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 Missing Brandi Jo Malonson (Ex Columbine Student)

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Missing Brandi Jo Malonson (Ex Columbine Student) Empty
PostSubject: Missing Brandi Jo Malonson (Ex Columbine Student)   Missing Brandi Jo Malonson (Ex Columbine Student) Icon_minitimeMon Aug 08, 2016 6:39 pm

I wasn't sure where to place this under....I guess here will do? And I have read about this girl before but I thought I'd bring it up on here. Does anyone know anything more about it?

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She got into some hard drugs and got arrested a few times. She went to a friends out and never came back for many days they got a call that she was killed and her body was dumped in Platte River. The police believed she overdosed and the body was dumped in the river. They are still investigating on her case.

"Whatever did happen to the pretty 23-year-old woman, her parents, Richard and Linda Malonson, have not seen or heard from their daughter in seven years.

Malonson grew up in Littleton and attended Columbine High School.

She was a freshman on April 20, 1999. On that day the A-student and talented softball player was in the school’s library when shots rang out and students began screaming. “At first she thought someone was pulling a prank,” her father Richard Malonson said.

But Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris were systematically going through the school, setting off bombs and shooting students. The two friends killed a dozen fellow students and a teacher before committing suicide.

“When she realized that it wasn’t (a prank) she ran,” Richard Malonson said. “She made it out of the building. She called her mother.”

Linda Malonson picked her daughter and some friends up and took them to their home on 7400 block of South Zephyr Court.

Brandi Jo knew several of the victims including Isaiah Shoels, 18.

Her sister, Monica, was a senior at Columbine High School at the time.

“Both of my girls were very much affected by the events of that day,” Brandi’s mother, Linda Malonson, wrote in a Facebook page called Help Find Brandi Jo. “Many of their friends died that day. This day was the start to what changed our lives forever.”

Richard and Linda wanted their daughter to get counseling but she refused.

“She was the kind of girl that took care of others first and not herself,” her mother wrote. Still, “she seemed to be doing okay.”

High-school sweethearts Nicholas Kunselman and Stephanie Hart-Grizzell were shot to death on Feb. 14, 2000, in a Subway sandwich shop a few blocks south of Columbine High School.

Brandi Jo was only a sophomore in high school at the time.

She was a junior at Columbine when a close friend of hers left Brandi a phone message. She was the last person he called before committing suicide on Nov. 10, 2000. “All three of these horrible (tragedies) devastated her,” Linda Malonson wrote.

The first hint of trouble for Brandi Jo came less than a month before the third anniversary of Columbine in 2002 when she was arrested for theft. She was charged with a misdemeanor.

Brandi Jo graduated from Columbine High School two months later. But the family would learn that Brandi Jo had also started using illegal drugs. A friend introduced her to methamphetamine.

“Things started to change; we found out that a girl Brandi met at Parks introduced her to meth,” Linda Malonson wrote.

The friend told Brandi Jo that methamphetamine would help her lose weight and make her feel better. Brandi Jo was still deeply affected by her friends who committed suicide or were murdered.

Four days later, on Dec. 26, Brandi Jo told her father that she was going out.

“She was going to a friend’s house,” he said.

But Brandi Jo didn’t come home that night or for several days. It wasn’t the first time that she had disappeared so her parents and sister initially weren’t alarmed much. They thought that their daughter might have being trying to skip out on her probation requirements.

Later a man called and said someone had killed her and put her in the Platte River, Linda Malonson said.

It was about a month after she had disappeared. The Malonsons filed a missing persons report. They gave investigators phone numbers of friends they found in her bedroom, Richard Malonson said.

Sheriffs investigators looked into many leads, but “nothing has panned out.”

Seven years have passed since Brandi Jo went missing."

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Missing Brandi Jo Malonson (Ex Columbine Student)
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