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 Basement Tapes 30 Second Leaked Audio - Uncensored Version

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PostSubject: Basement Tapes 30 Second Leaked Audio - Uncensored Version   Basement Tapes 30 Second Leaked Audio - Uncensored Version Icon_minitimeTue Apr 19, 2016 1:39 am

So this is something I've never come across. The only place I can currently find it is via Tumblr, so I won't post the direct link but it's very easy to search for over there. Perhaps somebody can record it from Tumblr and upload to a different host?

The audio is significantly higher quality and it's uncensored. It's also a tad longer. Could it be a very convincing forgery? I listened to the original censored version side by side and I'm quite sure it's the real deal.

Edit: Apparently it's taken from the press conference where Darrell Scott played the clip before the media got a hold of it and presented us with the censored version. Although I'm still not sure if it's turned up before now.
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PostSubject: Re: Basement Tapes 30 Second Leaked Audio - Uncensored Version   Basement Tapes 30 Second Leaked Audio - Uncensored Version Icon_minitimeTue Apr 19, 2016 2:11 am

I've converted it and uploaded it to YouTube.

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PostSubject: Re: Basement Tapes 30 Second Leaked Audio - Uncensored Version   Basement Tapes 30 Second Leaked Audio - Uncensored Version Icon_minitimeTue Apr 19, 2016 5:19 am

The sound quality is awful, but it's weird to hear the whole thing without all the beeps… I guess this sound bite is all we're gonna be able to get from those tapes :/
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PostSubject: Re: Basement Tapes 30 Second Leaked Audio - Uncensored Version   Basement Tapes 30 Second Leaked Audio - Uncensored Version Icon_minitimeTue Apr 19, 2016 6:13 am

Thanks for sharing Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Basement Tapes 30 Second Leaked Audio - Uncensored Version   Basement Tapes 30 Second Leaked Audio - Uncensored Version Icon_minitimeTue Apr 19, 2016 9:09 am

Thank you for posting. Lot of hate in just that small clip

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PostSubject: Re: Basement Tapes 30 Second Leaked Audio - Uncensored Version   Basement Tapes 30 Second Leaked Audio - Uncensored Version Icon_minitimeTue Apr 19, 2016 10:37 am

Thanks for converting it to YouTube! Their anger is much clearer in this version thanks to the higher quality audio. Also, without the beeps covering up half the clip, I get a sense of how their conversation flowed through this and perhaps the rest of the tapes.
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PostSubject: Re: Basement Tapes 30 Second Leaked Audio - Uncensored Version   Basement Tapes 30 Second Leaked Audio - Uncensored Version Icon_minitimeTue Apr 19, 2016 10:59 am

Can you imagine hours of this whining and ranting and hate and bravado. Rolling Eyes
That's all I really think the BTs are, and as I've posted before, there's other things that I would rather see/hear related to E/D.

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PostSubject: Re: Basement Tapes 30 Second Leaked Audio - Uncensored Version   Basement Tapes 30 Second Leaked Audio - Uncensored Version Icon_minitimeTue Apr 19, 2016 11:16 am

ThoughtBox wrote:
Can you imagine hours of this whining and ranting and hate and bravado.  Rolling Eyes
That's all I really think the BTs are, and as I've posted before, there's other things that I would rather see/hear related to E/D.

LOL they sound so young on the tape. I think people forget that they were 17 years old. Children lol
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PostSubject: Re: Basement Tapes 30 Second Leaked Audio - Uncensored Version   Basement Tapes 30 Second Leaked Audio - Uncensored Version Icon_minitimeMon May 02, 2016 8:54 pm

Thanks for posting! Cool to hear everything without the beeps... Also did Eric say at the end "God I hate..."? And then it cuts off...

Somebody out there could have a longer audio of this
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PostSubject: Re: Basement Tapes 30 Second Leaked Audio - Uncensored Version   Basement Tapes 30 Second Leaked Audio - Uncensored Version Icon_minitimeTue May 03, 2016 11:35 am

thedude11 wrote:
Thanks for posting! Cool to hear everything without the beeps... Also did Eric say at the end "God I hate..."? And then it cuts off...

Somebody out there could have a longer audio of this

I heard that too. I think that was the part Rachel Scott's father stopped the tape. I heard Eric say something akin to that. According to the transcripts, they start cheering "Go Romans Go Romans!" He may have said something like, "God I hate that shit" and Dylan piped in talking over him chanting Go Romans. But that's pure speculation on my part.
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PostSubject: Re: Basement Tapes 30 Second Leaked Audio - Uncensored Version   Basement Tapes 30 Second Leaked Audio - Uncensored Version Icon_minitimeTue May 03, 2016 8:02 pm

This is the first audio clip I've listened to involving columbine other than the 911 calls. This is probably gonna sound ridiculous, but their voices are so familiar to me; their tone is very similar to people I knew back then. And they have that tone that young people talked with in the 90s.

Up until listening to this I always assumed that I probably would have been friends with these guys if we had gone to the same school, just based on our music interests and such and the fact that we were around the same age, and I was always pretty welcoming to making new friends, especially if someone seemed like they needed a friend.

But after listening to this, they remind me of those pessimistic, arrogant "atheist- and crammed it down your throat" guys that also tended to be music snobs. I would try to stay on good terms with people like that but always ended up getting annoyed with them haha. Anyone else who was a teenager in the late 90s know what I'm talking about? I don't know, something about hearing them just took me right back to those days for some reason.
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PostSubject: Re: Basement Tapes 30 Second Leaked Audio - Uncensored Version   Basement Tapes 30 Second Leaked Audio - Uncensored Version Icon_minitimeWed May 04, 2016 8:33 am

Kiwik wrote:
This is the first audio clip I've listened to involving columbine other than the 911 calls. This is probably gonna sound ridiculous, but their voices are so familiar to me; their tone is very similar to people I knew back then. And they have that tone that young people talked with in the 90s.

Up until listening to this I always assumed that I probably would have been friends with these guys if we had gone to the same school, just based on our music interests and such and the fact that we were around the same age, and I was always pretty welcoming to making new friends, especially if someone seemed like they needed a friend.

But after listening to this, they remind me of those pessimistic, arrogant "atheist- and crammed it down your throat" guys that also tended to be music snobs. I would try to stay on good terms with people like that but  always ended up getting annoyed with them haha. Anyone else who was a teenager in the late 90s know what I'm talking about? I don't know, something about hearing them just took me right back to those days for some reason.

I wasn't a teenager in the 90's, I was 11 in 99 but I get what you are saying. I know I would not have been able to be friends with E&D at all. Especially Dylan. I think I could have been an acquaintance with Eric maybe because I like you was friendly and pretty nice to everyone but I can think of kids in my high school that acted like E&D did and I was actually somewhat afraid to talk to them lol!

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PostSubject: Re: Basement Tapes 30 Second Leaked Audio - Uncensored Version   Basement Tapes 30 Second Leaked Audio - Uncensored Version Icon_minitimeWed May 04, 2016 10:34 am

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] I can see why someone would be afraid to talk to people like them, even if the massacre never happened! Not because of the way they dressed or anything, but their fascination with weapons and explosives would've set off warning bells for me. For example, all the kids I knew that were interested in making pipe bombs were usually delinquents who were highly unstable, constantly in trouble, acted like jerks and didn't hide their mean, violent streaks. I would always be nice to them (mainly for self preservation) but was secretly intimidated by them.

As far as E&D go, if All I knew about them was their basic "normal" interests I wouldn't have been afraid of them. I kinda gravitated towards people that shared the same music interests anyway (for the record I don't listen to hardly any of that music anymore haha). Their hate speech would have been annoying though.
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PostSubject: Re: Basement Tapes 30 Second Leaked Audio - Uncensored Version   Basement Tapes 30 Second Leaked Audio - Uncensored Version Icon_minitimeWed May 04, 2016 11:19 am

Kiwik wrote:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] I can see why someone would be afraid to talk to people like them, even if the massacre never happened! Not because of the way they dressed or anything, but their fascination with weapons and explosives would've set off warning bells for me. For example, all the kids I knew that were interested in making pipe bombs were usually delinquents who were highly unstable, constantly in trouble, acted like jerks and didn't hide their mean, violent streaks. I would always be nice to them (mainly for self preservation) but was secretly intimidated by them.

As far as E&D go, if All I knew about them was their basic "normal" interests I wouldn't have been afraid of them. I kinda gravitated towards people that shared the same music interests anyway (for the record I don't listen to hardly any of that music anymore haha). Their hate speech would have been annoying though.

I think for me it just would have been too many differences between E&D and myself. I always sat in the front of the class and they sat in back. They didn't really talk to many people, wore black clothing, and could be mean and rude to teachers and students alike. I was kinda a brown noser for teachers lol.

I was somewhat shy in school as well so even though I was a friend of a friend with people like the TCM I didn't associate with them when I was alone.
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PostSubject: Re: Basement Tapes 30 Second Leaked Audio - Uncensored Version   Basement Tapes 30 Second Leaked Audio - Uncensored Version Icon_minitimeWed May 04, 2016 2:52 pm

Kiwik wrote:
This is the first audio clip I've listened to involving columbine other than the 911 calls. This is probably gonna sound ridiculous, but their voices are so familiar to me; their tone is very similar to people I knew back then. And they have that tone that young people talked with in the 90s.

Up until listening to this I always assumed that I probably would have been friends with these guys if we had gone to the same school, just based on our music interests and such and the fact that we were around the same age, and I was always pretty welcoming to making new friends, especially if someone seemed like they needed a friend.

But after listening to this, they remind me of those pessimistic, arrogant "atheist- and crammed it down your throat" guys that also tended to be music snobs. I would try to stay on good terms with people like that but  always ended up getting annoyed with them haha. Anyone else who was a teenager in the late 90s know what I'm talking about? I don't know, something about hearing them just took me right back to those days for some reason.

I know what you mean.  I graduated high school in '99 and a lot of the words they use and the way they speak reminds me so much of how teens were back I was back then.  I mean, I actually still use a lot of words they used........but the amount of hate they had for everyone is just unbelievable. I can't wrap my mind around it.  How does one become this misanthropic at the age of 17? I'm older now and I call myself a misanthrope, but it's pretty justified, because by the time you become my age you're kind of fed up with everyone and everything, lol.  But what the hell happened in their lives to make them HATE so much at such a young age? I can't understand it. I would have probably been friends with them in high school until I realized how obsessed they were with weaponry.  Then I would have lost interest.
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PostSubject: Re: Basement Tapes 30 Second Leaked Audio - Uncensored Version   Basement Tapes 30 Second Leaked Audio - Uncensored Version Icon_minitimeWed May 04, 2016 4:14 pm

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Yes exactly - I'm glad it wasn't just me who picked up on the way they were speaking. It actually made me a little nostalgic there for a second, just from listening but not paying attention to what they were actually saying haha.

Also agree about their level of hate. It seems ridiculous for some kids who have no perspective or life experience, who haven't even gotten out of high school yet to harbor such negativity. I knew some kids who were like this and they always bummed me out. Even though I had my own anger issues at the time I wasnt this hateful. I guess it just comes down to the fact that they were just very angry, unhappy people who fed off each other's hate.
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PostSubject: Re: Basement Tapes 30 Second Leaked Audio - Uncensored Version   Basement Tapes 30 Second Leaked Audio - Uncensored Version Icon_minitimeThu May 05, 2016 4:47 am

Kiwik wrote:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Yes exactly - I'm glad it wasn't just me who picked up on the way they were speaking. It actually made me a little nostalgic there for a second, just from listening but not paying attention to what they were actually saying haha.

Yeah, even their class photo gives nostalgic vibes. So 90's. Look at all that dark, casual/baggy clothing.

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The fashion reminds me of that nu metal look that was in at the time:

The 90s were an angry time for teens.

Speaking of the class photo, does anyone know why none of Seniors that Eric and Dylan murdered or injured are pictured in the photo above? (as far as I'm aware)

Kiwik wrote:
Also agree about their level of hate. It seems ridiculous for some kids who have no perspective or life experience, who haven't even gotten out of high school yet to harbor such negativity. I knew some kids who were like this and they always bummed me out. Even though I had my own anger issues at the time I wasnt this hateful. I guess it just comes down to the fact that they were just very angry, unhappy people who fed off each other's hate.

I agree, they really sound like whiney brats.
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PostSubject: Re: Basement Tapes 30 Second Leaked Audio - Uncensored Version   Basement Tapes 30 Second Leaked Audio - Uncensored Version Icon_minitimeThu May 05, 2016 4:36 pm

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] I agree, the 90s were very dark for teenagers. Still makes me nostalgic though!

I was surprised that Eric and Dylan's voices are so similar. I almost can't differentiate between them when they're both talking at the same time (if the transcript wasn't there I wouldn't know which was which). I always had it in my head that Eric had more of a soft, higher pitched voice for some reason. Not like a girl's, just kinda high pitched for a guy. I'm sure I've heard them speaking at some point, particularly back when it first happened and the media played clips of their school videos, but I'm obviously not gonna remember what they sounded like. I've watched several videos on the shooters before but I usually have the sound off. (I always seem to be in a place where someone is in earshot when I've watched these things).
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PostSubject: Re: Basement Tapes 30 Second Leaked Audio - Uncensored Version   Basement Tapes 30 Second Leaked Audio - Uncensored Version Icon_minitimeSat May 28, 2016 1:01 am

0:11 to me it sounds like he says "ugly little fucking"
and he also says "thank you" quietly to the Romans, followed by Dylan bursting out with laughter at the fact he refereed to Jesus as an asshole and repeated it himself.
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