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 Adam Lanza and social media

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Adam Lanza and social media Empty
PostSubject: Adam Lanza and social media   Adam Lanza and social media Icon_minitimeTue Mar 14, 2017 10:36 pm

Forgive me if this has already been asked before, but does anyone know if Adam Lanza ever used social media such as Facebook? I am going to assume he never did given his recluse nature. I also wondered if he had a skype account. I tried to search his name and alias and saw some matches but they could be copy cat/joke accounts.
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Adam Lanza and social media Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza and social media   Adam Lanza and social media Icon_minitimeThu Apr 06, 2017 12:35 pm

I don't know if Adam had any social media accounts, but I am going to say that no, he most likely did not have a Facebook account. I remember the day that this happened and I was following the story and waiting for them to identify the shooter. The police identified the shooter as "Ryan Lanza". There were people posting his name, photos and his account all over Facebook. Then a few hours later "Ryan" got on his Facebook talking about how he was at work and it wasn't him. 2 days later (I think it was 2 days), on December 14th, they said they had made a mistake and Adam was the shooter not Ryan. And they mentioned Ryan having a Facebook. There was never any mention or posts about an Adam Lanza having a Facebook or any links to his social media account and usually if there is a perpetrator, people will find all their personal social media pretty quickly.

So even though we don't know for sure, I don't think he had any social media and if he did, he deleted them prior to the shooting. Personally, I don't see someone like him having a social media account where you post pictures of yourself and interact with a bunch of people. To me he came off as a loner who didn't really want to bother with other people. He even stopped posting on the old forum and you'd think the closer he got to doing his own shooting, he'd be visiting the forum more often but he didn't. I think he just kept to himself in the months leading up to December.

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Adam Lanza and social media Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza and social media   Adam Lanza and social media Icon_minitimeThu Apr 06, 2017 3:00 pm

Thanks for the reply. Odds are very high at this point that he never even had a fb account or twitter ect. Although newer information on the internet suggests the very strong possibility that Adam Lanza had a youtube account under the name "fuckcomments". I remember reading about this being discussed on another thread. I investigated this myself and based on all the archived youtube posts from that account and the videos that those comments were on, it does seem very interesting and made me think about the whole social media aspect and how it related to Adam Lanza leading up to the shooting. It goes without saying though that Adam was very careful and went to great lengths to cover his virtual trail and deleting old comments on certain forms and even damaged one of his hard drives to the point of the data allegedly being not recoverable.
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Adam Lanza and social media Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza and social media   Adam Lanza and social media Icon_minitimeThu Apr 06, 2017 10:07 pm

Jenn wrote:
To me he came off as a loner who didn't really want to bother with other people. He even stopped posting on the old forum and you'd think the closer he got to doing his own shooting, he'd be visiting the forum more often but he didn't. I think he just kept to himself in the months leading up to December.
It's hard to know whether Adam really stopped visiting the forum or just stopped posting.

There were several periods before he finally stopped posting on the forum where he deleted previous comments and took a break from posting new ones. Both of the private messages we have from the forum were from periods when he was not posting publicly (Oct 3, 2010 and Nov 12, 2010) so it's possible that he visited the forum regularly, even when he seemed to be absent.

We also know that he kept in contact with at least one online acquaintance, probably from the forum, because of the e-mail released in police documents, dated three days before the massacre, regarding Chinese stabbings and other mass murder topics. He does imply in this message that this person had sent him some e-mails that he did not read or respond to but we can't know if he was still lurking. He lurked the forum for about three years before he first joined.

However, you do seem to be correct about the fact that he stopped interacting with others as 2012 progressed, which is notable for someone who was so isolated to begin with. In real life, he broke off the relationship with his one friend in June 2012 and his mother said that during that summer, he had stopped going out completely. One employee at the theater said that he was seeing Lanza every weekend up until about a month before the shooting but another employee said that he last saw him in August or September 2012. The second recollection seems more accurate because in November 2012, Nancy said that she had finally convinced him to go out again after months at home and his car battery was dead from disuse. It seems clear that he was progressively becoming more withdrawn through that entire year.

Before that, although he was definitely a loner, I do think he made attempts to reach out to people, even if it was in his own limited way and mainly on the internet. I think most people agree with you. They look at Lanza and see someone who did not want friends but I'm not quite sure that this is true. I think he was more comfortable in solitude but why would he bother to make friends online or hang out with someone in real life if it was something that he didn't care about at all? He didn't have to talk to anyone and he was not averse to ignoring people in real life, so I think it's safe to say that when he did make attempts, it was because of a sincere interest in making friends.

Wirely wrote:
Although newer information on the internet suggests the very strong possibility that Adam Lanza had a youtube account under the name "fuckcomments
What do you think about that? Was it Adam?

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Adam Lanza and social media Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza and social media   Adam Lanza and social media Icon_minitimeFri Apr 07, 2017 12:02 pm

sscc wrote:
What do you think about that? Was it Adam?
Adam opened the account when he opened his SCMRPGF account. He also wrote stuff about things Adam were interested in. He went inactive same time smiggles went inactive.
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Adam Lanza and social media Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza and social media   Adam Lanza and social media Icon_minitimeFri Apr 07, 2017 11:14 pm

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] While there is not enough proof to say that "fuckcomments" was Adam, the timing and interests shown by that account make the odds of it being Adam as very very high. It could have just been a coincidence of someone with very similar interests but I doubt it. The personality of the yt account though was more vulgar and less articulate when it came to grammar however than the smiggles account though that Adam used. I would chalk that up to Adam seeing youtube comments as not being worth the effort of being serious in regards to grammar though, which is fair enough though since the youtube comment section has quite the reputation of being pretty uncivilized lol.
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Adam Lanza and social media Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza and social media   Adam Lanza and social media Icon_minitimeSat Apr 08, 2017 3:08 am

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] I would also consider the possibility Adam not making very violent comments on sbb because it could make some members suspicious.
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PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza and social media   Adam Lanza and social media Icon_minitime

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