One of their co-workers said that they always described anyone they didn't like as a "faggot."
Someone who went to Columbine at that time told me that even the outcast kids tended to be fairly anti-gay.
Some of the Trenchcoat boys, like Joe Stair, used to kiss and grope each other in the hallways, to piss off the fundies and jocks. Evan Todd spoke about this:
"Columbine is a good, clean place, except for those rejects," he said, referring to Harris and Klebold*. "Most kids didn't want them there. They were into witchcraft. They were into voodoo dolls. Sure, we teased them. But what do you expect when kids come to school with weird hairdos and horns on their hats? The whole school's disgusted with them. They're a bunch of homos, grabbing each other's private parts. If you want to get rid of someone, usually you tease 'em. So the whole school would call them homos, and when they did something sick, we'd tell them, "You're sick and you're wrong."
*More likely, he is referring to the Trenchcoat Mafia kids, most of whom graduated in '98.
Why does anyone do anything?