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 where would dylan and eric commit suicide if the bombs had detonated?

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where would dylan and eric commit suicide if the bombs had detonated? Empty
PostSubject: where would dylan and eric commit suicide if the bombs had detonated?   where would dylan and eric commit suicide if the bombs had detonated? Icon_minitimeWed Jul 12, 2017 10:48 pm

i'm thinking if the bombs both successfully detonated and the library colapsed where would the two gunnmen commit suicide?
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where would dylan and eric commit suicide if the bombs had detonated? Empty
PostSubject: Re: where would dylan and eric commit suicide if the bombs had detonated?   where would dylan and eric commit suicide if the bombs had detonated? Icon_minitimeThu Jul 13, 2017 1:24 am

Around the entrances they were covering while they were shooting at survivors. Death by cop also probable.
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where would dylan and eric commit suicide if the bombs had detonated? Empty
PostSubject: Re: where would dylan and eric commit suicide if the bombs had detonated?   where would dylan and eric commit suicide if the bombs had detonated? Icon_minitimeThu Jul 13, 2017 8:48 am

I agree with Draw It White. The original plan was to shoot at the cops and kids fleeing the building. So most likely they would not have shot themselves but rather be shot by the police

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where would dylan and eric commit suicide if the bombs had detonated? Empty
PostSubject: Re: where would dylan and eric commit suicide if the bombs had detonated?   where would dylan and eric commit suicide if the bombs had detonated? Icon_minitimeSat Jul 15, 2017 1:04 am

I think even if the bombs had gone off, shit would have gone sideways for them no matter what. One: they would be shot dead by police. Although despite their writings I don't really believe that they actually wanted to die by cop because they ultimately wanted autonomy over their own lives and suicide was the only way to do that. As to where, I'm not sure. Possibly behind a parked car during a shoot out after being wounded? Running off into the neighborhood, splitting up out of panic, and doing away with themselves in someone's backyard or in an alleyway? Who knows.

Two: the more likely scenario in my head - they would have been too close to the blast radius while waiting outside for the students and been killed or injured by debris and projectiles. Best case scenario (for justice, anyway) they'd be rendered unconscious by the force of the explosion and then possibly taken alive.
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where would dylan and eric commit suicide if the bombs had detonated? Empty
PostSubject: Re: where would dylan and eric commit suicide if the bombs had detonated?   where would dylan and eric commit suicide if the bombs had detonated? Icon_minitimeSat Jul 15, 2017 1:22 pm

The plan was to get into a shootout with police, so wherever that took place.
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where would dylan and eric commit suicide if the bombs had detonated? Empty
PostSubject: Re: where would dylan and eric commit suicide if the bombs had detonated?   where would dylan and eric commit suicide if the bombs had detonated? Icon_minitime

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where would dylan and eric commit suicide if the bombs had detonated?
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