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 62 Year Old Man Shoots and Kills 5 in China

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62 Year Old Man Shoots and Kills 5 in China Empty
PostSubject: 62 Year Old Man Shoots and Kills 5 in China   62 Year Old Man Shoots and Kills 5 in China Icon_minitimeMon Jun 24, 2013 4:13 pm

A 62 year old man is responsible for shooting and killing 5 people with a hunting gun and beating another to death in Shanghai, China. Others were shot and suffered injuries.

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62 Year Old Man Shoots and Kills 5 in China Empty
PostSubject: Re: 62 Year Old Man Shoots and Kills 5 in China   62 Year Old Man Shoots and Kills 5 in China Icon_minitimeMon Jun 24, 2013 4:24 pm

I would not consider rampage sprees in China "rare". They are rarely carried out with guns, but mass-stabbings are happen pretty often: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Or maybe "rare China shooting" just mean, that mass-shootings in China are rare.

Edit: ok, maybe I should had read the article before posting this, because the article mentions the same, what I said.
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62 Year Old Man Shoots and Kills 5 in China Empty
PostSubject: Re: 62 Year Old Man Shoots and Kills 5 in China   62 Year Old Man Shoots and Kills 5 in China Icon_minitimeThu Jun 27, 2013 9:15 am

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62 Year Old Man Shoots and Kills 5 in China Empty
PostSubject: Re: 62 Year Old Man Shoots and Kills 5 in China   62 Year Old Man Shoots and Kills 5 in China Icon_minitimeSat Jul 13, 2013 8:56 am

If it was a mad westerner, who thinks it is still Korean war, it would make sense. However this was a man of the "peoples republic" and Chinese ( alike other Asian nations ) are real considerate of each other. Yes their are dirty dealings, so this is why it is odd. Their are tons of terrible things occuring but this looks insane for anybody to do such act.
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62 Year Old Man Shoots and Kills 5 in China Empty
PostSubject: Re: 62 Year Old Man Shoots and Kills 5 in China   62 Year Old Man Shoots and Kills 5 in China Icon_minitime

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62 Year Old Man Shoots and Kills 5 in China
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