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Columbine High School Massacre Discussion Forum
A place to discuss the Columbine High School Massacre along with other school shootings and crimes. Anyone interested in researching, learning, discussing and debating with us, please come join our community!
_________________ ("Good wombs hath borne bad sons.") " Eric Harris "
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Subject: Re: Columbine high school Wed May 29, 2013 3:05 pm
I know it's just like any other high school in America but I wonder what it feels like going there. I wonder if some of the students are really interested in what happened and research it as well. Or if they try not to think about the shootings.
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Subject: Re: Columbine high school Fri Jul 12, 2013 3:32 am
CatherineM813 wrote:
I know it's just like any other high school in America but I wonder what it feels like going there. I wonder if some of the students are really interested in what happened and research it as well. Or if they try not to think about the shootings.
At Columbine they don't ignore that the massacre happened, but they use it as an example, and try to learn from it instead of dwell, and sweep it under the rug. Our creative writing class is taught by an English teacher who was there during the massacre, and he requires all the freshmen in his class to read Columbine by Dave Cullen. Many of the students have a lot of interest in it from what I have seen.
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Subject: Re: Columbine high school Fri Jul 12, 2013 3:52 am
Columboner wrote:
Our creative writing class is taught by an English teacher who was there during the massacre, and he requires all the freshmen in his class to read Columbine by Dave Cullen.
Did you say he REQUIRES all the freshman to read this Bible of Misinformation?
I give up. This world isn't worth it anymore.
When Columbine Massacre #2 happens, don't be surprised if I yawn and go back to sleep.
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Subject: Re: Columbine high school Fri Jul 12, 2013 3:58 am
StinkyOldGrapes wrote:
Did you say he REQUIRES all the freshman to read this Bible of Misinformation?
I give up. This world isn't worth it anymore.
When Columbine Massacre #2 happens, don't be surprised if I yawn and go back to sleep.
Only the freshmen in his English class, and it's because he's good friends with Cullen. I think it's a load of BS to force feed to students. But that book is the background knowledge most present day students at Columbine have.
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Subject: Re: Columbine high school Fri Jul 12, 2013 4:10 am
Columboner wrote:
StinkyOldGrapes wrote:
Did you say he REQUIRES all the freshman to read this Bible of Misinformation?
I give up. This world isn't worth it anymore.
When Columbine Massacre #2 happens, don't be surprised if I yawn and go back to sleep.
Only the freshmen in his English class, and it's because he's good friends with Cullen.
Tick, tick, tick... What's that sound? Just the next generation of Eric's building up their arsenal.
Quote :
I think it's a load of BS to force feed to students. But that book is the background knowledge most present day students at Columbine have.
Next time you see that teacher, recommend him a copy of Mark Ames' Going Postal.
On second thought, don't do that. You'd probably get expelled.
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Subject: Re: Columbine high school Fri Jul 12, 2013 9:41 am
Quote :
Next time you see that teacher, recommend him a copy of Mark Ames' Going Postal.
On second thought, don't do that. You'd probably get expelled.
Yeah, I don't want to see my friend getting kicked out of school.
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Subject: Re: Columbine high school Fri Jul 12, 2013 10:55 am
For people who actually go, or have been, to Columbine High School, how do you feel about having an interest in the massacre/E&D? Do you feel awkward, ashamed, like you have to hide it, or are you allowed to feel open about discussing it? I mean it's one thing for a teacher broaching the subject to "educate" and another entirely for a student to have thoroughly researched the whole thing and actually enjoy discussing it (at least in the eyes of the school, I'd imagine - hence my curiosity).
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Subject: Re: Columbine high school Fri Jul 12, 2013 3:19 pm
From what I have gathered from Columboner is that there are a lot of people that go there that somewhat "agree" with Eric and Dylan and support them and even like what they know about them.
*correct me of I am wrong, Columboner.*
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Subject: Re: Columbine high school Fri Jul 12, 2013 5:15 pm
Kinney wrote:
For people who actually go, or have been, to Columbine High School, how do you feel about having an interest in the massacre/E&D? Do you feel awkward, ashamed, like you have to hide it, or are you allowed to feel open about discussing it? I mean it's one thing for a teacher broaching the subject to "educate" and another entirely for a student to have thoroughly researched the whole thing and actually enjoy discussing it (at least in the eyes of the school, I'd imagine - hence my curiosity).
It's a little bit uncomfortable, and scary sometimes, I don't want to accidentally say something to get me in trouble with the school regarding my interest. When I first started to become open with my friends about my interest they were also a little shy about the topic, the majority of my friends don't see Eric and Dylan as terrible human beings. But it's just a touchy subject because you never know how people are going to feel about. I mostly hang out with the lame grungy kids, who sit in the corner, and we all "like" Eric and Dylan, but when you talk to the more mainstream kids without a brain in their heads, they just see them as mindless killers.
And actually at the very end of the school year I read Brooks Browns book for an English project (we got to choose our books.) After presenting to the class about the book, I felt a little bit more comfortable talking about Columbine with my teachers and peers. And once I started these conversations I find out a lot about the massacre and the school from an inside and personal perspective.
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Subject: Re: Columbine high school Fri Jul 12, 2013 5:50 pm
I can imagine how It would be a very sensitive subject in the school between different groups. Some things never change. Such a pity that Cullen is receiving all the weight and authority to mythologically educate students. I've often thought it would be cool for Columbine to be taught as a college course - using several different sources and not just one author's PoV to paint an accurate picture. It's an interesting snapshot of a point in time in the 90s of white bread america, a microcosm of various social structures between different cliques. It has all the elements of history, mystery, pop culture, psychology and sociology all rolled into one - with a tad of high school soap opera drama. ;) It would be interesting to teach the subject where students can switch roles and see things from other PoV. Hopefully there is a tad more respect among various social groups in CHS now? One can always hope but there again, it's high school.
I'm going to travel off base a wee bit here *coughs* the Twilight Zone for some *cough*and ask if anyone has claimed to see or feel the presence of E and/or D or the any of the victims spirits within the school? If so, in what areas of the school? I would reeeally like to go in there with my qhost hunting equipment. but alas....
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Subject: Re: Columbine high school Fri Jul 12, 2013 5:59 pm
InFiNiNcEX5 wrote:
. I've often thought it would be cool for Columbine to be taught as a college course - using several different sources and not just one author's PoV to paint an accurate picture. It's an interesting snapshot of a point in time in the 90s of white bread america, a microcosm of various social structures between different cliques. It has all the elements of history, mystery, pop culture, psychology and sociology all rolled into one - with a tad of high school soap opera drama. ;) It would be interesting to teach the subject where students can switch roles and see things from other PoV.
That's an awesome idea, I would love to do something like that
InFiNiNcEX5 wrote:
I'm going to travel off base a wee bit here *coughs* the Twilight Zone for some *cough*and ask if anyone has claimed to see or feel the presence of E and/or D or the any of the victims spirits within the school? If so, in what areas of the school? I would reeeally like to go in there with my qhost hunting equipment. but alas....
I've had friend tell me that when he sat in the seat Dylan did in the sound and lighting booth, he became really uncomfortable. Kids fall down stairs A LOT, more than at any other school I've been too. I've never experienced anything crazy, are cool, those are just things I've heard from other students.
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Subject: Re: Columbine high school Sat Jul 13, 2013 6:58 am
I would be creeped out personally if I went to Columbine HS. The kids are just normal kids though, Columbine happened almost 14 years ago and I dont see how normal high school kids would have much interest in the subject. They are too busy playing sports, getting dates, first jobs, first cars, college, etc.
Posts : 251 Contribution Points : 106272 Forum Reputation : 0 Join date : 2013-06-12 Location : Planet Earth
Subject: Re: Columbine high school Sat Jul 13, 2013 7:40 am
InFiNiNcEX5 wrote:
It would be interesting to teach the subject where students can switch roles and see things from other PoV.
Switch roles... Do you mean like this:
Mom: "What did you learn at school today, son?" Student 1: "We got to do a drama play about the massacre. I got to say Peek-A-Boo and murder my classmates. It was really interesting to see things through Eric's POV. Now I understand how much hard work a massacre is, and I better understand why he stole someone's drink in the cafeteria." Student 2: "I got to be a victim. I was told to hide underneath a desk, because everybody knows how desk's are bulletproof." Dave Cullen: "No, no, no. You're doing this all wrong. Dylan didn't say "Get up!" He actually said "Please Eric, let's not go through with this. I'm really a shiny, happy person, and I only bought this Tec-9 because I thought it was a motorized toothbrush."
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Subject: Re: Columbine high school Sat Jul 13, 2013 11:47 am
StinkyOldGrapes wrote:
InFiNiNcEX5 wrote:
It would be interesting to teach the subject where students can switch roles and see things from other PoV.
Switch roles... Do you mean like this:
Mom: "What did you learn at school today, son?" Student 1: "We got to do a drama play about the massacre. I got to say Peek-A-Boo and murder my classmates. It was really interesting to see things through Eric's POV. Now I understand how much hard work a massacre is, and I better understand why he stole someone's drink in the cafeteria." Student 2: "I got to be a victim. I was told to hide underneath a desk, because everybody knows how desk's are bulletproof." Dave Cullen: "No, no, no. You're doing this all wrong. Dylan didn't say "Get up!" He actually said "Please Eric, let's not go through with this. I'm really a shiny, happy person, and I only bought this Tec-9 because I thought it was a motorized toothbrush."
I almost pissed myself! That was brilliant!
_________________ Ignorance is bliss!-Dylan Klebold
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Subject: Re: Columbine high school Sat Jul 13, 2013 11:56 am
tragedy79 wrote:
I almost pissed myself! That was brilliant!
Thank you tragedy79. It's nice to know that I posted something on this board that made sense for once, because I don't know what I'm saying half the time anymore.... I seriously need a vacation.
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Subject: Re: Columbine high school Sat Jul 13, 2013 9:07 pm
tragedy79 wrote:
StinkyOldGrapes wrote:
InFiNiNcEX5 wrote:
It would be interesting to teach the subject where students can switch roles and see things from other PoV.
Switch roles... Do you mean like this:
Mom: "What did you learn at school today, son?" Student 1: "We got to do a drama play about the massacre. I got to say Peek-A-Boo and murder my classmates. It was really interesting to see things through Eric's POV. Now I understand how much hard work a massacre is, and I better understand why he stole someone's drink in the cafeteria." Student 2: "I got to be a victim. I was told to hide underneath a desk, because everybody knows how desk's are bulletproof." Dave Cullen: "No, no, no. You're doing this all wrong. Dylan didn't say "Get up!" He actually said "Please Eric, let's not go through with this. I'm really a shiny, happy person, and I only bought this Tec-9 because I thought it was a motorized toothbrush."
I almost pissed myself! That was brilliant!
I'll second that. FTW! Actually, you know, you're on to a great parody there the likes of the Rocky Columbine Horror Picture Show.. What a great way to throw it back in Cullen's face. heh.
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Subject: Re: Columbine high school Sat Jul 13, 2013 9:45 pm
Well, hmm..how to explain better. When I'm in the midst of reading the 11K it's a bit like one gargantuan novel with various characters to be learned. Seeing how the students identify themselves as part of a group clique or with a certain bunch of friends that are part of a group and learning the various relationship dynamics of how those groups interacted (or didn't at all interact) with E & D. Sort of a "Seven Degrees of.." connecting-the-dots type thing. An example of this would be a "story" that I posted on Tumblr recently because I found a sort of irony to it. Michael Paavilainen reads as relating himself as part of the jock group. After 4/20, Michael was told during his interview with the detectives that he was disliked by D & E - he was on the (S)hit List. Michael claims to have no idea why. His bowling team had bowled against E & D, Chris and Nate from time to time. He said sometimes they beat his team and he relayed the bizarre manner that Eric bowled (which I do find quite hilarious how unorthodox E & D bowled. brings the lolz.) One day in January '99, Michael's sister, Jennifer, clipped the left rear fender of Dylan's BMW in the CHS parking lot. Dylan got out of the car and told her not to worry because the car had been hit before. Eric got out of the passenger's side of Dylan's car and was angry at her. Dylan ordered Eric to get back in the car, which he did. They hated her brother and yet Dylan and Eric were not on the same page with the sister. Maybe E & D didn't even know that it was this girl's brother that they put on their list, and Dylan gave her a break. In any case, Dylan is telling Eric to stop getting his knickers in a twist and get back in the car. Interesting stuff. Would've loved to be a fly on the wall for that scene.
I find the social/political HS dynamics and layered interplay interesting It's not all black and white. It's not all 'good, perfect popular students' versus 'the monsters'. In the culture of Littleton at that time, many times it was a simple as 'jocks' versus 'losers' which is what bred the tragedy. I'm sort of envisioning that college students studying 'Columbine 101 420' could be assigned to read accounts from certain students in the 11 K. They might get to examine some students that identify as part of a particular group - TCM, Jocks, Preps, Xtians, etc. Some of the students might not identify with part of a group at all which is the case with many students, actually! So, you might have someone like Jennifer Harmon, who seemed to have been friendly with everyone including E & D. You may have someone who was close friends with the TCM but they didn't consider themselves a part of that group. You may be someone who was good childhood friends with Dylan, like Chad Laughlin, but on 4/20, you have an absolutely bizarre and awkward encounter with said childhood friend as he is now holding a gun twenty feet away from you. You might be Adam Kyler for the day - who was a special ed student that was picked on by Dylan. You might be Patrick Ireland, you might be Brooks Brown. Students switch roles constantly and read about their "character' from the 11K to learn various student's perspective as they either eventually cross paths with E & D (or never do) up to 4/20. I don't know, It just seems like it could be a interactive, cool way to get a good handle on the snapshot in time that was Columbine 1999. C'mon, StinkyOldGrapes, wouldn't this be a bit more engaging and intellectually stimulating than forcing CHS students to read Dave Cullen as the Bible's truth about Columbine? His work should not be up there with other "classic" required reading like The Catcher on the Rye. Plus, if you were in this class, I'm sure there'd be some perverse comedy to be had. ;)
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Subject: Re: Columbine high school Sat Jul 13, 2013 10:50 pm
Columboner wrote:
That's an awesome idea, I would love to do something like that
Thanks! Glad you can appreciate my idea.
Columboner wrote:
I've had friend tell me that when he sat in the seat Dylan did in the sound and lighting booth, he became really uncomfortable. Kids fall down stairs A LOT, more than at any other school I've been too. I've never experienced anything crazy, are cool, those are just things I've heard from other students.
That's interesting that Dylan's energy seems to be presenting in the theater. Hey, what better place than a theater to present? ;) ;) But it makes sense as he seemed to like to work on the production stuff. Someone else on Tumblr mentioned that he's been seen by students in the catwalk area in the theater. I haven't heard anything about Eric. Guess he much prefers the 'dream-like' state rather than haunting a place he hated so.
Posts : 251 Contribution Points : 106272 Forum Reputation : 0 Join date : 2013-06-12 Location : Planet Earth
Subject: Re: Columbine high school Sat Jul 13, 2013 11:04 pm
InFiNiNcEX5 wrote:
tragedy79 wrote:
I almost pissed myself! That was brilliant!
I'll second that. FTW! Actually, you know, you're on to a great parody there the likes of the Rocky Columbine Horror Picture Show.. What a great way to throw it back in Cullen's face. heh.
Thanks for the kind words. I expanded on this parody and posted it in the FanFiction section. It's a short story called "Cullenbine by Dave Cullen".
Posts : 251 Contribution Points : 106272 Forum Reputation : 0 Join date : 2013-06-12 Location : Planet Earth
Subject: Re: Columbine high school Sun Jul 14, 2013 1:51 am
InFiNiNcEX5 wrote:
It just seems like it could be a interactive, cool way to get a good handle on the snapshot in time that was Columbine 1999. C'mon, StinkyOldGrapes, wouldn't this be a bit more engaging and intellectually stimulating than forcing CHS students to read Dave Cullen as the Bible's truth about Columbine? His work should not be up there with other "classic" required reading like The Catcher on the Rye. Plus, if you were in this class, I'm sure there'd be some perverse comedy to be had. ;)
If I was in his class, I would have already been expelled for using Cullen's book as toilet paper, making it necessary for me to return back to school with two dozen AK-47s and 50,000 rounds of ammo.
If I didn't commit suicide afterwards, I'd sue Cullen for the back injury I got while carrying all that ammo.
Don't pay attention to me. I'm just being a jerk. InFiNiNcEX5, you're idea is actually a very good one.
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Subject: Re: Columbine high school Mon Sep 26, 2022 11:09 am