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 Deciphering Dylan "Font"

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Deciphering Dylan "Font" Empty
PostSubject: Deciphering Dylan "Font"   Deciphering Dylan "Font" Icon_minitimeWed Apr 24, 2013 2:48 pm

Can anyone read the second from the last word in this part of Dylan's journal?

Where is she..
Forever I will want her
need her, love her, be with
her (search in her (?)) ___?____ goes
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Deciphering Dylan "Font" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deciphering Dylan "Font"   Deciphering Dylan "Font" Icon_minitimeWed Apr 24, 2013 8:29 pm

Even the FBI couldn't decipher that one, looks like you're SOL. Would you by chance know how to get in touch with *****?
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Deciphering Dylan "Font" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deciphering Dylan "Font"   Deciphering Dylan "Font" Icon_minitimeWed Apr 24, 2013 8:58 pm

D e s t i?
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Deciphering Dylan "Font" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deciphering Dylan "Font"   Deciphering Dylan "Font" Icon_minitimeWed Apr 24, 2013 9:46 pm

Looks like "which."
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Deciphering Dylan "Font" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deciphering Dylan "Font"   Deciphering Dylan "Font" Icon_minitimeWed Apr 24, 2013 10:22 pm

torrentshollywoodfilms wrote:
D e s t i?

No, she's not a member here. Try Facebook.
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Deciphering Dylan "Font" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deciphering Dylan "Font"   Deciphering Dylan "Font" Icon_minitimeWed Apr 24, 2013 11:06 pm

Do you have her info? I don't.
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Deciphering Dylan "Font" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deciphering Dylan "Font"   Deciphering Dylan "Font" Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2013 1:42 am

Think is which and it's not search in her but search for her (the "f" is not clearly visible; also look at the other "o" in the phrase)

Just got back from a pleasure trip: I took my mother-in-law to the airport.
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Deciphering Dylan "Font" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deciphering Dylan "Font"   Deciphering Dylan "Font" Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2013 1:59 am

jobbesat wrote:
Think is which and it's not search in her but search for her (the "f" is not clearly visible; also look at the other "o" in the phrase)

Good point about the "f" not being clearly visible!

Ok, two votes for "which"


Where is she..
Forever I will want her
need her, love her, be with
her (search for her) which goes

Not sure how it makes sense exactly - unless he's rhetorically questioning, like a puzzle that he can't resolve sans the ? at the end. One hell of a way to spell that word too. Perhaps, too much booze eh, Dylan? afro

Any other takes on the word, feel free to jump right in.. Usually, I can read his signature scrawl but this one word has been driving me bonkers

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Deciphering Dylan "Font" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deciphering Dylan "Font"   Deciphering Dylan "Font" Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2013 2:41 am

I read "chick" instead of "which"...but that doesn't make any sense as well.

Is there a proverb in the english language that could fit here? As in he shortened a longer sentence into ".... goes" (?)
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Deciphering Dylan "Font" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deciphering Dylan "Font"   Deciphering Dylan "Font" Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2013 10:18 am

InFiNiNcEX5 wrote:
her (search in her (?)) ___?____ goes[/i]

Here were my first guesses but they don't really make any sense...

her (search is me) think goes

her (search for me) chick goes
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Deciphering Dylan "Font" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deciphering Dylan "Font"   Deciphering Dylan "Font" Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2013 7:36 pm

InFiNiNcEX5 wrote:

Where is she..
Forever I will want her
need her, love her, be with
her (search for her) which goes

I read it like this too
Though I'm not really sure about the one in parenthesis, I'd say 'search in me' but the last word also looks like his other 'her', just written in a rush

Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage.
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Deciphering Dylan "Font" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deciphering Dylan "Font"   Deciphering Dylan "Font" Icon_minitimeFri Apr 26, 2013 7:27 pm

Where is she..
Forever I will want her
need her, love her, be with
her (search for her) which shit goes

The first two letters could be an S and lowercase h combined. The i seems the only obvious letter. The last letter could be the top cross of the T disconnected, curled upward -it looks like a C turned on it's side
but is actually part of the left side of the cross on the "T".
A stretch, I know. But then again, Dylan used "shit" a lot in his journal as an "all purpose" word - sort of like an expression of "the shit continues" or "the shit keeps happening" - not being able to figure out where/who the girl is that was meant for him.

Thoughts bom
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Deciphering Dylan "Font" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deciphering Dylan "Font"   Deciphering Dylan "Font" Icon_minitimeSat Apr 27, 2013 12:52 pm

'Shit' would fit in the meaning, for me
Looking at it again I can see the 'shi' part but still have troubles with the last/two(?) letters

Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage.
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PostSubject: Re: Deciphering Dylan "Font"   Deciphering Dylan "Font" Icon_minitime

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