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 Eric and Kristi Epling vs Eric and Susan Dewitt

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Eric and Kristi Epling vs Eric and Susan Dewitt  Empty
PostSubject: Eric and Kristi Epling vs Eric and Susan Dewitt    Eric and Kristi Epling vs Eric and Susan Dewitt  Icon_minitimeSun May 21, 2017 11:55 pm

Does anyone else think that kristi epling would have been great for eric harris if he weren't so 'picky' or i guess infatuated with that alyssa girl? she not only liked him but also liked and accepted him despite 'knowing' him. she knew his violent and volatile personality as seen by the way he writes notes to her in german and what he wrote in her year book  (if he wrote that shit to me i would have freaked tf out) meaning she wouldn't have found him weird or creepy like the other girls he dated who he only knew superficially and were therefore surprised (in a bad way) when his true personality emerged.

Despite all his flaws, she was still very friendly to him and seemed nice enough and apparently he always went to her for advice on his problems and girls he liked meaning she would also be a very good listener and someone he could vent his frustrations to. idk i feel like they could have been probably better than eric and susan - i mean susan dewitt seems like a sweet girl and probably is, the letter she wrote him was very sweet and she seemed to be a very good listener for him and non judgemental, appeared sympathetic/ understanding when he expressed his hurt over that ex friend of his that was talking shit behind his back but the thing is she, like the other girls eric dated only knew him superficially and there would therefore be the possibility of her being turned off if she in fact did try to pursue a deeper relationship with him and perhaps eric knew this and that's why he didn't bother sticking around with hope to see where their relationship would go as nbk drew closer and closer. Kristi epling and susan dewitt were both quite pretty but if i had to choose personally, susan dewitt seemed to have a sweeter, cuter face.

Does anyone have opinions on this?
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Eric and Kristi Epling vs Eric and Susan Dewitt  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric and Kristi Epling vs Eric and Susan Dewitt    Eric and Kristi Epling vs Eric and Susan Dewitt  Icon_minitimeThu May 25, 2017 4:35 pm

you would have freaked out? than you are a coward.
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Eric and Kristi Epling vs Eric and Susan Dewitt  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric and Kristi Epling vs Eric and Susan Dewitt    Eric and Kristi Epling vs Eric and Susan Dewitt  Icon_minitimeSun Jun 04, 2017 5:55 am

You are not wrong about Kristi, she seemed understanding and knew Eric long enough, But to me it seemed they were better off as friends and she was seeing another guy anyway, one of Eric's friend I forgot his name. Kristi was actually pretty hot back then. She was pretty to me.

As for Susan, well, the timing was a little late.

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Eric and Kristi Epling vs Eric and Susan Dewitt  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric and Kristi Epling vs Eric and Susan Dewitt    Eric and Kristi Epling vs Eric and Susan Dewitt  Icon_minitimeTue Jun 06, 2017 11:05 am

For some reason I could always picture Susan and Eric as a couple if the massacre hadn't happened, but I could just never picture Kristi and Eric. I'm not sure why.....maybe it's because I think Susan was just more his type physically.

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PostSubject: Re: Eric and Kristi Epling vs Eric and Susan Dewitt    Eric and Kristi Epling vs Eric and Susan Dewitt  Icon_minitime

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Eric and Kristi Epling vs Eric and Susan Dewitt
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