They humanised him way too much at the moment.

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PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 28, 2016 11:14 am

shades wrote:
If I chose to look way deeper, them being unable to shoot a bully right infront of them is an indication that even though they have a gun in their hands they're still weaker and intimidated by him. It was okay for them to kill the innocent ones cause in contrast they have the power and control over them. Also, they made too long of a contact with Evan, and talking to him, so an instant shot couldn't happen. They humanised him way too much at the moment.

I had thought about the humanizing part too. I also wonder if maybe they spared him b/c the adrenaline was starting to wear off, this being after Eric broke his nose and Evan being the last person in the library they talked to before leaving to go shoot at the bombs and wander the halls. But still, this guy was a piece of shit.
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Lunkhead McGrath

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PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 28, 2016 12:45 pm

The guy seems like a real jerkoff, but I will say this much: that had a world famous shooting happened at my high school, my reaction in the immediate aftermath, once I would have known who the killers were, I would have openly denounced them. I guess I wouldn't have condoned bullying so much as I would have said that they could take their precious feelings and shove them up their butt if violating them means that they have to blow away a bunch of people that for the most part they didn't even know.
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PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 28, 2016 1:21 pm

Lunkhead Mcgrath wrote:
The guy seems like a real jerkoff, but I will say this much: that had a world famous shooting happened at my high school, my reaction in the immediate aftermath, once I would have known who the killers were, I would have openly denounced them. I guess I wouldn't have condoned bullying so much as I would have said that they could take their precious feelings and shove them up their butt if violating them means that they have to blow away a bunch of people that for the most part they didn't even know.

You're actually right.

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PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 28, 2016 1:55 pm

I don't think Dylan would be forgotten or dismissed who ever made him bad. However he is "just killing people", who didn't even know him. Most likely he was undecided what Todd assured him that he never had any problems with them, so his "goal" became more animated, more real. In addition, they were in a hurry. So I think Todd just lucky. And I'm sure he knows it.

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PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 28, 2016 4:41 pm

Lunkhead McGrath wrote:
The guy seems like a real jerkoff, but I will say this much: that had a world famous shooting happened at my high school, my reaction in the immediate aftermath, once I would have known who the killers were, I would have openly denounced them.  I guess I wouldn't have condoned bullying so much as I would have said that they could take their precious feelings and shove them up their butt if violating them means that they have to blow away a bunch of people that for the most part they didn't even know.  

I get this. However his statement after the shooting kinda condemned All the outcasts, and the examples he used didn't weren't even things e&d did (weird hair, wearing horns on their hats, etc). People with his mentality are probably the reason why outcast kids at schools all over the country dealt with repercussions after the shooting, like a guilty by association deal. Also makes me wonder if his statement helped encouraged the early myths that e&d were goths who wore makeup and listened to Marilyn Manson
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PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 28, 2016 5:22 pm

He is a pure and utter scumbag. A truly horrible person and everybody like him.

Falling out of airplanes and hiding out in holes
Waiting for the sunset to come, people going home
Jump out from behind them and shoot them in the head
Now everybody dancing, the dance of the dead
The dance of the dead, the dance of the dead
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PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 28, 2016 5:47 pm

Kiwik wrote:
Lunkhead McGrath wrote:
The guy seems like a real jerkoff, but I will say this much: that had a world famous shooting happened at my high school, my reaction in the immediate aftermath, once I would have known who the killers were, I would have openly denounced them.  I guess I wouldn't have condoned bullying so much as I would have said that they could take their precious feelings and shove them up their butt if violating them means that they have to blow away a bunch of people that for the most part they didn't even know.  

I get this. However his statement after the shooting kinda condemned All the outcasts, and the examples he used didn't weren't even things e&d did (weird hair, wearing horns on their hats, etc).  People with his mentality are probably the reason why outcast kids at schools all over the country dealt with repercussions after the shooting, like a guilty by association deal.  Also makes me wonder if his statement helped encouraged the early myths that e&d were goths who wore makeup and listened to Marilyn Manson
Look at Evan Todd now, a worthless fatass. Smile. People like this lard ass is the reason their should be anti-bullying prevention programs. He probably felt insecure around Eric and Dylan, they were smart with computers and had high intelligence, I can't believe I'm defending these murderers, but people like Todd should look in the mirror before they judge anyone.

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Lunkhead McGrath

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PostSubject: bullying, etc.   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 28, 2016 9:50 pm

"He probably felt insecure around Eric and Dylan, they were smart with computers and had high intelligence"

I....think you're projecting a bit there. Lots of high schools really do seem to belong to the Jock Bully types; high schools really fail to reward (PROPERLY reward, that is) intellect or knowledge. Really a lot of high schools are just day care centers for athletes. In fact day care, not learning, is probably the primary purpose of high school now. Kids like Evan Todd were socially rewarded for acting like Evan Todd; intellect gets shut out of high school for pretty much precisely that reason. Kids who speak up and actually discuss things in class are dismissed as know-it-alls, "hey shut up you," even by their teachers. The idea that some big tough guy who could snap necks is secretly pissed off that he can't design DOOM levels like "the weird Eric kid" rings a bit false to me.

Don't forget, Columbine is located in the Midwest. Sure, it wasn't a "redneck" high school (albeit very very white--look at that class photo again!) but I'm willing to bet a huge, huge number of Midwestern high school kids in general and Columbine students in particular would have been happy to trash E&D as "f*ggots" or whatever for the cameras. Or, just amongst themselves. I'm from the Midwest and trying to "understand" guys like E&D or feel any sympathy for them, let alone the freaky "OMG Dylan was so cute" type crap that's all over the Internet, would have not AT ALL been popular sentiments at my high school in April 1999--in fact they would have been pretty much nonexistent. The prevailing sentiment? "Fuck those motherfuckers."

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PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 28, 2016 10:30 pm

Lunkhead McGrath wrote:
"He probably felt insecure around Eric and Dylan, they were smart with computers and had high intelligence"

I....think you're projecting a bit there.  Lots of high schools really do seem to belong to the Jock Bully types; high schools really fail to reward (PROPERLY reward, that is) intellect or knowledge.  Really a lot of high schools are just day care centers for athletes.  In fact day care, not learning, is probably the primary purpose of high school now.  Kids like Evan Todd were socially rewarded for acting like Evan Todd; intellect gets shut out of high school for pretty much precisely that reason.  Kids who speak up and actually discuss things in class are dismissed as know-it-alls, "hey shut up you," even by their teachers.  The idea that some big tough guy who could snap necks is secretly pissed off that he can't design DOOM levels like "the weird Eric kid" rings a bit false to me.  

Don't forget, Columbine is located in the Midwest.  Sure, it wasn't a "redneck" high school (albeit very very white--look at that class photo again!) but I'm willing to bet a huge, huge number of Midwestern high school kids in general and Columbine students in particular would have been happy to trash E&D as "f*ggots" or whatever for the cameras.  Or, just amongst themselves.  I'm from the Midwest and trying to "understand" guys like E&D or feel any sympathy for them, let alone the freaky "OMG Dylan was so cute" type crap that's all over the Internet, would have not AT ALL been popular sentiments at my high school in April 1999--in fact they would have been pretty much nonexistent.  The prevailing sentiment?  "Fuck those motherfuckers."  
Wow sounds like your high school was filled with rednecks, no offense. I wouldn't want no part of it.
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PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 29, 2016 10:26 am

How do we know for a fact that Evan Todd bullied Eric and Dylan?

I doubt that he did. If he says he did he probably made it up.
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PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 29, 2016 12:53 pm

I think It was along the lines of like Evan was asked if he ever did sth to Eric and Dylan and he answered something like everybody did, they were weirdos , etc etc I'm not sure if he directly said that HE did. He knew that he was a jock so by default Eric and Dylan might've targeted him. On the day itself when Dylan asked him why shouldn't we shoot you Evan replied cause I don't want any trouble. Then he claimed Dylan replied "Trouble? You don't know what trouble is."

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PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 29, 2016 12:53 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 29, 2016 12:54 pm

If you guys haven't seen

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PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 29, 2016 12:56 pm

He looks like he's trying to be a better person. He doesn't look that bad really.

What if he's able to change and has learnt his lesson? Aren't everyone during high school horrible sometimes? We all used to be part of peer pressure.

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PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 29, 2016 2:04 pm

I don't believe that Evan Todd bullied Eric and Dylan. He later claimed to have bullied them along with "the whole school," so that is not really an admission of his personal involvement in bullying.

He also claimed they were into witchcraft and said they engaged in romantic displays of affection in public, so his comments are not trustworthy.

When Dylan saw Evan Todd in the library he clearly did not recognize him and Dylan was a person who remembered every slight. Further evidence that Evan Todd never bullied them.
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PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 29, 2016 2:16 pm

Right, he just saw Evan as a jock wearing a white hat at the time.

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PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 29, 2016 2:32 pm

Whether Evan was directly linked to them or not he has admitted he was a bully and had made some ridiculous comments following the incident and saw himself as the victim throughout.. a few years later he lost his college ring and there is a article about him getting it back.. he seemed like a bit of a dick in his quoted statements then too.. whether it was them or anyone else he probably was more of a problem (in their eyes) to the school than say Rachel Scott or most of the other innocents.
I have no idea why he was spared but you can be sure it wasn't because he was not known or a good guy

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PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 29, 2016 3:05 pm

Page 000174 (edited):

Evan Todd then explained Dylan Klebold began to question him while still pointing the Tec-9 up towards his face. Dylan asked, "Are you a jock?" Evan responded, "No." Dylan next commented, "Well, that's good, we don't like jocks." There was a brief pause, after which Dylan said, "Let me see your face," At that point, Evan removed his hat and tilted his face in an upward direction. Dylan looked him straight in the eyes and stated, "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you," Evan responded, "I don't want to get in trouble." Dylan became angry and leaned down closer to him, stating, "trouble? You don't even know what fucking trouble is." Evan responded to Dylan by stating, "That's not what I meant, I mean, I don't have a problem with you guys, I never will and I never did." Dylan continued to stare at him for a moment and then looked away, stating "I'm gonna' let this fat fuck live, you can have at him if you want to." Evan indicated Eric Harris never acknowledged Dylan's statement and simply responded by stating, "let's go to the commons."

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PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 29, 2016 3:14 pm

It actually makes me mad that Eric and Dylan set out to shoot all the people that did them wrong, and instead ended up killing random people they didn't even know. They let guys like Evan go, but went and shot people like Rachel Scott who didn't do anything to them.

Obviously none of the victims deserved to die, but it still makes no sense considering how intent they were on getting revenge on the jocks.

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PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 29, 2016 3:19 pm

Quote :
"Evan responded to Dylan by stating, "That's not what I meant, I mean, I don't have a problem with you guys, I never will and I never did."

And there's no way to know if him saying that is true. If it is then yeah, he probably never messed with E&D directly.

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PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 29, 2016 6:48 pm

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Luck and a lie saved wrestler
April 22, 1999
By Norm Clarke
Rocky Mountain Denver Rocky Mountain News Staff Writer

Columbine High sophomore Evan Todd lied when a gunman came into the library, shoved a shotgun in his face and asked him if he was a jock.

"I said no I wasn't," said the 15-year-old Todd, a member of the school's varsity wrestling team.

"I told him, 'I have no problem with you. I've never done anything to you. I just want to live."'

He was spared, he's convinced, because he didn't wear his favorite baseball cap. The one with the word Navy on it.

The one he wore instead sported a shamrock.

"That was my lucky charm."

Todd figures he was among nine or 10 survivors from the library, where most of the bodies were found after two Columbine students went on a shooting rampage.

He was in the library Tuesday when he heard explosions in the hallway.

"I glanced around the corner of the library and they shot at me with a shotgun. I dove behind a coffee machine," said Todd.

One of the gunmen, identified by Todd as Dylan Klebold, walked up to him and put the shotgun in his face.

After the exchange, Klebold turned away.

"They (Klebold and Eric Harris) went walking up and down the aisles, watching each other's backs, shooting people on the floor."

One of the shooters turned back and sprayed bullets at the coffee machine, where Todd was taking shelter. He was treated for eight minor wounds from flying wood and plastic debris.

"I heard maybe 50-60 shots in the library and they chucked four-five pipebombs in the room," he said.

"They kept saying jocks made them feel like outcasts. Then they said they were going to the cafeteria to get more people," said Todd.

He bolted from the library when the gunmen left.

Todd had gone to the library Tuesday to work on a report.

Its title? School uniforms, health behavior and crime.

"It was about if kids wore uniforms would violence be reduced," Todd said. "I thought about it today, about what a coincidence."

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Lunkhead McGrath

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PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 29, 2016 7:12 pm

"Wow sounds like your high school was filled with rednecks, no offense. I wouldn't want no part of it."

I attended high school in northeastern Kansas, one state over from Columbine, I was 16 when it happened. Yes, it's full of rednecks and a-holes. Was. Probably still is.

Note: Eric and Dylan are listed as Colorado's entry in the "Absolute Worst Person From Each State." I found it weird in that list that nobody from California is apparently worse than the Zodiac Killer.
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PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeFri Dec 30, 2016 12:27 am

To be honest, I don't really mind Evan now. I mean okay, yeah he says some troubling things in the beginning, he's blunt, not sure if he's still ignorant but he's a little better now.

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Last edited by shades on Fri Dec 30, 2016 12:35 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeFri Dec 30, 2016 12:29 am

Lunkhead McGrath wrote:
"Wow sounds like your high school was filled with rednecks, no offense. I wouldn't want no part of it."

I attended high school in northeastern Kansas, one state over from Columbine, I was 16 when it happened.   Yes, it's full of rednecks and a-holes.  Was.  Probably still is.  

Note: Eric and Dylan are listed as Colorado's entry in the "Absolute Worst Person From Each State."  I found it weird in that list that nobody from California is apparently worse than the Zodiac Killer.  
Well, let's be fair, they did kill 12 people.
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PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeFri Dec 30, 2016 12:31 am

I know Colorado is more liberal than it was in the past, but maybe they would've fared better at a high school in California or New York where they might be more accepting of the 2 guys since those states are really liberal.

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PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeFri Dec 30, 2016 8:59 pm

Note: Eric and Dylan are listed as Colorado's entry in the "Absolute Worst Person From Each State."  I found it weird in that list that nobody from California is apparently worse than the Zodiac Killer.  [/quote]
Well, let's be fair, they did kill 12 people.[/quote]

I don't know who from Colorado would be worse--and I also don't know if that list was compiled before James Eagan Holmes went on his little movie-kill. (Screw that creep, too. Also he didn't look like the joker, if anything the pic of him I saw made him look like Cillian Murphy, the Scarecrow.)
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PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeFri Dec 30, 2016 10:16 pm

sororityalpha wrote:
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Luck and a lie saved wrestler
April 22, 1999
By Norm Clarke
Rocky Mountain Denver Rocky Mountain News Staff Writer

Columbine High sophomore Evan Todd lied when a gunman came into the library, shoved a shotgun in his face and asked him if he was a jock.

"I said no I wasn't," said the 15-year-old Todd, a member of the school's varsity wrestling team.

"I told him, 'I have no problem with you. I've never done anything to you. I just want to live."'

He was spared, he's convinced, because he didn't wear his favorite baseball cap. The one with the word Navy on it.

The one he wore instead sported a shamrock.

"That was my lucky charm."

Todd figures he was among nine or 10 survivors from the library, where most of the bodies were found after two Columbine students went on a shooting rampage.

He was in the library Tuesday when he heard explosions in the hallway.

"I glanced around the corner of the library and they shot at me with a shotgun. I dove behind a coffee machine," said Todd.

One of the gunmen, identified by Todd as Dylan Klebold, walked up to him and put the shotgun in his face.

After the exchange, Klebold turned away.

"They (Klebold and Eric Harris) went walking up and down the aisles, watching each other's backs, shooting people on the floor."

One of the shooters turned back and sprayed bullets at the coffee machine, where Todd was taking shelter. He was treated for eight minor wounds from flying wood and plastic debris.

"I heard maybe 50-60 shots in the library and they chucked four-five pipebombs in the room," he said.

"They kept saying jocks made them feel like outcasts. Then they said they were going to the cafeteria to get more people," said Todd.

He bolted from the library when the gunmen left.

Todd had gone to the library Tuesday to work on a report.

Its title? School uniforms, health behavior and crime.

"It was about if kids wore uniforms would violence be reduced," Todd said. "I thought about it today, about what a coincidence."
It's sad they made them feel like outcasts. Noone deserves to be shunned. I don't get it, what is so wrong with being friends with everyone in high school including the jocks?

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PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeSat Dec 31, 2016 3:26 am

bradt93 wrote:
It's sad they made them feel like outcasts. Noone deserves to be shunned. I don't get it, what is so wrong with being friends with everyone in high school including the jocks?
In fairness the guys themselves taunted by the other children.

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PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeThu Jan 05, 2017 4:20 am

I stand by what I said before though, Evan Todd and the others had no right being bullies to them. Who knows, Evan Todd may of saw those guys of actually cool if it wasn't for belonging to a certain "group" and trying to impress everyone else. It's like people are afraid to be friends with the "outcasts" , because they themselves will get shunned too. I'm so glad I don't have to deal with high school culture anymore.

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Evan Todd? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeSun Jan 15, 2017 1:07 pm

I don't like Evan Todd either, bullying those two boys was not nice. Evan Todd admited in an interview that the boys were rejects and who would be nice to them wearing trenchcoats and thorns on their heads? if any of you think that's cool to say, then some of you have a real problem. Evan Todd wanted to bully them so they could leave the school, what right does he have to do that?
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Evan Todd? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeSun Jan 15, 2017 10:20 pm

columbinefan wrote:
I don't like Evan Todd either, bullying those two boys was not nice. Evan Todd admited in an interview that the boys were rejects and who would be nice to them wearing trenchcoats and thorns on their heads? if any of you think that's cool to say, then some of you have a real problem. Evan Todd wanted to bully them so they could leave the school, what right does he have to do that?
Hi, [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]. You do know that every time you log into the forum, I can see your IP address, right? Making a new account after I banned you isn't going to hide that it's really you.

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PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeSun Sep 24, 2017 12:56 am

I never heard of this whole devil horns on the head thing by anyone but them. Then there are reports they wore swatzikas on their face by one guy.. You have to figure too after a tragedy like this, there may be people who genuinely had no problem with them but they can't just say that so they start harping on how bad they were.

The writers on Degrassi did this pretty well in their school shooting episode I think, . Toby and Rick were friends. Toby had some very popular friends but he really liked Rick too. Rick brought a gun to school and shot a student then ended up dying in a struggle. Reporters and the like interviewed Toby and Toby said "no, he was a pyscho, we don't ask me questions" so imagine either not knowing them or having cursory interactions with them and then this happening? Then on the other side you have Devon, Robyn, Zach, Brooks, Susan, Chris and Nate who really liked the guys. They perhaps had to be careful how much they talked about when it came to Eric and Dylan in a positive way.

I never got a good vibe from Evan Todd. It does pain me when I learn of the victims like Rachel, Danny M etc. and hear of all their stories thenwere NOT friends, we have someone running their mouths and seemingly learning nothing from the tragedy. If it were me I damn well would make something positive of it.

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeSat Sep 30, 2017 3:18 pm

This guy isn't really likeable. Compared to some other notable survivors, I don't get the idea that he's come out a better person out of this tragedy. Arguably, he was part of the toxic environment that contributed to the tragedy.
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Evan Todd? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeMon Dec 25, 2017 10:51 am

bradt93 wrote:
I read one of his interviews yesterday and he doesn't feel any remorse for the  way he bullied Eric and Dylan, how can he not? He should know by now bullying is wrong.

He seems like a typical high school a-hole.
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PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeSat Nov 28, 2020 6:23 pm

bradt93 wrote:
I read one of his interviews yesterday and he doesn't feel any remorse for the  way he bullied Eric and Dylan, how can he not? He should know by now bullying is wrong.

From what I understood it, he was essentially misquoted in that article(source 'The search for truth at Columbine) as bullying Eric and Dylan. Which apparantly turned out not to be true..
I believe he also stated that he had been misepresented by the media, here:

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Nevertheless, I can understand why get upset , because its just a completely ridicilous thing to say. IDK wether it was Just a Joke or he truly ment what he said.
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Evan Todd? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeSat Nov 28, 2020 9:19 pm

Norwegian wrote:
bradt93 wrote:
I read one of his interviews yesterday and he doesn't feel any remorse for the  way he bullied Eric and Dylan, how can he not? He should know by now bullying is wrong.

From what I understood it, he was essentially misquoted in that article(source 'The search for truth at Columbine) as bullying Eric and Dylan. Which apparantly turned out not to be true..
I believe he also stated that he had been misepresented by the media, here:

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Nevertheless, I can understand why get upset , because its just a completely ridicilous thing to say. IDK wether it was Just a Joke or he truly ment what he said.
After what he went through it's a natural reaction to get angry. It doesn't excuse him attacking and bullying others but embracing it comes down to his hatred for Eric and Dylan after what transpired.
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Evan Todd? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2020 9:20 am

Ivan wrote:
Norwegian wrote:
bradt93 wrote:
I read one of his interviews yesterday and he doesn't feel any remorse for the  way he bullied Eric and Dylan, how can he not? He should know by now bullying is wrong.

From what I understood it, he was essentially misquoted in that article(source 'The search for truth at Columbine) as bullying Eric and Dylan. Which apparantly turned out not to be true..
I believe he also stated that he had been misepresented by the media, here:

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Nevertheless, I can understand why get upset , because its just a completely ridicilous thing to say. IDK wether it was Just a Joke or he truly ment what he said.
After what he went through it's a natural reaction to get angry. It doesn't excuse him attacking and bullying others but embracing it comes down to his hatred for Eric and Dylan after what transpired.

Only thing Im saying take statements with a grain of salt. Its hard to interpret a statement Just because they are written in a newspaper. I have yet to see any evidence that this was attributed to Eric and Dylan. Given that Peter Langmann stated that this Couldnt have been attributed to Eric and Dylan. I dont think Eric and Dylan crotched each others private parts or used horns on their helmets.
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Evan Todd? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2020 10:25 am

Norwegian wrote:
Ivan wrote:
Norwegian wrote:
bradt93 wrote:
I read one of his interviews yesterday and he doesn't feel any remorse for the  way he bullied Eric and Dylan, how can he not? He should know by now bullying is wrong.

From what I understood it, he was essentially misquoted in that article(source 'The search for truth at Columbine) as bullying Eric and Dylan. Which apparantly turned out not to be true..
I believe he also stated that he had been misepresented by the media, here:

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Nevertheless, I can understand why get upset , because its just a completely ridicilous thing to say. IDK wether it was Just a Joke or he truly ment what he said.
After what he went through it's a natural reaction to get angry. It doesn't excuse him attacking and bullying others but embracing it comes down to his hatred for Eric and Dylan after what transpired.

Only thing Im saying take statements with a grain of salt. Its hard to interpret a statement Just because they are written in a newspaper. I have yet to see any evidence that this was attributed to Eric and Dylan. Given that Peter Langmann stated that this Couldnt have been attributed to Eric and Dylan. I dont think Eric and Dylan crotched each others private parts or used horns on their helmets.
After the shooting I'm sure he'd lie about it being them to get back at them.
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Evan Todd? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2020 10:37 am

Ivan wrote:
Norwegian wrote:
Ivan wrote:
Norwegian wrote:
bradt93 wrote:
I read one of his interviews yesterday and he doesn't feel any remorse for the  way he bullied Eric and Dylan, how can he not? He should know by now bullying is wrong.

From what I understood it, he was essentially misquoted in that article(source 'The search for truth at Columbine) as bullying Eric and Dylan. Which apparantly turned out not to be true..
I believe he also stated that he had been misepresented by the media, here:

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Nevertheless, I can understand why get upset , because its just a completely ridicilous thing to say. IDK wether it was Just a Joke or he truly ment what he said.
After what he went through it's a natural reaction to get angry. It doesn't excuse him attacking and bullying others but embracing it comes down to his hatred for Eric and Dylan after what transpired.

Only thing Im saying take statements with a grain of salt. Its hard to interpret a statement Just because they are written in a newspaper. I have yet to see any evidence that this was attributed to Eric and Dylan. Given that Peter Langmann stated that this Couldnt have been attributed to Eric and Dylan. I dont think Eric and Dylan crotched each others private parts or used horns on their helmets.
After the shooting I'm sure he'd lie about it being them to get back at them.

Not to be rude, but that kind of sounds a bit like confirmation bias to me. Langmann suggests that there were others that crotched each others private parts and engaged in gay sex.
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Evan Todd? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2020 10:45 am

Norwegian wrote:
Ivan wrote:
Norwegian wrote:
Ivan wrote:
Norwegian wrote:
bradt93 wrote:
I read one of his interviews yesterday and he doesn't feel any remorse for the  way he bullied Eric and Dylan, how can he not? He should know by now bullying is wrong.

From what I understood it, he was essentially misquoted in that article(source 'The search for truth at Columbine) as bullying Eric and Dylan. Which apparantly turned out not to be true..
I believe he also stated that he had been misepresented by the media, here:

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Nevertheless, I can understand why get upset , because its just a completely ridicilous thing to say. IDK wether it was Just a Joke or he truly ment what he said.
After what he went through it's a natural reaction to get angry. It doesn't excuse him attacking and bullying others but embracing it comes down to his hatred for Eric and Dylan after what transpired.

Only thing Im saying take statements with a grain of salt. Its hard to interpret a statement Just because they are written in a newspaper. I have yet to see any evidence that this was attributed to Eric and Dylan. Given that Peter Langmann stated that this Couldnt have been attributed to Eric and Dylan. I dont think Eric and Dylan crotched each others private parts or used horns on their helmets.
After the shooting I'm sure he'd lie about it being them to get back at them.

Not to be rude, but that kind of sounds a bit like confirmation bias to me. Langmann suggests that there were others that crotched each others private parts and engaged in gay sex.
Was Langman a student at Columbine? How would he know better than you or I?
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Evan Todd? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2020 10:54 am

Ivan wrote:
Norwegian wrote:
Ivan wrote:
Norwegian wrote:
Ivan wrote:
Norwegian wrote:
bradt93 wrote:
I read one of his interviews yesterday and he doesn't feel any remorse for the  way he bullied Eric and Dylan, how can he not? He should know by now bullying is wrong.

From what I understood it, he was essentially misquoted in that article(source 'The search for truth at Columbine) as bullying Eric and Dylan. Which apparantly turned out not to be true..
I believe he also stated that he had been misepresented by the media, here:

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Nevertheless, I can understand why get upset , because its just a completely ridicilous thing to say. IDK wether it was Just a Joke or he truly ment what he said.
After what he went through it's a natural reaction to get angry. It doesn't excuse him attacking and bullying others but embracing it comes down to his hatred for Eric and Dylan after what transpired.

Only thing Im saying take statements with a grain of salt. Its hard to interpret a statement Just because they are written in a newspaper. I have yet to see any evidence that this was attributed to Eric and Dylan. Given that Peter Langmann stated that this Couldnt have been attributed to Eric and Dylan. I dont think Eric and Dylan crotched each others private parts or used horns on their helmets.
After the shooting I'm sure he'd lie about it being them to get back at them.

Not to be rude, but that kind of sounds a bit like confirmation bias to me. Langmann suggests that there were others that crotched each others private parts and engaged in gay sex.
Was Langman a student at Columbine? How would he know better than you or I?

Because he studied the Columbine shooting for years, and on top of it, he worked with Kids at risk and also hes the most sought after expert on school shootings. To my knowledge, he also met with some of the students that knew Harris and Klebold. The point is that there are always reliable sources and not so reliable sources. Which is Langmanns point
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Evan Todd? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2020 11:22 am

Norwegian wrote:
Ivan wrote:
Norwegian wrote:
Ivan wrote:
Norwegian wrote:
Ivan wrote:
Norwegian wrote:
bradt93 wrote:
I read one of his interviews yesterday and he doesn't feel any remorse for the  way he bullied Eric and Dylan, how can he not? He should know by now bullying is wrong.

From what I understood it, he was essentially misquoted in that article(source 'The search for truth at Columbine) as bullying Eric and Dylan. Which apparantly turned out not to be true..
I believe he also stated that he had been misepresented by the media, here:

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Nevertheless, I can understand why get upset , because its just a completely ridicilous thing to say. IDK wether it was Just a Joke or he truly ment what he said.
After what he went through it's a natural reaction to get angry. It doesn't excuse him attacking and bullying others but embracing it comes down to his hatred for Eric and Dylan after what transpired.

Only thing Im saying take statements with a grain of salt. Its hard to interpret a statement Just because they are written in a newspaper. I have yet to see any evidence that this was attributed to Eric and Dylan. Given that Peter Langmann stated that this Couldnt have been attributed to Eric and Dylan. I dont think Eric and Dylan crotched each others private parts or used horns on their helmets.

After the shooting I'm sure he'd lie about it being them to get back at them.

Not to be rude, but that kind of sounds a bit like confirmation bias to me. Langmann suggests that there were others that crotched each others private parts and engaged in gay sex.
Was Langman a student at Columbine? How would he know better than you or I?

Because he studied the Columbine shooting for years, and on top of it, he worked with Kids at risk and also hes the most sought after expert on school shootings. To my knowledge, he also met with some of the students that knew Harris and Klebold. The point is that there are always reliable sources and not so reliable sources. Which is Langmanns point
Plenty of people have who post here studied the shooting more extensively than Langman and with an unbiased outlook. Meeting with other students who studied at Columbine as some sort of proof isn't good enough.

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Evan Todd? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeSun Nov 29, 2020 11:38 am

Ivan wrote:
Norwegian wrote:
Ivan wrote:
Norwegian wrote:
Ivan wrote:
Norwegian wrote:
Ivan wrote:
Norwegian wrote:
bradt93 wrote:
I read one of his interviews yesterday and he doesn't feel any remorse for the  way he bullied Eric and Dylan, how can he not? He should know by now bullying is wrong.

From what I understood it, he was essentially misquoted in that article(source 'The search for truth at Columbine) as bullying Eric and Dylan. Which apparantly turned out not to be true..
I believe he also stated that he had been misepresented by the media, here:

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Nevertheless, I can understand why get upset , because its just a completely ridicilous thing to say. IDK wether it was Just a Joke or he truly ment what he said.
After what he went through it's a natural reaction to get angry. It doesn't excuse him attacking and bullying others but embracing it comes down to his hatred for Eric and Dylan after what transpired.

Only thing Im saying take statements with a grain of salt. Its hard to interpret a statement Just because they are written in a newspaper. I have yet to see any evidence that this was attributed to Eric and Dylan. Given that Peter Langmann stated that this Couldnt have been attributed to Eric and Dylan. I dont think Eric and Dylan crotched each others private parts or used horns on their helmets.

After the shooting I'm sure he'd lie about it being them to get back at them.

Not to be rude, but that kind of sounds a bit like confirmation bias to me. Langmann suggests that there were others that crotched each others private parts and engaged in gay sex.
Was Langman a student at Columbine? How would he know better than you or I?

Because he studied the Columbine shooting for years, and on top of it, he worked with Kids at risk and also hes the most sought after expert on school shootings. To my knowledge, he also met with some of the students that knew Harris and Klebold. The point is that there are always reliable sources and not so reliable sources. Which is Langmanns point
Plenty of people have who post here studied the shooting more extensively than Langman and with an unbiased outlook. Meeting with other students who studied at Columbine as some sort of proof isn't good enough.

Its true that a lot of people in the TCC have studied Columbine exstensively, but take everything people in here post with a grain of salt. Just because someone says they know something so much, that doesnt mean its true. Also, a lot of people that have studied it, use Langman as a source.

I doubt that there are many that knows Columbine more than Langmann, because he researched it so exstensively that even Klebolds mom contacted him. Also, he didnt meet with other students that studied Columbine. He met with people that knew Harris and Klebold, or so Ive read. Mainly, the Browns. But also, Sue Klebold. Hes interacted with kids that are at risk of committing violent acts, which is part of hes expertise.
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Evan Todd? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 02, 2020 6:48 pm

Norwegian wrote:
Ivan wrote:
Norwegian wrote:
Ivan wrote:
Norwegian wrote:
Ivan wrote:
Norwegian wrote:
Ivan wrote:
Norwegian wrote:
bradt93 wrote:
I read one of his interviews yesterday and he doesn't feel any remorse for the  way he bullied Eric and Dylan, how can he not? He should know by now bullying is wrong.

From what I understood it, he was essentially misquoted in that article(source 'The search for truth at Columbine) as bullying Eric and Dylan. Which apparantly turned out not to be true..
I believe he also stated that he had been misepresented by the media, here:

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Nevertheless, I can understand why get upset , because its just a completely ridicilous thing to say. IDK wether it was Just a Joke or he truly ment what he said.
After what he went through it's a natural reaction to get angry. It doesn't excuse him attacking and bullying others but embracing it comes down to his hatred for Eric and Dylan after what transpired.

Only thing Im saying take statements with a grain of salt. Its hard to interpret a statement Just because they are written in a newspaper. I have yet to see any evidence that this was attributed to Eric and Dylan. Given that Peter Langmann stated that this Couldnt have been attributed to Eric and Dylan. I dont think Eric and Dylan crotched each others private parts or used horns on their helmets.

After the shooting I'm sure he'd lie about it being them to get back at them.

Not to be rude, but that kind of sounds a bit like confirmation bias to me. Langmann suggests that there were others that crotched each others private parts and engaged in gay sex.
Was Langman a student at Columbine? How would he know better than you or I?

Because he studied the Columbine shooting for years, and on top of it, he worked with Kids at risk and also hes the most sought after expert on school shootings. To my knowledge, he also met with some of the students that knew Harris and Klebold. The point is that there are always reliable sources and not so reliable sources. Which is Langmanns point
Plenty of people have who post here studied the shooting more extensively than Langman and with an unbiased outlook. Meeting with other students who studied at Columbine as some sort of proof isn't good enough.

Its true that a lot of people in the TCC have studied Columbine exstensively, but take everything people in here post with a grain of salt. Just because someone says they know something so much, that doesnt mean its true. Also, a lot of people that have studied it, use Langman as a source.

I doubt that there are many that knows Columbine more than Langmann, because he researched it so exstensively that even Klebolds mom contacted him. Also, he didnt meet with other students that studied Columbine. He met with people that knew Harris and Klebold, or so Ive read. Mainly, the Browns. But also, Sue Klebold. Hes interacted with kids that are at risk of committing violent acts, which is part of hes expertise.
Evan Todd's quote was actually directed to the Trench Coat Mafia, not Eric and Dylan. But back then Eric and Dylan were always associated as actually being in the group, and I'm sure Todd thought that too. Todd didn't know them, and Eric and Dylan didn't know Todd either. He was just using it a general statement

However, the TCM if I recall would grope each other in front of the jocks, because Rocky and his goons were very homophobic, and they did it as a way to fuck with them

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Evan Todd? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeThu Dec 03, 2020 5:38 am

lol wrote:
Norwegian wrote:
Ivan wrote:
Norwegian wrote:
Ivan wrote:
Norwegian wrote:
Ivan wrote:
Norwegian wrote:
Ivan wrote:
Norwegian wrote:
bradt93 wrote:
I read one of his interviews yesterday and he doesn't feel any remorse for the  way he bullied Eric and Dylan, how can he not? He should know by now bullying is wrong.

From what I understood it, he was essentially misquoted in that article(source 'The search for truth at Columbine) as bullying Eric and Dylan. Which apparantly turned out not to be true..
I believe he also stated that he had been misepresented by the media, here:

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Nevertheless, I can understand why get upset , because its just a completely ridicilous thing to say. IDK wether it was Just a Joke or he truly ment what he said.
After what he went through it's a natural reaction to get angry. It doesn't excuse him attacking and bullying others but embracing it comes down to his hatred for Eric and Dylan after what transpired.

Only thing Im saying take statements with a grain of salt. Its hard to interpret a statement Just because they are written in a newspaper. I have yet to see any evidence that this was attributed to Eric and Dylan. Given that Peter Langmann stated that this Couldnt have been attributed to Eric and Dylan. I dont think Eric and Dylan crotched each others private parts or used horns on their helmets.

After the shooting I'm sure he'd lie about it being them to get back at them.

Not to be rude, but that kind of sounds a bit like confirmation bias to me. Langmann suggests that there were others that crotched each others private parts and engaged in gay sex.
Was Langman a student at Columbine? How would he know better than you or I?

Because he studied the Columbine shooting for years, and on top of it, he worked with Kids at risk and also hes the most sought after expert on school shootings. To my knowledge, he also met with some of the students that knew Harris and Klebold. The point is that there are always reliable sources and not so reliable sources. Which is Langmanns point
Plenty of people have who post here studied the shooting more extensively than Langman and with an unbiased outlook. Meeting with other students who studied at Columbine as some sort of proof isn't good enough.

Its true that a lot of people in the TCC have studied Columbine exstensively, but take everything people in here post with a grain of salt. Just because someone says they know something so much, that doesnt mean its true. Also, a lot of people that have studied it, use Langman as a source.

I doubt that there are many that knows Columbine more than Langmann, because he researched it so exstensively that even Klebolds mom contacted him. Also, he didnt meet with other students that studied Columbine. He met with people that knew Harris and Klebold, or so Ive read. Mainly, the Browns. But also, Sue Klebold. Hes interacted with kids that are at risk of committing violent acts, which is part of hes expertise.
Evan Todd's quote was actually directed to the Trench Coat Mafia, not Eric and Dylan. But back then Eric and Dylan were always associated as actually being in the group, and I'm sure Todd thought that too. Todd didn't know them, and Eric and Dylan didn't know Todd either. He was just using it a general statement

However, the TCM if I recall would grope each other in front of the jocks, because Rocky and his goons were very homophobic, and they did it as a way to fuck with them

Hence, theres no evidence that this quote was directed towards Eric and Dylan, specifically. We cannot, therefore, suggest that this was directed towards the two. As for Rocky, didnt he graduate the year before the shooting?
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Evan Todd? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Evan Todd?   Evan Todd? Icon_minitimeFri Apr 16, 2021 8:48 am

Kiwik wrote:
Of all the innocent, good kids they killed that day and they *intentionally* let this guy live?? If anything he should've been the first to go, especially all the shit he talked about the outcasts at that school after the shooting. I get they probably didn't really know him but still. At least Dylan called him fat.

I don't get it either. Why the hell did they kill dorky kids with glasses, a disabled kid who can't possibly have ever bothered them but they let this beachball walk away. I don't get it, I really don't. It's like whoops, you missed one! [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

"If you're offended by what I say, Just imagine what I am thinking." - Janet Roach
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