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 Is the Dylan from Behind Black Jacks and Hitmen For Hire the same Dylan?

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Is the Dylan from Behind Black Jacks and Hitmen For Hire the same Dylan? Empty
PostSubject: Is the Dylan from Behind Black Jacks and Hitmen For Hire the same Dylan?   Is the Dylan from Behind Black Jacks and Hitmen For Hire the same Dylan? Icon_minitimeThu Feb 18, 2021 11:30 pm

The reason why I ask this question was because from one of Bill Ockham's livestreams, which all were deleted apart from him and CVA, he thinks that Dylan is the one we see behind blackjacks, and not the one yelling at the camera in hitman for hire. To be honest, despite him laughing while filming hitmen for hire, I think that is still the very same Dylan, but he was showing part of his volatile anger that he was saving, and has been hiding from some people, especially his parents and some of his friends.

This really made me ask why he thought that because obviously Dylan was just as bad if not worse than anyone else at school before April 20th 1999, despite his own serious mental health troubles and whatever toxicity has effected him a lot, becoming the sadistic murderer he was on that day.

What do you guys think? Are both completely different Dylans, or are they the very same, figuratively Speaking?

<<Yet what is a Nation? Can we actually see the physical lines that divide one from another?>>

<<If all shall turn against me, I'll fight like I always have.>>

<<There are three kinds of people: those who seek strength, those who live for pride, and those who can read the tide of battle.>>

<<Belka did absolutely nothing wrong.>>

Last edited by ValiantSoldier on Sat Feb 20, 2021 5:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Is the Dylan from Behind Black Jacks and Hitmen For Hire the same Dylan? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is the Dylan from Behind Black Jacks and Hitmen For Hire the same Dylan?   Is the Dylan from Behind Black Jacks and Hitmen For Hire the same Dylan? Icon_minitimeFri Feb 19, 2021 1:07 am

Of course it is the same Dylan.
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Is the Dylan from Behind Black Jacks and Hitmen For Hire the same Dylan? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is the Dylan from Behind Black Jacks and Hitmen For Hire the same Dylan?   Is the Dylan from Behind Black Jacks and Hitmen For Hire the same Dylan? Icon_minitimeFri Feb 19, 2021 7:40 pm

Doppelganger conspiracy theory? This is not Twin Peaks mate Laughing

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Is the Dylan from Behind Black Jacks and Hitmen For Hire the same Dylan? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Is the Dylan from Behind Black Jacks and Hitmen For Hire the same Dylan?   Is the Dylan from Behind Black Jacks and Hitmen For Hire the same Dylan? Icon_minitime

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Is the Dylan from Behind Black Jacks and Hitmen For Hire the same Dylan?
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