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 Anne Marie Hochhalter - CHS through the eyes of students

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Anne Marie Hochhalter - CHS through the eyes of students Empty
PostSubject: Anne Marie Hochhalter - CHS through the eyes of students   Anne Marie Hochhalter - CHS through the eyes of students Icon_minitimeWed Apr 22, 2015 1:00 pm

As most of us know, Anne Marie Hochhalter was injured critically during the initial part of the shooting. She was probably the most gravely injured person of all the survivors. She received two gunshot woulds with injuries to her lung, liver, diaphragm, spine and a major vein.

A police officer had a short interview with her when she was in the hospital, this is in 11k document sarting on page 000216.

Se mentioned that around 11.10 she went to CHS publication room and then went to the grassy area outside the library to eat lunch with Kim Blair and Jason Authenreith (Jason would later drag her to safety despite coming under fire).

Then Ann saw both shooters who were standing at the stairs to the entrace of CHS, shoting at the entranceShe thought at first taht its just a prank, but realized that its real when she seen students getting wounded. She got up and tried to run away in the direction of the cafeteria, when E&D opened fire on her. She was very badly wounded by at least two shots.

The spinal wound left her paralyzed from the waist down, but this thankfully sved her from feeling much of the pain from her lung and liver wounds. She was dragged by Jason Authenreith (who himself afaik came under fire) to safety by a nearby CHS wall, but gunfire exchange between Eric and Gardiner made it impossible for her colleague to drag her further away.  

Anne Marie spent 45 minutes lying outside of CHS before she was rescued. During this time the lung wound made blood to enter her respiratory system, causing her to slowly drown in her own blood. She heard the shots and explosions, she also heard Dylan "shout orders" to Eric, but she could not make out the exact words.

She only very narrowly escaped death. The dioctors at the hospital were convinced that her injuries are so bad that she will almost certainly die withing hours of the shooting. She survived though.

IMHO that is first and foremost a remarkable suvivor story and I'm very glad she made it out alive. Sadly, she is unable to walk and confined to a heelchair. Her mother commited suicide shortly after the massacre.

As far as the event is concerned, its interesting to note that Ann eports Dylan shouting orders to Eric, not the otehr way around.

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Anne Marie Hochhalter - CHS through the eyes of students Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anne Marie Hochhalter - CHS through the eyes of students   Anne Marie Hochhalter - CHS through the eyes of students Icon_minitimeMon Aug 17, 2015 6:22 pm

Did her mother commit suicide because of the massacre, or was it unrelated? Can't imagine coming out of the other end of being a victim of Columbine, only for your mother to die. I do not mean to put any judgement onto the mother, I don't think that any person should be forced into a life they would rather not live, I merely find it sad.

Also it does not surprise me to hear of Dylan shouting orders at Eric. I am a firm believer that they were both in it as much as each other. And as Dylan (at least I'm pretty sure, if there is a source for this statement please could someone link it) planted the idea of a shooting before Eric became part of it, it would seem to make sense. I don't really see were people get the idea that Dylan was a follower of Eric (not saying this is what you think, just a sort of vaguely related comment), he may have changed throughout his friendship with Eric - but that is just what best friends do, and it is hard not to when you spend so much time around someone. This is good evidence to show that Dylan was infact not a follower, but a strong minded individual with a (somewhat frowned upon to put it lightly) goal.

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PostSubject: Re: Anne Marie Hochhalter - CHS through the eyes of students   Anne Marie Hochhalter - CHS through the eyes of students Icon_minitimeWed Aug 19, 2015 9:42 am

Its speculation why her mom considered suicide, certainly the shooting and her daughter's injuries were a strain on her. But she did have depression issues even before the shooting if I recall correctly.

As for Eric and Dylan - I'm convinced they ahd different personalities and somewhat different roles in the plannign and preparations. But that doesn't mean I think one was a leader over the other. I think Dylan came up with the spree killing idea first and introduced it to Eric. But Dylanw as a dreamer and slacker, I think its Eric's energy and "get up and do it" altitude that made it a reality. Devon and Nate (or was it Chris?) mentione dtaht Dylan would do anything Eric told him to do. Dylan also conformed more to Eric's views than vice-versa (although they both adopted each other's ideas).

But given what we know, I don't think that's enough to just write off Dylan as a follower. He wa sint his for himself and was convinced of the goal. I think both seen themselves as equal partners in the venture.

Life is like a tram - you need to know when to get off.

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PostSubject: Re: Anne Marie Hochhalter - CHS through the eyes of students   Anne Marie Hochhalter - CHS through the eyes of students Icon_minitimeWed Aug 19, 2015 11:05 am

Here's an article about her Mother's suicide. This student they mention about wanting to 'finish the job', I believe is Erik Veik.

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PostSubject: Re: Anne Marie Hochhalter - CHS through the eyes of students   Anne Marie Hochhalter - CHS through the eyes of students Icon_minitime

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