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 Eric does it with Susan DeWitt

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Eric does it with Susan DeWitt Empty
PostSubject: Eric does it with Susan DeWitt   Eric does it with Susan DeWitt Icon_minitimeThu Jan 21, 2016 8:33 pm

Does he go NBK or not?

Would having a girlfriend have saved him? A friend with benefits? A one-night stand?

Or, how about this? On 4/19, Eric makes a date for 4/21. Does he go NBK? Or does he ask VoDKa to hold off at least one more day?

Could Eric have been saved by love? By lust?

By what date was he too far gone?

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Eric does it with Susan DeWitt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric does it with Susan DeWitt   Eric does it with Susan DeWitt Icon_minitimeThu Jan 21, 2016 8:47 pm

Yeah he still goes NBK. Getting laid was just one small piece to a gigantic psychopathic puzzle. He'd still loath the human race, and Columbine. It seemed like his writings were more like "I'd like to try and get some before NBK", so either or I'm saying he still goes through with it.

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PostSubject: Re: Eric does it with Susan DeWitt   Eric does it with Susan DeWitt Icon_minitimeThu Jan 21, 2016 8:51 pm

slippy123 wrote:
Yeah he still goes NBK. Getting laid was just one small piece to a gigantic psychopathic puzzle. He'd still loath the human race, and Columbine. It seemed like his writings were more like "I'd like to try and get some before NBK", so either or I'm saying he still goes through with it.

Would Eric have been into kinky sex?

Fifty Shades of NBK?

(Sorry, Susan. Very Happy)

Why does anyone do anything?

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Eric does it with Susan DeWitt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric does it with Susan DeWitt   Eric does it with Susan DeWitt Icon_minitimeThu Jan 21, 2016 8:52 pm

LPorter101 wrote:
slippy123 wrote:
Yeah he still goes NBK. Getting laid was just one small piece to a gigantic psychopathic puzzle. He'd still loath the human race, and Columbine. It seemed like his writings were more like "I'd like to try and get some before NBK", so either or I'm saying he still goes through with it.

Would Eric have been into kinky sex?

Fifty Shades of NBK?

(Sorry, Susan. Very Happy)

He'd either let all that rage out and dominate her, or be a one pump chump Razz

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Eric does it with Susan DeWitt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric does it with Susan DeWitt   Eric does it with Susan DeWitt Icon_minitimeThu Jan 21, 2016 8:53 pm

slippy123 wrote:
LPorter101 wrote:
slippy123 wrote:
Yeah he still goes NBK. Getting laid was just one small piece to a gigantic psychopathic puzzle. He'd still loath the human race, and Columbine. It seemed like his writings were more like "I'd like to try and get some before NBK", so either or I'm saying he still goes through with it.

Would Eric have been into kinky sex?

Fifty Shades of NBK?

(Sorry, Susan. Very Happy)

He'd either let all that rage out and dominate her, or be a one pump chump Razz

Eric has sex ... and it's awful. The earth does not move.

Eric unzips his pants ... and the girl starts laughing.

How does Eric react?

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Eric does it with Susan DeWitt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric does it with Susan DeWitt   Eric does it with Susan DeWitt Icon_minitimeThu Jan 21, 2016 9:55 pm

Hopefully in the second case he tells her to grow up and get out if she doesn't want him.

Seriously. I have been with some guys who were not well-endowed at all. I would never and have nevee laughed at someone for that. That is just not okay. Let alone Eric or Dylan? Really? They were both so handsome in so many ways. I'd consider myself lucky to be with them at all.
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Eric does it with Susan DeWitt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric does it with Susan DeWitt   Eric does it with Susan DeWitt Icon_minitimeThu Jan 21, 2016 10:20 pm

Oh I definitely think a girlfriend brings it to a halt. He said it himself, ”Susan, sorry. Under different circumstances it would’ve been a lot different. I want you to have that fly CD.”
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Eric does it with Susan DeWitt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric does it with Susan DeWitt   Eric does it with Susan DeWitt Icon_minitimeThu Jan 21, 2016 10:22 pm

lasttrain wrote:
Oh I definitely think a girlfriend brings it to a halt.  He said it himself, ”Susan, sorry. Under different circumstances it would’ve been a lot different. I want you to have that fly CD.”

For once we agree! It must be that weird planetary alignment.

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Eric does it with Susan DeWitt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric does it with Susan DeWitt   Eric does it with Susan DeWitt Icon_minitimeThu Jan 21, 2016 10:50 pm

LPorter101 wrote:
Does he go NBK or not?

Would having a girlfriend have saved him? A friend with benefits? A one-night stand?

Or, how about this? On 4/19, Eric makes a date for 4/21. Does he go NBK? Or does he ask VoDKa to hold off at least one more day?

Could Eric have been saved by love? By lust?

By what date was he too far gone?

It obviously was too late by that time ...
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Eric does it with Susan DeWitt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric does it with Susan DeWitt   Eric does it with Susan DeWitt Icon_minitimeFri Jan 22, 2016 12:33 am

I'm of the opinion that getting laid can help fix just about anything.
Also, it kinda seemed like he was looking for an excuse not to do it
Hell, it seemed like he was trying to get caught towards the end...

-I am the shadow that ceases to be understood.
I scream for darkness, I am the light.
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To experience life after death, in solitude, in compassion, in love.-

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Eric does it with Susan DeWitt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric does it with Susan DeWitt   Eric does it with Susan DeWitt Icon_minitimeFri Jan 22, 2016 10:41 am

I dont think it would have stopped him from going NBK. He was already fully prepared to die. And if he didn't go NBK he would have been one of those clingy guys and Susan would have ended up chopped to pieces in a ditch somehwere and we would see the story on ID bounce

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Eric does it with Susan DeWitt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric does it with Susan DeWitt   Eric does it with Susan DeWitt Icon_minitimeFri Jan 22, 2016 11:37 am

lasttrain wrote:
Oh I definitely think a girlfriend brings it to a halt.  He said it himself, ”Susan, sorry. Under different circumstances it would’ve been a lot different. I want you to have that fly CD.”

I think that if they had hung out more and maybe dated way before, perhaps it wouldn't of happened. Then again, knowing how chemically imbalanced his brain was, who knows.

“What do you think about when you look up at the sky at night, when there’s no clouds out,and you can see the stars?” -Eric Harris
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Eric does it with Susan DeWitt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric does it with Susan DeWitt   Eric does it with Susan DeWitt Icon_minitimeFri Jan 22, 2016 12:30 pm

I think it was too late. It was a last try but the outcome didn't matter, because he was going to kill himself on tuesday anyway.

MAYBE, if they got together a few months before April. But i doubt it.
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PostSubject: Re: Eric does it with Susan DeWitt   Eric does it with Susan DeWitt Icon_minitimeFri Jan 22, 2016 12:40 pm


“What do you think about when you look up at the sky at night, when there’s no clouds out,and you can see the stars?” -Eric Harris
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Eric does it with Susan DeWitt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric does it with Susan DeWitt   Eric does it with Susan DeWitt Icon_minitimeFri Jan 22, 2016 11:16 pm

by that point it didn't really matter what was going on around their lives.Imo even if Rocky and the jocks came suddenly and apologized to them(just thinking here guys),even if they became leaders of a TCM rebirth,even if they had sex,they would do it anyway.They spent months on the plan,and backing out would be a shameful and irrational for both given all the rants and 'all the shit you gave us in past four years'.

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Eric does it with Susan DeWitt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric does it with Susan DeWitt   Eric does it with Susan DeWitt Icon_minitimeSat Jan 23, 2016 11:37 am

I think they still had a chance of not doing it had something changed before November. (The gun purchases) Eric himself wrote that it sealed the deal and they were now armed and almost ready.

“What do you think about when you look up at the sky at night, when there’s no clouds out,and you can see the stars?” -Eric Harris

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Eric does it with Susan DeWitt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric does it with Susan DeWitt   Eric does it with Susan DeWitt Icon_minitimeTue Feb 09, 2016 4:30 am

Rebdomine wrote:
lasttrain wrote:
Oh I definitely think a girlfriend brings it to a halt.  He said it himself, ”Susan, sorry. Under different circumstances it would’ve been a lot different. I want you to have that fly CD.”

I think that if they had hung out more and maybe dated way before, perhaps it wouldn't of happened. Then again, knowing how chemically imbalanced his brain was, who knows.

I think that last part is something a lot of people tend to over look. The effect that a first love/first sexual encounter can have on a depressed teenage brain can't be overstated. At the very least it would have made Eric take a hard look at himself and his plans. You gotta keep in mind that highschool would be over in a month. Maybe some sex and affection was all it would have taken to give Eric the strength to tough it out a little longer. Of course that's not to say he wouldn't have snapped eventually any way. That high from his first lover wouldn't have lasted forever.

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