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 Eric's shirt in gas station

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PostSubject: Eric's shirt in gas station   Eric's shirt in gas station Icon_minitime11/6/2017, 02:25

After watching this: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] his shirt doesn't look like the natural selection shirt we all know he wore during the shootings. If I'm correct, this was filmed after they taped their "goodbyes", thus leaving their houses. I was sure they had their "shirts" on underneath the flannels. Do you guys think he changed sometime in his car or something, or am I totally wrong and that is indeed the natural selection shirt.
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PostSubject: Re: Eric's shirt in gas station   Eric's shirt in gas station Icon_minitime11/6/2017, 03:18

He is wearing the Natural Selection shirt under the flannel that he has on in the gas station.

“What do you think about when you look up at the sky at night, when there’s no clouds out,and you can see the stars?” -Eric Harris

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PostSubject: Re: Eric's shirt in gas station   Eric's shirt in gas station Icon_minitime11/6/2017, 03:19

Rebdomine wrote:
He is wearing the Natural Selection shirt under the flannel that he has on in the gas station.

So its under that shirt then, since I see a circle logo. Just something random I thought about.
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PostSubject: Re: Eric's shirt in gas station   Eric's shirt in gas station Icon_minitime11/6/2017, 03:25

slippy123 wrote:
Rebdomine wrote:
He is wearing the Natural Selection shirt under the flannel that he has on in the gas station.

So its under that shirt then, since I see a circle logo. Just something random I thought about.

Yeah. If you slow the video down, you can see it in a few clips.

“What do you think about when you look up at the sky at night, when there’s no clouds out,and you can see the stars?” -Eric Harris
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PostSubject: Re: Eric's shirt in gas station   Eric's shirt in gas station Icon_minitime11/6/2017, 03:28

Rebdomine wrote:
slippy123 wrote:
Rebdomine wrote:
He is wearing the Natural Selection shirt under the flannel that he has on in the gas station.

So its under that shirt then, since I see a circle logo. Just something random I thought about.

Yeah. If you slow the video down, you can see it in a few clips.

I gotcha, I always thought it was just the letters no black circle around it like it appears in the video.
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PostSubject: Re: Eric's shirt in gas station   Eric's shirt in gas station Icon_minitime11/6/2017, 10:12

It's blurry but it is the NS shirt. In fact this is the only footage we can actually see the shirt from the front.

Falling out of airplanes and hiding out in holes
Waiting for the sunset to come, people going home
Jump out from behind them and shoot them in the head
Now everybody dancing, the dance of the dead
The dance of the dead, the dance of the dead
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PostSubject: Re: Eric's shirt in gas station   Eric's shirt in gas station Icon_minitime1/9/2021, 22:00

I am curious to see if the gas station is still around
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PostSubject: Re: Eric's shirt in gas station   Eric's shirt in gas station Icon_minitime2/9/2021, 06:27

Cresearch wrote:
I am curious to see if the gas station is still around
It is and the propane tanks are still in the same place. Different company now tho

Lift your head up high and blow your brains out
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PostSubject: Re: Eric's shirt in gas station   Eric's shirt in gas station Icon_minitime2/9/2021, 15:01

Xtina wrote:
Cresearch wrote:
I am curious to see if the gas station is still around
It is and the propane tanks are still in the same place. Different company now tho

If people only knew who stood in the same spot there killed people it is just super creepy and sad
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PostSubject: Re: Eric's shirt in gas station   Eric's shirt in gas station Icon_minitime

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