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 Michelle Fox - CHS through the eyes of students

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Michelle Fox - CHS through the eyes of students  Empty
PostSubject: Michelle Fox - CHS through the eyes of students    Michelle Fox - CHS through the eyes of students  Icon_minitimeWed May 06, 2015 12:03 am

(Starts page 005194 in 11k)

Michelle was a senior at CHS in 1999.She knew Dylan since elementary school and in 1999 she became "recently became acquainted with Eric Harris".

She was with Eric and Dylan in their creative writing class.

During 20/4 she arrived by car and see Dylan drive his own car to CHS shortly after 8.25 AM (so tseems he was tehre early, too many witnesses seen him past 8.00 AM).

She was inside the building when the fire alarms went on, but she left CHS and she wasn't really aware taht a shooting is going on until she was out and safe.

From the creative writing class she remembered Dylan as being "really quiet", but that "Eric was moe lively and would often read his poems and stories to the class".

Two things of this wintess account stand out - first is taht Dylan really seems to have arrived at CHS early around 8.20-8.25 AM.

Second is that this witness too describes Dylan as very quiet and Eric as being very talkative and not shy away from public speaking or presenting his own writing to the class.

Life is like a tram - you need to know when to get off.

"Bullet Time" - a school shooting film from Poland
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Michelle Fox - CHS through the eyes of students
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