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 I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role

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I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role Empty
PostSubject: I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role   I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role Icon_minitimeSat Apr 01, 2017 4:04 pm

Than people are willing to admit. On the one hand, Eric and Dylan had been planning NBK for months, but on the other Eric was still trying to function in society (asking girls out to his senior prom, setting up plans for the future with his marines application).

It's so hard to say because only the students who Eric on a daily basis would know, but I think the cafeteria video in which Brandi was extremely dismissive and rude to him might have been a normal occurrence. I mean they were probably friends insofar as whenever Brandi was having a bad day, she appreciated that he was kind to her, but I feel that if he ever did approach her to start a conversation that she would sometimes be distracted by more important things. It just didn't seem like they were intimately close friends.

I'm not blaming her, but I really think if she had gone to the prom with him, it could have been a turning point and dissuaded him from following through with the shootings. I think that devastated him more than he let on because it made him feel that he couldn't even attract a girl with whom he had class and tried to interact with often.

The fact that she's so hard to find nowadays too makes me think that she's carrying a lot of guilt about the whole thing even though it was a long time ago and she convinced herself that the whole thing was premeditated for a long time and she couldn't have made a difference, she knows that she definitely hurt him.

Like I said, I'm not saying that she's culpable for his reprehensible acts of violence, but I really believe that she might have been the last chance to prevent it. I don't think Eric had enough of a connection with the girl who spent the night at his house. I think he honestly wanted to date Brandi, even though it probably wouldn't have worked out in the long run given his low self-esteem and pent up rage, it could have put off his evil plans, and then he would have graduated, but then again maybe not.
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I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role Empty
PostSubject: Re: I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role   I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role Icon_minitimeSat Apr 01, 2017 5:04 pm

Hm, I do think you're on to something.

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I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role Empty
PostSubject: Re: I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role   I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role Icon_minitimeSat Apr 01, 2017 5:09 pm

shades wrote:
Hm, I do think you're on to something.

I wonder with both of the killers, if they just been able to make it to their early 20s or so without snapping, would they have been able to settle down and function in society? I'm sure they would have been as miserable and negative as ever at first, maybe even throughout their adult lives, but I just wonder if they could have possibly matured had somehow they gotten through the final months and out of an environment that they hated so much.
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I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role Empty
PostSubject: Re: I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role   I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role Icon_minitimeSat Apr 01, 2017 7:03 pm

Utterly ridiculous on all points. Both killers had other opportunities that didn't involve the massacre, and they both chose to massacre people.

BTW, did you come from CVA's video?
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I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role Empty
PostSubject: Re: I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role   I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role Icon_minitimeSat Apr 01, 2017 7:18 pm

myshame wrote:
Utterly ridiculous on all points. Both killers had other opportunities that didn't involve the massacre, and they both chose to massacre people.

I think it's an interesting point of view worth considering.
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I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role Empty
PostSubject: Re: I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role   I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role Icon_minitimeSat Apr 01, 2017 9:00 pm

Eric did have a hot girl interested in him and it didn't change a damn thing. Susan Dewitt came over on the night of the prom and they watched a movie together. He even mentioned her in the final basement tape, saying he's sorry and that he wishes things could be different (something to that effect, i'm paraphrasing here).
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I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role Empty
PostSubject: Re: I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role   I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role Icon_minitimeSat Apr 01, 2017 9:06 pm

Pennydreadful wrote:
Eric did have a hot girl interested in him and it didn't change a damn thing. Susan Dewitt came over on the night of the prom and they watched a movie together. He even mentioned her in the final basement tape, saying he's sorry and that he wishes things could be different (something to that effect, i'm paraphrasing here).

She could have the Fly CD, according to people who watched the tape.

I didn't know she was into him, though.
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I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role Empty
PostSubject: Re: I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role   I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role Icon_minitimeSat Apr 01, 2017 9:15 pm

I don't know, they only had one date, but according to the letter she wrote to Eric after Columbine she did like him. If eric waited with nbk he could've found out, but it was too late. I don't think it would've made any difference if it was brandi interested in him instead of susan, because imo he didn't have one ultimate crush/love like Dylan. He just wanted to get laid. Very Happy
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I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role Empty
PostSubject: Re: I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role   I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role Icon_minitimeSat Apr 01, 2017 9:21 pm

What about Megan Minger?

Megan was asked how she knew Eric Harris? She stated he wanted to date her a couple of months ago. Eric knew Megan's car which has a Rammstein sticker (German band). Megan stated Eric Harris liked Rammstein and used that "line" to meet her. Eric Harris left a note with his phone # and a request to call her, on Megan's car. Eric approached Megan several times after this asking if she was going to call him. Megan never did.
Megan was asked if she remembered anything else about Eric Harris? Megan stated that she was at the after-prom party the weekend prior to 4-20-99 and she saw Eric Harris at the party. Megan stated she was walking with her date in the gambling section of the party. She saw Eric staring at her for about 5-10 minutes. Eric was wearing all black with a backwards baseball cap but no trench coat. He had an evil stare.

I'm not trying to say that it was Megan's rejection that pushed him over the edge but my point is that Brandi was just one of many girls that Eric was interested in who rejected or ignored him. I do think it devastated him in general that so many girls were unwilling to give him a chance and it probably fueled his anger but I think his problems were too deep by that point to be resolved without some intensive guidance. A date with a cute girl might feel good and help with feelings of inadequacy but it can't change how you see the entire world. I think it's more likely that a young person who is so troubled will carry his pain into a relationship rather than allowing it to heal him. By this time, Eric didn't just hate himself. His dissatisfaction was projected onto the whole world and I don't think one positive connection would have altered much about how he perceived reality.

Also, Eric talked about getting laid in anticipation of the massacre. He didn't seem to suggest that accomplishing this would have changed his mind about anything at all.
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I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role Empty
PostSubject: Re: I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role   I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role Icon_minitimeSat Apr 01, 2017 9:31 pm

sscc wrote:
What about Megan Minger?

Megan was asked how she knew Eric Harris? She stated he wanted to date her a couple of months ago. Eric knew Megan's car which has a Rammstein sticker (German band). Megan stated Eric Harris liked Rammstein and used that "line" to meet her. Eric Harris left a note with his phone # and a request to call her, on Megan's car. Eric approached Megan several times after this asking if she was going to call him. Megan never did.
Megan was asked if she remembered anything else about Eric Harris? Megan stated that she was at the after-prom party the weekend prior to 4-20-99 and she saw Eric Harris at the party. Megan stated she was walking with her date in the gambling section of the party. She saw Eric staring at her for about 5-10 minutes. Eric was wearing all black with a backwards baseball cap but no trench coat. He had an evil stare.

I'm not trying to say that it was Megan's rejection that pushed him over the edge but my point is that Brandi was just one of many girls that Eric was interested in who rejected or ignored him. I do think it devastated him in general that so many girls were unwilling to give him a chance and it probably fueled his anger but I think his problems were too deep by that point to be resolved without some intensive guidance. A date with a cute girl might feel good and help with feelings of inadequacy but it can't change how you see the entire world. I think it's more likely that a young person who is so troubled will carry his pain into a relationship rather than allowing it to heal him. By this time, Eric didn't just hate himself. His dissatisfaction was projected onto the whole world and I don't think one positive connection would have altered much about how he perceived reality.

Also, Eric talked about getting laid in anticipation of the massacre. He didn't seem to suggest that accomplishing this would have changed his mind about anything at all.

Yeah, once the two killers were set on their plans, only extensive intervention would have prevented it. The only way it could have been prevented is if someone actually found the tape where they detailed their plan to kill people.
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I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role Empty
PostSubject: Re: I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role   I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role Icon_minitimeSat Apr 01, 2017 9:55 pm

sscc wrote:
Also, Eric talked about getting laid in anticipation of the massacre. He didn't seem to suggest that accomplishing this would have changed his mind about anything at all.

Don't say that, you'll shatter the illusion of all these fan girls that if they were at Columbine they'd have allowed Eric to feel the warmth of a woman on his pecker, thus saving all '15' victims.
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I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role Empty
PostSubject: Re: I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role   I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role Icon_minitimeSun Apr 02, 2017 4:25 am

Draw_It_White wrote:
sscc wrote:
Also, Eric talked about getting laid in anticipation of the massacre. He didn't seem to suggest that accomplishing this would have changed his mind about anything at all.

Don't say that, you'll shatter the illusion of all these fan girls that if they were at Columbine they'd have allowed Eric to feel the warmth of a woman on his pecker, thus saving all '15' victims.

Lol this. To insinuate that Brandi should be feeling guilty about the massacre is absurd and seriously reaching, and stinks of immature teenage E&D tumblr fangirl/fanboy mentality. But anything to attempt to shift some responsibility from the killers themselves, I guess.
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I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role Empty
PostSubject: Re: I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role   I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role Icon_minitimeSun Apr 02, 2017 6:20 am

So I take back my comment about saying that the original poster is on to something because Brandi was one of the few that Eric liked and turned down so she's not really an exception. She just seemed like one because there's actual video of her WITH footage of her ignoring Eric and his reaction on camera, plus he wrote a poem/essay about her so it seemed like if anyone left him jaded it was her.

Ultimately, Columbine happened with so many factors so it's not just about girls.

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I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role Empty
PostSubject: Re: I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role   I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role Icon_minitimeSun Apr 02, 2017 7:49 am

Draw_It_White wrote:
sscc wrote:
Also, Eric talked about getting laid in anticipation of the massacre. He didn't seem to suggest that accomplishing this would have changed his mind about anything at all.

Don't say that, you'll shatter the illusion of all these fan girls that if they were at Columbine they'd have allowed Eric to feel the warmth of a woman on his pecker, thus saving all '15' victims.
Do you dislike all fangirls equally or is there some that you dislike more than others? And if you do in fact dislike some more than others, why is that? And what about fanboys? What's your opinion on them?

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I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role Empty
PostSubject: Re: I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role   I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role Icon_minitimeSun Apr 02, 2017 8:28 am

Girls were only a part of a big problem. It seems to me that Eric in any degree didn't feel full-fledged because he didn't conform to certain  standards "normal"  guy whom he always wanted to be. In other words he wanted to be as those successful guys who have certain achievements which he couldn't receive (friends, girls, respect). Eventually he was disappointed in all this, in people, in the relations, in life in general... Eric didn't want to be reconciled with a role of the loser. In difference from Dylan he doesn't dream of "true love" as the only meaning of life, he just wants to be as all guys of his age, in other words he wants to receive his share of pie. He took very painfully failures because he had a low self-assessment. Also he considered that he made enough efforts for achievement of the purposes, but all this was vain. Maybe he has already ceased to believe that at him sometime something will turn out in this life.

I just want something I can never have.
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PostSubject: Re: I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role   I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role Icon_minitime

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I honestly think Brandi played a bigger role
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