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 "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21

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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 30, 2016 12:24 am

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Does this sound like a good Halloween flick to anybody?

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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 30, 2016 3:59 am

I wonder how wide of a distribution this will get and how well it will really do?
Rachel is a special, beautiful girl with an interesting and in some ways uncommon life story but I wonder how many would actually go to a theater to see a movie about a single victim from a school shooting that took place 17 years ago now.I think this will do much better on the home video market.

I also wonder if there will actually be trailers shown on national TV for this?

We're all going to die, all of us, what a circus; That alone should make us love each other but it doesn't. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing.-Charles Bukowski
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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 30, 2016 8:41 am

I am not going to pay to see it. If it comes out on any of the services I already subscribe to I would watch it I guess but it is not the truth and I would watch it like I would any work of fiction. It is as real to me as Forrest Gump

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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 30, 2016 5:00 pm

Theaters?? I was under the impression that this was a made for tv movie... No offense but I can't imagine it doing well in theaters. Maybe if it wasn't a Christian propaganda movie, but it being what it is I can't imagine a massive amount of people paying to see it.
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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 01, 2016 3:50 pm

I don't think it will even screen in my country, not even on TV.

Falling out of airplanes and hiding out in holes
Waiting for the sunset to come, people going home
Jump out from behind them and shoot them in the head
Now everybody dancing, the dance of the dead
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Juicy Jazzy

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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 01, 2016 10:36 pm

The movie poster. A couple of familiar names there.
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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 01, 2016 10:46 pm

I know that you are a big admirer of Rachel.
What is your take on the questions I asked above?

We're all going to die, all of us, what a circus; That alone should make us love each other but it doesn't. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing.-Charles Bukowski
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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 01, 2016 10:49 pm

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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 02, 2016 9:23 pm

I hope it is not in the theaters, or get any attention in my country.. People don't even know about Columbine over here as it wasn't a big news story and i'd rather a feature length accurate documentary in the cinema, rather than this movie being their only exposure to the massacre, then they'd all get the wrong idea.
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Juicy Jazzy

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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeSat Jul 02, 2016 10:37 pm

PaintItBlack wrote:
I wonder how wide of a distribution this will get and how well it will really do?
Rachel is a special, beautiful girl with an interesting and in some ways uncommon life story but I wonder how many would actually go to a theater to see a movie about a single victim from a school shooting that took place 17 years ago now.I think this will do much better on the home video market.

I also wonder if there will actually be trailers shown on national TV for this?
It'll probably be contained to the US only, in regards to a cinematic release. I'm not expecting there to be televised trailers. I remember reading that they originally had trouble finding someone who would distribute the film, so I'm sure even in the States that it'll have a limited release only. I don't know how well the movie 'God's Not Dead' performed there but I suspect the numbers could be similar as it is a Christian themed movie also. I agree with you about how this film should be released only online and on DVD/Bluray. You know what's interesting is that heaps of people who knew Rachel were condemning this movie on social media, they even made a FB page 'Boycott 'I'm Not Ashamed' Movie', but now I hear nothing about it anymore and that page has also been taken down.
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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeSun Jul 03, 2016 12:28 pm

Archvile wrote:
I hope it is not in the theaters, or get any attention in my country.. People don't even know about Columbine over here as it wasn't a big news story and i'd rather a feature length accurate documentary in the cinema, rather than this movie being their only exposure to the massacre, then they'd all get the wrong idea.

Your location is set as England - did you walk round with your eyes closed that week after the massacre? It was all over the TV and papers for days & we had the live pictures as it actually happened.
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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeSun Jul 03, 2016 6:49 pm

I'm going to see it for curiosity sake
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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeMon Jul 04, 2016 3:34 am

How unfortunate that they've turned a message of kindness in Rachel's honor to a religious propaganda film as someone else pointed out. I don't have a problem with religion if it's practised in a way that doesn't impact people negatively, but there was more to Rachel than this.
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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeMon Jul 04, 2016 2:17 pm

bubbles wrote:
How unfortunate that they've turned a message of kindness in Rachel's honor to a religious propaganda film as someone else pointed out. I don't have a problem with religion if it's practised in a way that doesn't impact people negatively, but there was more to Rachel than this.

Amen! Each of the victims are unique, with their own identities, personalities and qualities that make them unique. For some reason, Rachel Scott is the face of Columbine, while many of the other victims are forgotten. I'm guessing this has to do with Rachel's Challenge. She, too, had her own identity, personality and qualities, but I'm guessing this movie is going to be more religion based and , to me, that's sad.

I don't mean to dishonor Rachel in any way.
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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeMon Jul 04, 2016 3:49 pm

I'm usually very much against religious propaganda movies, but I'll probably see this simply because it's Columbine related and I want to see how badly they skew the truth.
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PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeMon Jul 04, 2016 7:41 pm

Draw_It_White wrote:

Your location is set as England - did you walk round with your eyes closed that week after the massacre? It was all over the TV and papers for days & we had the live pictures as it actually happened.
Maybe in your area, I haven't met anybody who even knows what Columbine is. I'd even research on it in the public library and people still had no clue. I've never seen Columbine mentioned on British television, other than documentaries on the crime channel, then again I don't watch the news.
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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 05, 2016 12:01 am

Archvile wrote:
Draw_It_White wrote:

Your location is set as England - did you walk round with your eyes closed that week after the massacre? It was all over the TV and papers for days & we had the live pictures as it actually happened.
Maybe in your area, I haven't met anybody who even knows what Columbine is. I'd even research on it in the public library and people still had no clue. I've never seen Columbine mentioned on British television, other than documentaries on the crime channel, then again I don't watch the news.

It doesn't get mentioned anymore (unless there's a shooting elsewhere), but when it happened it was absolutely massive nationally.
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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 05, 2016 5:37 pm

I didn't hear about Columbine until 2007, and what I meant is that if this movie came out in theaters in the UK, this would be their only exposure to Columbine (most people would have forgotten about a news story about a crime in another land from 17 years ago). And they would probably just think that E+D were targeting Christians.
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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 07, 2016 6:03 pm

As if it couldn't get worse, it appears the Robertsons of Duck Dynasty fame are in this film...Rolling Eyes And if you don't know who they are, be grateful lol
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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 07, 2016 9:58 pm

Oh no. If the Robertsons of Duck Dynasty are in it, I am sure I won't bother to see the movie. I was uncertain if I wanted to see it just to see all the errors and misinformation it contained, but now I have no desire to watch it.
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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 07, 2016 11:36 pm

There's another thread about this movie under Documents, and I just posted over there that there's another video on YouTube called "everything that's wrong with I'm Not Ashamed" that has more clips of E&D's characters. It shows their version of them filming the basement tapes and unfortunately it looks like they went with the BS version of events where Eric gets up close to Rachel, and appears to be touching her while questioning her faith. The camera also cuts to Dylan while this was happening and they made him look creepy af.

Not really surprised that they went in that direction, but Its still disappointing. A lot of people who aren't aware of the details of the tragedy are  gonna take this version of events as factual and that's really a shame.

*edited sorry the other thread is under Media, not Documents!
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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 08, 2016 8:23 am

Tomb wrote:
As if it couldn't get worse, it appears the Robertsons of Duck Dynasty fame are in this film...Rolling Eyes  And if you don't know who they are, be grateful lol

I was worried their daughter was going to play Rachel. What a turn of events that would be.
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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 08, 2016 8:29 am

Seems like this movie is getting more attention than it....deserves...

Will you remain my fire in this temporary paradise?
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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 08, 2016 9:59 am

ultraviolencelv wrote:
Seems like this movie is getting more attention than it....deserves...

Probably just here and in similar forums. I don't think it will be a blockbuster, shoot I'd be surprised if it went to theaters. It just angers me that this myth has been debunked for YEARS, and yet, here we are with some more propaganda.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] I wonder if the Robertsons have invested in this travesty. Sadie, Kore and Bella Robertson are all listed as cast. I would do some thorough research before I leant my name to something like this, and I'm a nobody.
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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 08, 2016 10:02 am

Tomb wrote:
ultraviolencelv wrote:
Seems like this movie is getting more attention than it....deserves...

Probably just here and in similar forums. I don't think it will be a blockbuster, shoot I'd be surprised if it went to theaters. It just angers me that this myth has been debunked for YEARS, and yet, here we are with some more propaganda.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] I wonder if the Robertsons have invested in this travesty. Sadie, Kore and Bella Robertson are all listed as cast. I would do some thorough research before I leant my name to something like this, and I'm a nobody.

IMHO I don't think they have researched anything. They are very open "christian" people and I think they saw the word GOD associated with this "horrific event" and attached to that. The word martyr brings in a lot of fake people.
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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 08, 2016 10:09 am

Lol I was bitching to my husband about this movie after watching the trailer, "They're still perpetrating lies! Gah, the only one who said yes SURVIVED!" He said to me, "It's been 17 years, why is this in the spotlight again?" I can only speculate that the Robertsons have invested in this, using what little fame they have left, thinking it's an uplifting testament to Christianity.

It's too late now to educate them on the cold hard facts since the movie's been made, but maybe someone can reach out to them and kindly educate them on the facts. Hell, a perusing a few pages of the 11k in the Library Witness section would clear this up as would Castaldo's recanting of the events leading up to Rachel's murder.
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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 08, 2016 10:17 am

Any word on whether the Scotts have commented on this? Is it my imagination that I've read somewhere that Craig himself is clocking out on this mess

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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 08, 2016 10:19 am

ultraviolencelv wrote:
Any word on whether the Scotts have commented on this? Is it my imagination that I've read somewhere that Craig himself is clocking out on this mess

I remember hearing or reading at one point that Craig did not support this movie and did not want it made and put it on his FB or something
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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 08, 2016 10:27 am

The reason why this is cringeworthy to me and I do not like this is because in the first place, I - bluntly speaking -, do not like that unsurprisingly, the most popular girl is the one who got most of the mourning, attention and let alone all this christian propaganda surrounding her which her family put out excessively after her death. How do we know most of it is even what Rachel ever said or wanted? Even in death, the most popular person gets worshipped, and the other victims get overshadowed. Who's to say she was absolutely perfect. After that Cassie's family did the same. Both the girls' family tried to sell the same thing and neither of them were the ones asked that one you believe in God question. Quit speaking for the dead, you don't know what they want and you're doing all these publicity in their name. How come we never talked about the other victims? Why don't they get a movie? not about their religious beliefs but about their own lives? That would be more appreciated by me and relatable to me. Like Lauren's movie based on her mom Dawn Anna, that one was pretty good. I watched it and I liked it. It was sad. Make a movie about Daniel or something. Kyle, Kelly, Isaiah, Corey. I want THAT.
Make a movie about a teenager who was flawed and an outsider too and they had to get killed. Make a movie and a story for the ones who were always the outcasts.

Will you remain my fire in this temporary paradise?
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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 08, 2016 10:36 am

Lizpuff wrote:
ultraviolencelv wrote:
Any word on whether the Scotts have commented on this? Is it my imagination that I've read somewhere that Craig himself is clocking out on this mess

I remember hearing or reading at one point that Craig did not support this movie and did not want it made and put it on his FB or something

I mean, couldn't they take legal action to stop its release? They have resources available in abundance to them. If it were my family and somebody was making a movie I didn't agree to/with, I would try any avenue to keep it from being released.
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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 08, 2016 10:40 am

Tomb wrote:
Lizpuff wrote:
ultraviolencelv wrote:
Any word on whether the Scotts have commented on this? Is it my imagination that I've read somewhere that Craig himself is clocking out on this mess

I remember hearing or reading at one point that Craig did not support this movie and did not want it made and put it on his FB or something

I mean, couldn't they take legal action to stop its release? They have resources available in abundance to them. If it were my family and somebody was making a movie I didn't agree to/with, I would try any avenue to keep it from being released.

He maybe could. Honestly though I am not sure how much of his opposition is real. He was one of the big Cassie said Yes Supporters. I think perhaps he may disagree with the way this movie was made, but I think he likes the attention coming back onto his family
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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 08, 2016 11:04 am

Lizpuff wrote:
Tomb wrote:
Lizpuff wrote:
ultraviolencelv wrote:
Any word on whether the Scotts have commented on this? Is it my imagination that I've read somewhere that Craig himself is clocking out on this mess

I remember hearing or reading at one point that Craig did not support this movie and did not want it made and put it on his FB or something

I mean, couldn't they take legal action to stop its release? They have resources available in abundance to them. If it were my family and somebody was making a movie I didn't agree to/with, I would try any avenue to keep it from being released.

He maybe could.  Honestly though I am not sure how much of his opposition is real.  He was one of the big Cassie said Yes Supporters.  I think perhaps he may disagree with the way this movie was made, but I think he likes the attention coming back onto his family

Yes, he was very adamant Cassie Said Yes, even after presented with the fact that it was Valeen. I wonder if he still believes it was Cassie?
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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 08, 2016 11:40 am

Tomb wrote:
Lizpuff wrote:
Tomb wrote:
Lizpuff wrote:
ultraviolencelv wrote:
Any word on whether the Scotts have commented on this? Is it my imagination that I've read somewhere that Craig himself is clocking out on this mess

I remember hearing or reading at one point that Craig did not support this movie and did not want it made and put it on his FB or something

I mean, couldn't they take legal action to stop its release? They have resources available in abundance to them. If it were my family and somebody was making a movie I didn't agree to/with, I would try any avenue to keep it from being released.

He maybe could.  Honestly though I am not sure how much of his opposition is real.  He was one of the big Cassie said Yes Supporters.  I think perhaps he may disagree with the way this movie was made, but I think he likes the attention coming back onto his family

Yes, he was very adamant Cassie Said Yes, even after presented with the fact that it was Valeen. I wonder if he still believes it was Cassie?

IDK about now but he sure was pretty blown away when he pointed out where he heard the YES from and where Cassie was sitting and I know he didn't want to accept it then
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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 08, 2016 11:45 am

As an aside, I really feel for him, to lose his sister after having reportedly argued with her that very morning and then survive the library massacre. It seems so much for one family.
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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 08, 2016 12:01 pm

Tomb wrote:
As an aside, I really feel for him, to lose his sister after having reportedly argued with her that very morning and then survive the library massacre. It seems so much for one family.

Yes! How hard would it be to escape from the library thinking you just dodged a very literal bullet and then realize your sister didn't make it!?
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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 08, 2016 12:43 pm

Lizpuff wrote:
Tomb wrote:
As an aside, I really feel for him, to lose his sister after having reportedly argued with her that very morning and then survive the library massacre. It seems so much for one family.

Yes!  How hard would it be to escape from the library thinking you just dodged a very literal bullet and then realize your sister didn't make it!?

And to have had a quarrel of some sort that morning on top of it. Tragic.
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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 08, 2016 3:05 pm

I know Richard has changed his story of events time and time again but a lot of it probably has to do with him just being in shock the 1st couple years. Trying to remember what happened. I don't see why he would lie about what took place.

Security guy didn't arrive on the scene for at least 5 minutes after the 1st shots rang out. A lot of that has to do with the fact when the 1st couple shots rang out, nobody really knew what was going on and he was so far away in the 1st place that it took some time to arrive. There was more than enough to time to see what happened to their 1st targets and go back down the stairs and engage Graves, Kirklin etc..

I think the most important evidence that the encounter might just have happened between Eric and Rachel is the fact Patti Nielsen personally saw Eric SMILE right at her as she was approaching the glass doors followed yy gunshots (miraculously nobody was severely hit inside). For her to see him or Dylan or both, means one thing, they had to have passed Rachel and Richard in the process.
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Sane One

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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 08, 2016 3:21 pm

and you have to keep in mind the usual suspects that would be all out there during lunch weren't there because they were all somewhere else getting high because it was 4/20.
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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 08, 2016 4:31 pm

Well, from the synopsis of her autopsy, none of the gunshot wounds demonstrated characteristics compatible with that story. It seemed all her wounds were from a distance, not in-your-face close range
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Sane One

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PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 08, 2016 5:09 pm

If she was hit in the head during the first hail of bullets, it would likely mean she died instantly so Richard hearing her cry would be complete bull.

But like I said, I'm not sure what he would gain from making this up?

Some FBI guy or guys believe Eric and Dylan never returned to the area where Rachel and Richard were shot but if Patti did in fact see Eric smiling at her it would mean they would have without a doubt been in the area because they would have needed to pass them.

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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 08, 2016 6:31 pm

If I could get her full autopsy report, that would clear it up without a doubt. As far as Castaldo, he suffered so much trauma, he was maybe hallucinating it or, while in the hospital, heard the She Said Yes subconsciously and ran with it. He's an unreliable witness.
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PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 08, 2016 6:36 pm

Not gonna bother spending my seven or so dollars on this movie. Although I may download and watch it so I can inspiration for my stories.

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PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 08, 2016 8:58 pm

Yeah he's unreliable. He knew himself he didn't know what he had spouted back then. Harris and Scott never had that sort of contact. Why do people keep trying to make things that didn't happen happen?

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PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 08, 2016 9:08 pm

And i won't really listen to anything Patti says.

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PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 08, 2016 9:11 pm

We all know how 4/20 happened realistically and that's it. Stop trying to create a sentimental fantasy out of the dead. Let alone this Christian whitewash of a movie. And speaking of which, the movie is making out the boys to be more sinister than they really are.

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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 08, 2016 9:21 pm

ultraviolencelv wrote:
Yeah he's unreliable. He knew himself he didn't know what he had spouted back then. Harris and Scott never had that sort of contact. Why do people keep trying to make things that didn't happen happen?

I mean he recanted that at some point, didn't he? Now, he won't discuss it, which is understandable.

I do not believe Eric OR Dylan pulled her up be the hair, asked the god question, she Said Yes, and they said fine go be with Him.

There is no evidence available that shows a point blank head shot.
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PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 08, 2016 9:31 pm

He recanted and eventually wouldn't talk about it no more.

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PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 08, 2016 9:32 pm

Why on earth he'd make up that lie about his dead Friend and pulled the god question info
Off of another scenario is a mystery to me. Now Scott's family is feeding off of that and then cassie's did the same.

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"I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Empty
PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 08, 2016 9:41 pm

I think maybe he heard coverage iwhile he recovering in the hospital and somehow maybe convinced himself this happened to Rachel and maybe he hallucinated it. Somebody maybe even fed him that story. We don't know and he doesn't know either.

Like I say, from what limited autopsy info we have, there is NO evidence she was shot point blank.

As you can tell, this is a pet peeve of mine, with no disrespect to Rachel or Richard whatsoever.
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PostSubject: Re: "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21   "I'm Not Ashamed" movie hits theaters on Friday, October 21 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 08, 2016 10:06 pm

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] I totally get it.

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