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 Klebolds intended to sue Jeffco

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Klebolds intended to sue Jeffco Empty
PostSubject: Klebolds intended to sue Jeffco   Klebolds intended to sue Jeffco Icon_minitimeFri Apr 07, 2017 9:31 pm

According to PBS Frontline:

Quote :
Among the families filing notices were the parents of Dylan Klebold. The Klebolds claim that the sheriff's office may have been negligent by failing to inform them of a 1998 complaint filed with the office that Harris had threatened to kill another student, and that the office had knowledge of a web site maintained by Harris in which he reportedly posted diagrams for building bombs and contained menacing statements and references to mass murder. Had they known of danger, the Klebolds say, they could have taken steps to prevent it by restricting their son's contact with Harris. Their letter of intent to sue claimed that the negligence of the sheriff's office caused them to be subject to "substantial damage claims, vilification, grief, and loss of enjoyment of life." According to their attorney, they will only seek damages equivalent to the damages sought from them in suits by victims.

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Talk about throwing someone under the bus. What chutzpah, too. I wonder why Sue Klebold didn't mention this in her book.
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Klebolds intended to sue Jeffco
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