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 Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA

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William Atchison
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Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 13, 2017 5:57 pm

I'm surprised he was able to even use those weapons. Have you seen his arms and lack of muscle?

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Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 14, 2017 12:36 pm

had to come back here to gather more info on this.
honestly,I'm not surprised that someone troubled would come across the forum to fuel an obsession.
terrible news.

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Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 14, 2017 2:17 pm

I agree with those who feel that Stair has pretty much talked and documented himself out of the fame he so desperately sought after. The draw of Columbine for me was and still remains the mystery of it all. The unanswered questions, the way Jeffco handled the investigation, the way Jeffco botched it, etc. While this guy tried to emulate aspects of Columbine, he also tried to fulfill his future audiences wishes of wanting to know EVERYTHING. On this Forum he had expressed regret of never getting to see the Basement tapes etc. So he left behind a monumental amount of material. The who, what, when, where, how, and why have been fully addressed with hours upon hours of videos and journals. Anything you could ever possibly want to know about him has been answered some where in the vast amount he left behind. Ultimately I think he will fall short of the type of infamy he craved, but he will definitely go down in history as one of the most thoroughly self documented killers of all time.
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Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 14, 2017 8:55 pm

So the girl in his avatar here on the forum is supposed to be him in his afterlife form as a girl and her name is "Andrew"? So which one is Ember then? This whole cartoon thing is so weird and awkward and if he's gonna be a girl in the afterlife, why does he have a man's name?

And if he's transgender, how come he's attracted to girls? If he truly has a female brain, wouldn't he be attracted to men? Or does he have the brain of a female lesbian?

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Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 14, 2017 9:33 pm

Jenn wrote:
So the girl in his avatar here on the forum is supposed to be him in his afterlife form as a girl and her name is "Andrew"? So which one is Ember then? This whole cartoon thing is so weird and awkward and if he's gonna be a girl in the afterlife, why does he have a man's name?

And if he's transgender, how come he's attracted to girls? If he truly has a female brain, wouldn't he be attracted to men? Or does he have the brain of a female lesbian?

I was wondering the same thing, he just seemed to be very confused overall

-I am the shadow that ceases to be understood.
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Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 14, 2017 10:01 pm

Jenn wrote:
So the girl in his avatar here on the forum is supposed to be him in his afterlife form as a girl and her name is "Andrew"? So which one is Ember then? This whole cartoon thing is so weird and awkward and if he's gonna be a girl in the afterlife, why does he have a man's name?

And if he's transgender, how come he's attracted to girls? If he truly has a female brain, wouldn't he be attracted to men? Or does he have the brain of a female lesbian?

I think answering these questions would demand the competency of Carl Gustav Jung.

Being interested in Jungian psychology (complex psychology), I assume - this is really just an assumption, as I am not an expert of the field! - that EGSAndrew was "possessed" by his anima. He might have struggled desperately, in aim to integrate this anima (the feminine part of one's psyche) into himself. Maybe this is why he had masculine names online? His living and worldly identity was still a young male, but deep inside, he was driven by this unintegrated feminine part.

I have such assumptions because I read that the anima is always polygamic - compare this to that ALL dead souls/warriors in EGSAndrew's fantasy are female. A whole league of girls' souls on the other side. Really animistic.

It is just a theory, and I would gladly read the opinions of someone who is better at Jungian psychology than me. I know I might be wrong.

The gender part is more difficult. As far as I know, not all homosexual persons show the attitudes of the opposite sex. A lesbian is not necessarily a tough butch, and a male homosexual is not necessarily sassy. (Think of Rob Halford...) This is all I dare to say, because the whole question is really, really complicated.
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Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 14, 2017 11:50 pm

Jenn wrote:
So the girl in his avatar here on the forum is supposed to be him in his afterlife form as a girl and her name is "Andrew"? So which one is Ember then? This whole cartoon thing is so weird and awkward and if he's gonna be a girl in the afterlife, why does he have a man's name?

And if he's transgender, how come he's attracted to girls? If he truly has a female brain, wouldn't he be attracted to men? Or does he have the brain of a female lesbian?

From what I take of it, he's an identical physical version of Ember apart from a palette swap (he's the blue-haired version). The EGS (Ember Ghost Squad) is a group of these palette-swapped Embers. In fact, I don't think any of them are actually Ember from the Danny Phantom cartoon but physical replicas. The Ember character was the inspiration for his a new set of characters but he just lazily copy and pasted her. Perhaps he didn't have the skill to create a unique drawing for each character or the technical aspect of animating each one would have been too hard.

In the hard-to-follow story, he was a male resembling himself that went on a shooting spree with a girl. He ends up committing suicide via shotgun to the mouth and is resurrected to be a member of the EGS. He then takes the form of the blue-haired Ember clone. The girl also is resurrected in a similar way. But there's so many alternative versions / deleted videos it's hard to tell exactly.

He mentions that he hates gays and isn't attracted to men. I'm not sure if he's attracted to women... he seems to view his EGS fantasy as deities / superior beings. From the videos I saw he never made it clear that he was actually attracted to them past a platonic level. Yikes...

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Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 15, 2017 2:11 am

In his video he says he wanted to blow up the store but he failed. Man I would to have been this guys coworker I wonder if they saw anything coming. Its like you go to work and then do you really know the people you work with it is very cruel for something like this to happen to you its very unfair. Crazy guy.
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Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 15, 2017 2:17 am

He also said he wanted to kill his father but let him to survive, so that he EGSAndrew father would suffer the guilt of having a son who is a murder.
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Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 15, 2017 6:00 am

Was watching one of his last videos when he casually mentioned Eric and Dylan were his "role models". Out of curiosity, I had to check the forum to see if he was a member. Sadly, I was correct. It really shocked me when I saw we had commented on the same threads in the past. Terrible how some people can end up resorting to murder. And he was so public about it too, it really is astounding how no one reported it.

Things aren't as pretty on the inside.
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William Atchison
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Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 15, 2017 7:39 am

Many of the vocal mass murderers were so ridiculous or extreme, nobody could take them seriously.
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Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 15, 2017 4:02 pm

i guarantee, as with others after the act, he was probably horrified at what he done and died feeling like a monster.
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Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 15, 2017 4:48 pm

pacshine wrote:
i guarantee, as with others after the act, he was probably horrified at what he done and died feeling like a monster.

what makes you so sure of that?

-I am the shadow that ceases to be understood.
I scream for darkness, I am the light.
I yearn for passion and for the forever word “immortality”.
To experience life after death, in solitude, in compassion, in love.-
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Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 15, 2017 9:45 pm

browneyes11 wrote:
pacshine wrote:
i guarantee, as with others after the act, he was probably horrified at what he done and died feeling like a monster.

what makes you so sure of that?

ever see someone get headshot by a shotgun?
not pretty.

This guy tho mentally ill, to me doesnt seem to have the fortitude for that. You do see he let one of the girls go.
my assumption.

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Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 16, 2017 1:44 am

He may have let her live and escape to be an eyewitness. She did see him kill the other woman and heard him continue shooting and she said he saw her trying to leave and didn't stop her. Wasn't that something Eric and Dylan got from Natural Born Killers - always leave an eyewitness to tell what happened and relive the horror in her mind the rest of her life.
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Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 16, 2017 6:51 am

From what I understand by scrubbing through his content that's now sadly no longer accessible on mediafire, the guy had a lot of issues with authority. Coupled with his poor relationship with his father I think we can draw the connections when it comes to his hatred of men.

It's hard to actually understand the relationship as it's represented in a very one sided fashion though Randy admitting he "felt like he was between the ages of 16-19" could either be part of his delusional reality or some kind of developmental issues. I have my reservations that Randy was being fair in his portrayal of his father, to me it looks like he just wanted Randy to age up.

Obsessions with fictional characters are not uncommon for children with autism, especially the reclusive ones. It's hard to retroactively diagnose someone and even then, they may only be exhibiting a few traits and not be exhibiting enough to be on the spectrum, though his handwriting being a possible indicator for poor motor control is an interesting one.

If Randy was autistic (though it's too hard to tell without a professional) there were other compounding issues.
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Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 16, 2017 3:46 pm

He seemed. to hate his father because his father bullied him into getting a job and he said in the tapes he hates working on retail.

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Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 16, 2017 5:02 pm

I don't think it's considered "bullying" if a father were to push his son towards getting a job. The man was in his 20s and it's not uncommon for even teens to get a part time job throughout highschool. This is someone who at least attended college.

There are plenty of other jobs out there that aren't retail and I doubt his father would have forced him to keep in that line of work if there were better opportunities. As I said we know little about their actual relationship but from what I can see I certainly don't think it's bullying, his father may have been firm about it out of concern considering his age and the fact he still lived at home.

If his father was bullying him you'd expect at least some comments about him being forced to find another place to live which I don't recall finding any.
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Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 16, 2017 6:48 pm

Atlas wrote:
I don't think it's considered "bullying" if a father were to push his son towards getting a job. The man was in his 20s and it's not uncommon for even teens to get a part time job throughout highschool. This is someone who at least attended college.

There are plenty of other jobs out there that aren't retail and I doubt his father would have forced him to keep in that line of work if there were better opportunities. As I said we know little about their actual relationship but from what I can see I certainly don't think it's bullying, his father may have been firm about it out of concern considering his age and the fact he still lived at home.

If his father was bullying him you'd expect at least some comments about him being forced to find another place to live which I don't recall finding any.
He completed his degree in what sounded like video production or something like that.  Yet he chose to continue working at the supermarket instead of taking advantage of the advice that his professor offered, which was to accep opportunities now because there would always be someone fresh out of school to give the jobs to later on. It sounds like the professor took a special interest in him and tried to encourage him but Randy referred to it as manipulation and said that he hated him. He also said that he only got the degree because his parents wanted him to and he didn't plan to use it. It doesn't make much sense because he devoted years to YouTube and gained the professional skills he would need in college but then he didn't do anything with it. I don't know if he was already as depressed as he was later on but I can't understand why he chose to stay at the job he hated, unless it was fear of change or failure.  He had the path laid out for him and he chose not to pursue anything he wanted. Instead,  he got wrapped up in all of these things that led to his death.
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Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 16, 2017 7:54 pm

Where would I be able to find a source on this? Unfortunately the mediafire account is no longer active and I think would make a great resource for future reference.

If I can find the time may consider putting some time and effort into the production of a rather detailed analysis.
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Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 18, 2017 9:14 pm

It's definitely a weird feeling going back and looking at their posts. Some of them I remember reading a long time ago and actually agreeing with some of their points. Awkward.

I definitely don't think anyone here could have predicted anything based on the comments Stair left here, but after reading through several of the Twitter accounts, I have to wonder about Stair's followers there. Some of it is blatant like the "I'll be dead by the end of next week" comment in the middle of several posts teasing​ a "huge" release on June 7th. The only thing I can think of is that Andrew Blaze (along with several other accounts" appeared to just be characters in a cartoon Stair had created. I don't think most of the Twitter (the EGS YouTube channel is gone so I can't see what info the subscribers would have had there) followers knew that Stair considered themselves and Andrew to be the same person until it was too late. Andrew was a character that committed a fictional school shooting before committing suicide to join the EGS. And the video being teased on the Twitter account was a cartoon depicting said fictional shooting. So it would make sense that the character would be saying he'd be dead next week and I don't think anyone could have imagined Stair was also talking about themselves.

I'd love to go through all of the content that's been left behind, but honestly, a few videos in and I'm bored out of my mind. I think Stair thought we'd all be pouring over all this stuff like we do with Eric and Dylan, but honestly part of the lure of Columbine is the mystery and making 17+ hours of content detailing your plans, motive and life story in excruciating detail kind of kills the mystery. Stair went as far as to say that "no one" would ever think of the names Mackenzie and Rachel (the names given to the shotguns) the same way again. Next to no one outside of this forum is talking about this and even here we're not all that interested. I think when people do this kind of thing they're expecting Columbine levels of attention but they're not realizing that most of the receipt ones have been forgotten pretty much as soon as they've happened.
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Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 18, 2017 9:28 pm

pacshine wrote:
i guarantee, as with others after the act, he was probably horrified at what he done and died feeling like a monster.

I sort of get this feeling too. Stair was well aware of how many people were there that night and even knew their names and where they were most likely to be when the shooting happened at least days in advance. They also seemed to plan to quickly shoot each person at least enough to incapacitate them before coming back to "finish them off". But after shooting the first victim, Stair turned to another woman, made eye contact and then walked away. She ended up being the only person to make it out alive, let alone uninjured. It makes me wonder why that decision was made. The obvious thought is to leave one witnesses to ensure that the story would be told correctly. But Stair was clearly counting on the security footage being released for that, and I feel like leaving a witness was something that would have been mentioned somewhere in one of the videos if that was the plan.

This is a pretty morbid point, but a "mass murder" is considered the murder of *four* or more people without a cool down period in between. Meaning that if Stair had killed that woman, they would be considered a mass murderer and would likely have been given more notoriety, which seemed like something they were after.

My theory is that after seeing the reality of shooting the first victim, Stair needed time to process was they'd done before continuing the shooting. This was a person that was clearly disconnected with reality and I think seeing one of their victims in real life instead of imagining it was a huge wake up call. Obviously, they carried out the rest of the shooting after that, but I think it was more out of obligation​ to the plan than a general excitement to be murdering people at that point.
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Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Jun 18, 2017 10:40 pm

This kid spent his whole childhood life immersed in making videos for youtube, I can't imagine what it must be like to grow up now with all the added pressures of your online social identity and status. It can't be healthy, when I was growing up there weren't the social sites and all this advertising of one's self, the internet was just about interests and communication. Seems like he spent an awful lot of his free time at a computer making videos as it was his way of boosting his self-esteem. I have a feeling he didn't get along with men and he identified as a female so I can imagine he might have been bullied at school, hence his obsession with Columbine. 

I've only watched part of the 'goodbye earth' video, read his suicide note 'please read' and glanced at his twitter. Seems he was contemplating something along the lines of a school shooting for some time. 
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Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 19, 2017 8:33 am

macks_ant86 wrote:
This kid spent his whole childhood life immersed in making videos for youtube, I can't imagine what it must be like to grow up now with all the added pressures of your online social identity and status. It can't be healthy, when I was growing up there weren't the social sites and all this advertising of one's self, the internet was just about interests and communication. Seems like he spent an awful lot of his free time at a computer making videos as it was his way of boosting his self-esteem. I have a feeling he didn't get along with men and he identified as a female so I can imagine he might have been bullied at school, hence his obsession with Columbine. 

I've only watched part of the 'goodbye earth' video, read his suicide note 'please read' and glanced at his twitter. Seems he was contemplating something along the lines of a school shooting for some time. 
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He said he wasn't really bullied. He seemed to be under the impression that Eric and Dylan were heavily bullied, in physical fights on a regular basis. He said he was mildly hassled but "nothing like" what happened at Columbine. I don't think the bullying business was all that important to him but he called them his heroes anyway.
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PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 19, 2017 8:58 pm

sscc wrote:
He said he wasn't really bullied. He seemed to be under the impression that Eric and Dylan were heavily bullied, in physical fights on a regular basis. He said he was mildly hassled but "nothing like" what happened at Columbine. I don't think the bullying business was all that important to him but he called them his heroes anyway.

I haven't gone through his whole "legacy" yet, I'll need a cup of coffee and a lot of patience before I do that. I don't know if he says he wasn't bullied, I just got the impression that he might have been given the tweet he made. Others have pointed out and I agree that he might have attempted a school/college shooting had he still been there.
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PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 19, 2017 9:26 pm

Speaking of Mr. Randy Stair and school shootings, Langman just added him to his website:
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It appears to contain some but not all of the material left behind.

"If opportunities for role fulfilment fall far short of the demand by those capable of filling roles, and having expectations to do so, only violence and disruption of social organization can follow. Individuals born under these circumstances will be so out of touch with reality as to be incapable even of alienation. Their most complex behaviors will become fragmented. Acquisition, creation and utilization of ideas appropriate for life in a post-industrial cultural-conceptual-technological society will have been blocked."
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PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 19, 2017 9:46 pm

macks_ant86 wrote:
sscc wrote:
He said he wasn't really bullied. He seemed to be under the impression that Eric and Dylan were heavily bullied, in physical fights on a regular basis. He said he was mildly hassled but "nothing like" what happened at Columbine. I don't think the bullying business was all that important to him but he called them his heroes anyway.

I haven't gone through his whole "legacy" yet, I'll need a cup of coffee and a lot of patience before I do that. I don't know if he says he wasn't bullied, I just got the impression that he might have been given the tweet he made. Others have pointed out and I agree that he might have attempted a school/college shooting had he still been there.
I didn't get through the majority of his suicide tapes yet either but he specifically mentioned within the first few videos that he wasn't bullied. I think it was similar to Cho and Rodger, where there was some history of being treated badly but mostly ignored and left feeling isolated, which is actually similar to Eric and Dylan's experience, in my opinion. I don't know if Randy was even particularly resentful of the mistreatment or isolation. In fact, he said repeatedly that what "changed him" were the deaths of two acquaintances in separate car accidents during his college years. Even then he was not homicidal, just more focused on the concept of death and to an extent,  his own suicide. Personally, I think that he may have gleaned some inspiration from these deaths. Witnessing the talk about the deceased boys on social media may have influenced him when he pictured his own suicide. He probably saw people saying all sorts of positive things about those boys and maybe it put the idea into his head that people would talk about him too if he died. Then he learned of Columbine several years later and instead of a flurry of posts on Facebook for a couple of weeks, he saw two boys being remembered (and even revered by some) over a decade and a half after their deaths. The difference between the two situations was that Eric and Dylan didn't just die prematurely, but also killed others in the process. I think Randy's main motivations were suicide and using his death to achieve lasting fame.
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PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 20, 2017 12:30 am

randy's dad was the head manager of the store he shot up
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PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 22, 2017 10:04 am

Is anyone surprised? Columbine is catnip to crazies & these forums (/the 'Columbiner' community) sadly seem to churn out a would-be killer every year or so. I'm not saying this to be mean, but how many nuts obsessed with Columbine have pulled off a similar attack?

I tried watching his later videos and reading his manifesto, but to be truthful, I couldn't complete them. Randy Stair, to me, is even more pitiful than Elliot Rodger and like Dylan Klebold, just seems to have gone on a rampage because he was suicidal & didn't want to die alone with nothing to remember him for.
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PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 22, 2017 7:04 pm

I saw this guy mentioned on Tumblr over and over and didn't connect it to this place. Hit a little too close to home for me.

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PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 22, 2017 10:32 pm

Lizpuff wrote:
I saw this guy mentioned on Tumblr over and over and didn't connect it to this place.  Hit a little too close to home for me.

Well I'll be damned, you're back.

Falling out of airplanes and hiding out in holes
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PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 23, 2017 3:44 am

Did anyone see the video in which he gets raped by the whale? That is some ridiculous content on his youtube channel.

Not sure what to make of this guy so I will just write random stuff. I read his journal and watched like half of his suicide tapes. He did not really get any media attention at all showing us that this sort of thing has become quite common shootings to the point that even the anniversary of the night club Orlando shooting was ignored.

Where was I going with this. So I read his journal he talks mostly about feeling depressed and wanting to commit suicide, he say he has thought of suicide since high school but could not come up with a good method he considered hanging setting himself on fire but decided against it.

Then he talks about his weird fetishes. One part I found kind of strange is him talking about stealing his mom clothes and cross dressing. I think he may have been transgender he talked about wanting to be a girl and hating his body and stuff like that but at the same time he said he was not gay and had zero interest in sex. So this make him different than elliot rodger who was very interested in sex.

I think he was lonely person, he said he missed having friend and social life in high school and said he missed high school. I think his motive was to be famous he talked about making his egs into a "suicide cult". I think he wanted to be famous, he mentions in his journal people must remember me even if I do something bad. So he wanted to be infamous rather than completly forgotten he wanted fame.

I think he probably would have committed suicide but the whole Columbine phenomenon drove him to commit murder to achive fame.

But why did he go into columbine in the first place why was he so depressed? He mentions he hated working a "dead end job" at the supermarket and he mentioned he hated his daily routine waking up the sound of the "alarm clock", he also said he could not see himself having a proffession because nothing aside from youtube interested him and he said that making animation on you tube took too long, so he did not want to put any effort into it.

It is almost as if he lost interest in his life,he simply did not care anymore(that is just my thoughts). He said in the journal he hated the thought of aging and wanted to be forever young.

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PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 23, 2017 3:52 am

About his mental health I am not sure if he had autism. People talk about autism all the damn time but few people have genuine experience with autistic people . People with actual autism can be like low functioning in which they are borderline retarded and cannot even live a normal life or they can be like Asperger in which they are high functioning they can do complex task but fail at socializing they lack empathy and cannot pick up nonverbal body language.

Andrew Blaze if he was autistic he was high functioning. But I do not know if he was autistic. He may have had psychotic because he mentioned hearing the voices of the ghost girls in his head. He also had issues with is body and was depressed and stuff.

I do not think he was autistic I do not belive he was he a bit delusional but that is not the same as autistic autistic people have repetive behaviors and stuff like that. Andrew Blaze was a delusional person believing his cartoons were real people but he may have developed this belief because he was lonely.

My opinion is he was a lonely guy who may have had issues when he was young but I think he went slowly made and began thinking and obseesing about death after one of his friend in college died. I do not think he suddenly snapped and became crazy I think, he started off with a fantasy with his imagination and slowly he became lost in his own thoughts and had nobody really to talk to as he mentions in his tape because of his night shift at the market he did not even speak to his family much. His social isolation made him go crazy in my opinion.
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Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 23, 2017 4:00 am

I think he is a lot like Dylan Klebold. In the sense that he was suicidal but could not really do it, so he placed himself in a situation where he had no (little) choice. If you listen to his tape he says something like "I am going to commit suicide and I am afraid of death but after I do what I plant to do it will be easier because the alternative is life in prison". So he did this because he knew it would make it easier to kill himself.
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PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 23, 2017 2:02 pm

TheSpiral wrote:
Lizpuff wrote:
I saw this guy mentioned on Tumblr over and over and didn't connect it to this place.  Hit a little too close to home for me.

Well I'll be damned, you're back.

I come in from time to time. Haven't logged in for a while though Have had too many other things on my mind

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PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 23, 2017 2:23 pm

I watched a video he had made of his house tour yesterday. He goes around talking about how he is going to miss this and that or this is the last time anyone is going to see his house the way it was. He filmed it on an average day and it is just weird watching it knowing just a couple days later he committed this crime.

Another thing that was weird about it was that the entire time he would point out locations and be like "this is where xxxx was made" xxx being a production he had filmed. Almost every point in his house he could equate to a video he had made.

I have only seen a few of his productions not including the whale one mentioned above. Just very strange. I think he was quite lonely. And he does remind me a bit of Elliot Rodger in a way. A loner who didn't really want to do anything with his life. Someone who kind of assumed they would never grow up

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Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 26, 2017 12:30 am

this forum encouraged him to do the shooting. all of you should be ashamed. i can't believe you helped him and encouraged him to do this. y'all need something better 2 do then circle jerk to the columbine shooting i can recommend you some therapy numbers if you want so you don't end up being like this guy too. just send me a pm.
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PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 26, 2017 10:17 am

obamaisanalien wrote:
this forum encouraged him to do the shooting. all of you should be ashamed. i can't believe you helped him and encouraged him to do this. y'all need something better 2 do then circle jerk to the columbine shooting i can recommend you some therapy numbers if you want so you don't end up being like this guy too. just send me a pm.

I like your profile name.

Falling out of airplanes and hiding out in holes
Waiting for the sunset to come, people going home
Jump out from behind them and shoot them in the head
Now everybody dancing, the dance of the dead
The dance of the dead, the dance of the dead
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PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jun 26, 2017 9:36 pm

Atlas wrote:
Where would I be able to find a source on this? Unfortunately the mediafire account is no longer active and I think would make a great resource for future reference.

If I can find the time may consider putting some time and effort into the production of a rather detailed analysis.

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PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jul 03, 2017 10:11 am

Jenn wrote:
So the girl in his avatar here on the forum is supposed to be him in his afterlife form as a girl and her name is "Andrew"? So which one is Ember then? This whole cartoon thing is so weird and awkward and if he's gonna be a girl in the afterlife, why does he have a man's name?

And if he's transgender, how come he's attracted to girls? If he truly has a female brain, wouldn't he be attracted to men? Or does he have the brain of a female lesbian?

I know this is a bit old, but it is possible and not at all rare for trans people to be attracted to those of their "true" gender.  Transgender people are afterall, believed to just have been born in the "wrong body." Andrew was a female lesbian who's body just didn't match her brain.
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PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Aug 26, 2017 2:25 pm

Dolcez made the point I was coming here to make. Lol

Gender identity has nothing to do with sexual orientation. Oddly enough most transgender individuals I have known consider themself gay (male-to-female transgender person attracted to females) because while they may have been born as male, they identify being attracted to females, they would then consider themself lesbian.

I think the more confusing part to me is why Randy chose a male alternate identity (Andrew) if he truly identified as female.....
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PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Aug 26, 2017 10:52 pm

I watched many of his YT videos. He doesn't strike me as someone who is a transgender? He had cartoon female avatar that represented him, but a lot of nerdy guys have a female character in video games and stuff.
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PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Aug 27, 2017 10:39 am

I would not peg him as transgender either. He made the claim many times but I think it was either 1. Trying to add more shock value to his whole scheme. Or 2. He genuinely just didn't know who/what he was.

I've spent many years working in a social worker capacity with LGBT youth and Andrew doesn't really trigger any thoughts for me regarding his gender or sexual orientation. I think he just was so lost in mental illness and fantasy that he was grasping at any manner that allowed him to hide even further in this "ghost squad" fantasy world
....a world where he felt powerful and in control...things he quite obviously didn't feel in his real life. Hence the desperate strides of being like his characters.
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Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Aug 29, 2017 3:26 am

Has anyone heard anything from his parents or other family members? I know his parents sent an email to a local radio station or something saying that they were sorry and sending their prayers to the victims' families, but has anyone heard anything else aside from that? It's honestly surprising how little there is about this case other than what Randy left behind.
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PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 05, 2017 4:12 am

explicit wrote:
Why does it always have to be this forum? You'd think a website like this with more mature members in comparison to tumblr wouldn't need to worry about copycats. Ridiculous. Guy obviously had some issues.
Yeah, we've had Adam and Randy. The only time I've heard about tumblr Columbiners committing shootings is a mall shooting that happened where the guy who did it posted a picture of him holding a shotgun just before killing 2 employees at the skateboarding shop in the mall that he was in. The only time they've become known is when the 3 people were plotting to shoot up a mall, while we're most likely infamous just because of Adam Lanza and his Smiggles account.
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PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 17, 2017 8:08 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 17, 2017 10:38 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Dec 18, 2017 5:29 am

spidEr wrote:
I watched many of his YT videos. He doesn't strike me as someone who is a transgender? He had cartoon female avatar that represented him, but a lot of nerdy guys have a female character in video games and stuff.

Chris-chan is a more legitimate trans person than Randy.

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PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Dec 19, 2017 11:46 pm

The video of him singing pumped up kicks is funny and disturbing at the same time......
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PostSubject: Re: Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA   Member EGSAndrew just committed a murder suicide in Tunkhannock, PA - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Dec 20, 2017 12:07 am

Ziamber II wrote:
The video of him singing pumped up kicks is funny and disturbing at the same time......
My favorite one is of him lip syncing "Don't stop me now" by Queen. I don't know why but it's funny to me. He's an idiot.

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