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 Student at neighboring high school complains about Columbine and students

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Student at neighboring high school complains about Columbine and students Empty
PostSubject: Student at neighboring high school complains about Columbine and students   Student at neighboring high school complains about Columbine and students Icon_minitimeSat Oct 03, 2015 1:05 am

I thought this might be of interest

LSentrik | Posted on Feb. 15, 2012, 6:26 p.m.
Just to jump in, I live in Colorado and I've visited Columbine High School many times, for sports and whatnot. From the experience of myself, and my friends, well, no one likes Columbine, or the feeling the general student body gives off. Their behavior at the state championship football game this school year was really unsportsmanlike, and I'm including the fans in that. My friend was cussed out while going into the school and asking some students where the bathroom was before her tennis match against Columbine. The school places a huge emphasis on sports, kinda at the expense of everything else, from how I've felt. I have non athletic friends there who feel out of place.

That being said, the memorial is very nice. Unfortunately, we had another high school shooting here in Colorado, though it wasn't by a student, at Platte Canyon High School.

Just my two cents. My history teacher lives in Littleton and was very much aware of the situation when it happened. She knew the coach who died.

From: ledbowman | [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
"Anyone else care to elaborate on what going to the school is/was like compared to the "average" high school experience? I'd always wondered if the massacre blew it out of proportion or if there really is something in the air at Columbine."

Well, perhaps part of my experience is that in Jefferson County (where Columbine is) my school is the more "academic and artsy fartsy music and theatre" school, but our sports are still pretty good. So in contrast, Columbine seems extremely and overly sports oriented. They have a reputation of being good at sports, but jerks about it, and that sports pretty much dominate there. You hear stuff like teachers favoring athletes or letting them get by with stuff. I don't know what it was like then, but that's the feeling I get from visiting, competing against them, and having friends who go there.
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Student at neighboring high school complains about Columbine and students Empty
PostSubject: Re: Student at neighboring high school complains about Columbine and students   Student at neighboring high school complains about Columbine and students Icon_minitimeSat Oct 03, 2015 1:28 pm

Have no idea, US Highschools, while having some obvious similarities are also very different from ours on a whole lot of cultural issues. Sportsis one of them.

However poor behavior by fans is nothing unusual here. If two teams who don't like each other very much meet, lots of weird stuff can happen. Parts are just elements of pro football fans culture trickling down.

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"Bullet Time" - a school shooting film from Poland
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Student at neighboring high school complains about Columbine and students Empty
PostSubject: Re: Student at neighboring high school complains about Columbine and students   Student at neighboring high school complains about Columbine and students Icon_minitimeSat Oct 03, 2015 8:12 pm

My son played golf in Littleton ths summer with a guy that graduated from a neighboring HS in '99. They talked about NBK & the guy was friends with a victim that he said was a transfer into CHS in '99 (had flunked out of his HS the year prior). Not sure who that would be?

Guy stated CHS was identical to his HS in regards to bullying & a jock driven social culture. He even stated he was a jock/bully.

I've said it before, I just don't think you are going to find many HS in the US where the jocks don't rule the campus & bullying doesn't exist.

One weird thing the guy brought up is that they heard about it originally via radio as they were leaving their campus for lunch. He said the first song on the radio playlist after the news of shootings at CHS was Queens "Another One Bites the Dust".

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John Denver

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Student at neighboring high school complains about Columbine and students Empty
PostSubject: Re: Student at neighboring high school complains about Columbine and students   Student at neighboring high school complains about Columbine and students Icon_minitimeSat Oct 03, 2015 8:22 pm

Fatheroftwo wrote:
My son played golf in Littleton ths summer with a guy that graduated from a neighboring HS in '99.  They talked about NBK & the guy was friends with a victim that he said was a transfer into CHS in '99 (had flunked out of his HS the year prior).  Not sure who that would be?

Hmm, Kyle had started in Columbine three months prior to the shooting. And I've read (in this forum, actually) that he was fired from his previous school due to being a bully and trying to burn down the gym (?!). Could a jock have been friends with him?

Of all the other victims, I'm not sure if any other besides Cassie and Kelly had transferred to CHS; Cassie in the summer of 1997, Kelly in late 1997.
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Student at neighboring high school complains about Columbine and students Empty
PostSubject: Re: Student at neighboring high school complains about Columbine and students   Student at neighboring high school complains about Columbine and students Icon_minitimeSat Oct 03, 2015 8:37 pm

John Denver wrote:
Fatheroftwo wrote:
My son played golf in Littleton ths summer with a guy that graduated from a neighboring HS in '99.  They talked about NBK & the guy was friends with a victim that he said was a transfer into CHS in '99 (had flunked out of his HS the year prior).  Not sure who that would be?

Hmm, Kyle had started in Columbine three months prior to the shooting. And I've read (in this forum, actually) that he was fired from his previous school due to being a bully and trying to burn down the gym (?!). Could a jock have been friends with him?

Of all the other victims, I'm not sure if any other besides Cassie and Kelly had transferred to CHS; Cassie in the summer of 1997, Kelly in late 1997.

Sounded like (story was relayed thru my son) they were classmates/had daily interaction more so than "friends", so the guy my son met being a jock probably didn't mean much. At first I thought it was Lance Kirklin based on the description from my son, but I've never read anything about Lance Kirklin transferring into CHS.
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Student at neighboring high school complains about Columbine and students Empty
PostSubject: Re: Student at neighboring high school complains about Columbine and students   Student at neighboring high school complains about Columbine and students Icon_minitimeSat Oct 03, 2015 8:45 pm

i should clarify, the "victim" lived.. perhaps I should have said injured instead. Interested in who were injured students that would have transferred into CHS.
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Student at neighboring high school complains about Columbine and students Empty
PostSubject: Re: Student at neighboring high school complains about Columbine and students   Student at neighboring high school complains about Columbine and students Icon_minitimeSun Oct 04, 2015 7:53 am

Oh there was one girl who transferred to CHS like 7 weeks prior to the shooting and was in the library but survived. I can't recall her name though.

As for guy? Dunno. Maybe fake story alltogeather?

Life is like a tram - you need to know when to get off.

"Bullet Time" - a school shooting film from Poland
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