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 Dylan's mom told a cop he was into bombs and guns

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Dylan's mom told a cop he was into bombs and guns Empty
PostSubject: Dylan's mom told a cop he was into bombs and guns   Dylan's mom told a cop he was into bombs and guns Icon_minitimeSat Aug 29, 2015 5:41 am

Then she took it back:
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Quote :
On the day of Columbine police swarmed the Klebold and Harris houses. Among them was Lakewood officer Rollie Inskeep, who spoke with the Klebolds. "When asked about guns or explosives, she (Susan Klebold) stated that Dylan has always been fascinated by explosives and guns," Inskeep wrote in his report. "She stated that Dylan wore combat-looking boots and that he liked the look that he had established." Then, a familiar twist. "She then recanted her previous statement," Inskeep added, "and stated that Dylan did not really talk about explosives and guns but he just likes to have the look of the trench coat and boots."

What are we to make of this?

Why does anyone do anything?
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Dylan's mom told a cop he was into bombs and guns Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan's mom told a cop he was into bombs and guns   Dylan's mom told a cop he was into bombs and guns Icon_minitimeSat Aug 29, 2015 2:39 pm

She also did this in the Diversion Files too, and just makes excuses for Dylan. That's why I'm not sure if I should buy her book. She's always made excuses for Dylan, and never can fully admit that he was a murderer, and was equally involved in the massacre and wasn't "brought in" by Eric. Dylan was just as bad as Eric.

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Dylan's mom told a cop he was into bombs and guns Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan's mom told a cop he was into bombs and guns   Dylan's mom told a cop he was into bombs and guns Icon_minitimeSat Aug 29, 2015 10:52 pm

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] That doesn't surprise me, I mean, Put yourself in her position.

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Dylan's mom told a cop he was into bombs and guns Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan's mom told a cop he was into bombs and guns   Dylan's mom told a cop he was into bombs and guns Icon_minitimeSat Aug 29, 2015 11:11 pm

Duskstareblazeithappypone wrote:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] That doesn't surprise me, I mean, Put yourself in her position.

Agreed! She lost a child. That doesn't mean he didn't kill people, but I'm pretty sure if I was in her position, I wouldn't want to talk about that aspect of it either. Perhaps that's why the Harrises have never spoken about any of it. Maybe they've confronted the full reality of it and are so ashamed they can't publicly speak about any of it.

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