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 Adam Lanza DDR Physical Training?

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Adam Lanza DDR Physical Training? Empty
PostSubject: Adam Lanza DDR Physical Training?   Adam Lanza DDR Physical Training? Icon_minitime16/07/17, 11:11 pm

After rereading some reports and witness reports about adams time at the Newtown Theater i have thought why Adam played so much DDR, aside from playing it cause he liked it and was a huge fan of the franchise, i believe there could be more to it.

I believe he could of been excessively playing DDR to get into somewhat shape and also get more fitter for the coming massacre, from 2011 to late 2012, a month before the massacre, Adam constantly visited the theater and would play DDR with a girl or an Asian boy as witnesses described and then more later on he played alone and seemed more strange.

He used to play at least 4 hours a day from 2 PM to 6 PM as well as 10 hours a day, and would play until he was excessively sweating and could no longer dance.

The reason i believe this may of been physical training is because he increasingly started visiting the theater towards the end of 2011 and sometime through 2012, He would play until he was drenched in sweat and even carried a back up sweater in his car in case he needed to change (seems quite prepared for a trip to play on an arcade machine). He also increasingly started to get more quiet and strange towards the end of his visits which could be explained by him getting more nervous, anxious and disillusioned about the coming massacre and the end of his life.

DDR also requires a lot of body coordination and reflexes due to fast paced physically demanding gameplay and this may of improved his physical coordination and reflexes, In combat sense this would make him more mobile and reactive whilst shooting, it may of been a somewhat exercise schedule to balance out his anorexic state of fitness.

During the shooting Lanza was constantly described as running through the hallways and between classrooms by many eyewitnesses and also in 911 calls.

What do you think?

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Last edited by TheyAllFloatDownHere on 17/07/17, 02:57 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Adam Lanza DDR Physical Training? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza DDR Physical Training?   Adam Lanza DDR Physical Training? Icon_minitime17/07/17, 06:22 am

I think Adam used DDR as a way to escape from reality. I actually do something similar for that very purpose. Psychical training may have been a part of it, especially as the date of the shooting drew closer, but escapism was the primary reason, at least from my perspective.

"If opportunities for role fulfilment fall far short of the demand by those capable of filling roles, and having expectations to do so, only violence and disruption of social organization can follow. Individuals born under these circumstances will be so out of touch with reality as to be incapable even of alienation. Their most complex behaviors will become fragmented. Acquisition, creation and utilization of ideas appropriate for life in a post-industrial cultural-conceptual-technological society will have been blocked."
- John B. Calhoun

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Adam Lanza DDR Physical Training? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza DDR Physical Training?   Adam Lanza DDR Physical Training? Icon_minitime17/07/17, 02:01 pm

I don't think it was any form of training, he just liked DDR.
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Adam Lanza DDR Physical Training? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza DDR Physical Training?   Adam Lanza DDR Physical Training? Icon_minitime17/07/17, 02:52 pm

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STK wrote:
I think Adam used DDR as a way to escape from reality. I actually do something similar for that very purpose. Psychical training may have been a part of it, especially as the date of the shooting drew closer, but escapism was the primary reason, at least from my perspective.

He stopped playing DDR at the theater a month before the massacre and i do believe aside from him playing it cause he was a huge fan of the game i do believe it may of been physical preparation due to how excessive his play times were (4-10 hours) towards the end of 2012 and how planned out his theater trips were (bringing back up clothes) as well as him being more distant.
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Adam Lanza DDR Physical Training? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza DDR Physical Training?   Adam Lanza DDR Physical Training? Icon_minitime17/07/17, 03:02 pm

His behavior and activities were very habitual, and his trips to the theater slowed drastically months before the shooting. I think he found DDR therapeutic, especially because he didn't seem to get much physical exercise other than it.

He really enjoyed being thin, excessive exercise probably helped him keep a low weight.
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Adam Lanza DDR Physical Training? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza DDR Physical Training?   Adam Lanza DDR Physical Training? Icon_minitime18/07/17, 01:56 am


Last edited by SaucyJimmy on 22/01/18, 01:08 am; edited 1 time in total
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Adam Lanza DDR Physical Training? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza DDR Physical Training?   Adam Lanza DDR Physical Training? Icon_minitime18/07/17, 10:08 pm

SaucyJimmy wrote:
Basically what STK and abstractsmigs said. If he was concerned about his ability to bear the weight of his arsenal, he would've lifted weights.

I mean training physically as lower body speed and coordination not entirely strength, playing DDR would not help someone carry more ammunition or a heavy vest, DDR don't improve arm and upper muscle strength, its a lower body demanding game.

For someone who barely left his room for large amounts of time and would have had no exercise combined with his anorexic build i would find it hard for him to be running down the hallways with large amounts of ammunition in 4 pockets of his cargos aswell as two handguns (one in pocket, one in holster) swinging around everywhere. I do believe DDR may of been leisure time for adam but i also believe he may of intended to build up his leg strength and reflex coordination so that he could bear the amount of gear and ammo on his lower half.

Im not trying to push this idea as a fact as it is just a theory but i do find it a coincidence with the play session timings throughout the year and how he played for increasingly long times all the way up until a month before Newtown.
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Adam Lanza DDR Physical Training? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza DDR Physical Training?   Adam Lanza DDR Physical Training? Icon_minitime19/07/17, 10:05 am

abstractsmigs wrote:
I don't think it was any form of training, he just liked DDR.
Yeah, this is how I see it. I can't see how it'd be any sort of training.
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Adam Lanza DDR Physical Training? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza DDR Physical Training?   Adam Lanza DDR Physical Training? Icon_minitime22/07/17, 04:56 pm

I believe that he played DDR quite often because he not only enjoyed it but also because he was obsessed with the fear of being fat/overweight. He had a document on one of the recovered hard drives talking about positive connotations of being thin and negative ones of being overweight ect. Also I suspect he was an adrenaline junky. I can only imagine how much of a physical high he would have gotten from such vigorous activity on a regular basis for such lengths of time. It is well known that people who aggressively do physical activities such as running can get a "runners high" caused by the rush of endorphins through one's body.

I could even speculate further as to go as far as to say that Adam likely had an undiagnosed eating disorder. Adam Lanza already had a fast metabolism but he was also malnourished as far as nutrients and calories go to the point that it actually caused a certain level of brain damage according to an autopsy that was done following his death.
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PostSubject: Re: Adam Lanza DDR Physical Training?   Adam Lanza DDR Physical Training? Icon_minitime

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