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 Oldschool 2000 reactions to Evan Todd's diarrheia of the mouth

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Oldschool 2000 reactions to Evan Todd's diarrheia of the mouth Empty
PostSubject: Oldschool 2000 reactions to Evan Todd's diarrheia of the mouth   Oldschool 2000 reactions to Evan Todd's diarrheia of the mouth Icon_minitimeSat Mar 16, 2013 3:19 am

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Wrong board, please move mods. Smile
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Oldschool 2000 reactions to Evan Todd's diarrheia of the mouth Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oldschool 2000 reactions to Evan Todd's diarrheia of the mouth   Oldschool 2000 reactions to Evan Todd's diarrheia of the mouth Icon_minitimeSat Mar 16, 2013 3:13 pm

MnM wrote:
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Wrong board, please move mods. Smile

I remember that quote from Time Magazine. With his recent testimonies on guns, I don't think he has ever retracted that statement. I understand that he was probably angry for what happened to him and to people he knew that died, but still that doesn't make it right to devalue homosexuals and use that perceived homosexual rumors as a way to judge Eric, Dylan, and their friends as bad people. Still, he was a kid when he made that statement. He probably thought he would get even with Eric and Dylan by further critiquing their character rather than their actions on April 20, 1999.
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Oldschool 2000 reactions to Evan Todd's diarrheia of the mouth Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oldschool 2000 reactions to Evan Todd's diarrheia of the mouth   Oldschool 2000 reactions to Evan Todd's diarrheia of the mouth Icon_minitimeMon Mar 18, 2013 10:03 pm

LOL. The thread title pretty much nails it exactly as it is. A traumatized teenager talking shit to get back at the people that killed his friends. Though I'm not going to defend it completely, what he said was asinine, and was definitely uncalled for especially regarding the situation.

"I'd rather die my way than live yours."- Lauren Oliver
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Oldschool 2000 reactions to Evan Todd's diarrheia of the mouth Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oldschool 2000 reactions to Evan Todd's diarrheia of the mouth   Oldschool 2000 reactions to Evan Todd's diarrheia of the mouth Icon_minitimeTue Mar 19, 2013 2:53 am

Didn't he pick on them both prior to the massacre?
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Oldschool 2000 reactions to Evan Todd's diarrheia of the mouth Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oldschool 2000 reactions to Evan Todd's diarrheia of the mouth   Oldschool 2000 reactions to Evan Todd's diarrheia of the mouth Icon_minitimeTue Mar 19, 2013 12:01 pm

Ivan wrote:
Didn't he pick on them both prior to the massacre?

We don't know.
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Oldschool 2000 reactions to Evan Todd's diarrheia of the mouth Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oldschool 2000 reactions to Evan Todd's diarrheia of the mouth   Oldschool 2000 reactions to Evan Todd's diarrheia of the mouth Icon_minitimeTue Mar 19, 2013 5:06 pm

sergeant hartman wrote:
Ivan wrote:
Didn't he pick on them both prior to the massacre?

We don't know.

Actually, we kinda do know. Seeing as how both Eric and Dylan had the chance to kill him but didn't, might be a good indicator that he never harassed the two gunmen. After all if they were to come into contact with someone who did bully them, they would have definitely been killed, no doubt.
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Oldschool 2000 reactions to Evan Todd's diarrheia of the mouth Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oldschool 2000 reactions to Evan Todd's diarrheia of the mouth   Oldschool 2000 reactions to Evan Todd's diarrheia of the mouth Icon_minitimeSun Mar 24, 2013 9:09 pm

sergeant hartman wrote:
Ivan wrote:
Didn't he pick on them both prior to the massacre?

We don't know.

We do know. No, neither of them recognized him, which was why Dylan asked him to remove his cap.
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Oldschool 2000 reactions to Evan Todd's diarrheia of the mouth Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oldschool 2000 reactions to Evan Todd's diarrheia of the mouth   Oldschool 2000 reactions to Evan Todd's diarrheia of the mouth Icon_minitimeMon Dec 28, 2015 2:19 pm

Evan Todd was in Grade 10 & was only 15 years old when 4/20 happened. Evan said he recognized E/D from around school.

When Dylan first saw Evan he pointed the Tec-9 at his face and said "oh look what we have here" then Eric said "what?" and Dylan said "just some fat fuck". While still pointing his Tec-9 at Evan he asked him "are you a jock?" and Evan said "no" then Dylan said "well that's good, we don't like jocks." After a brief pause Dylan said "let me see your face," after which Evan took off his hat.

If Evan had directly picked on E/D before this time, Dylan surely would have recognized him by this time, however, he let him live. So, obviously there was no connection there.

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PostSubject: Re: Oldschool 2000 reactions to Evan Todd's diarrheia of the mouth   Oldschool 2000 reactions to Evan Todd's diarrheia of the mouth Icon_minitime

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