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 Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?

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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeWed Jun 26, 2013 2:08 pm

I was wondering if anyone knows what the long letter on Dylan's cross said.  And also, other notes on the actual cross itself.
It seemed like the old form may have had a thread on this but wanted to revisit.  Especially interested in that long, detailed letter!

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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeWed Jul 17, 2013 2:45 pm

Just following up to this with a better picture of the letter.  I'm surmissing this was written by a xtian as I'm able to make out bits of it.

 "He gave you life", "For what you could have been",  "He is very real"  

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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeThu Jul 18, 2013 10:45 pm

- Why
- Shame on you Dylan
- How can anyone forgive you?

I have a feeling he'd get a good laugh out of all these.
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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeFri Jul 19, 2013 12:08 am

The writing on the wood is pretty easy to make out. However, I'm wondering about the long letter attached to the cross.

Yes, I agree that he and Eric would be rolling their eyes and laughing at all the xtian propoganda. It would just be more of a turn off to them.
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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeFri Jul 19, 2013 1:13 am

I also agree that E/D would be rolling their eyes about some of the comments. But I liked how some people actually decided to write nice things about them. I also thought it was interesting how on Eric's cross someone had wrote your lives were long lost way before this ever happened and you died over a year ago and no one noticed.
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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeFri Jul 19, 2013 12:12 pm

CatherineM813 wrote:
But I liked how some people actually decided to write nice things about them. I also thought it was interesting how on Eric's cross someone had wrote your lives were  long lost way before this ever happened and you died over a year ago and no one noticed.

I thought that was very moving, too. The photo of Tom Mauser standing next to Dylan's cross is very heartbreaking, also.
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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeFri Jul 19, 2013 2:00 pm

Enlarging the letter in my photo-editing program gave me a few words to work from, but no more. I could tentatively make out the following fragments: family and those who knew you, He gave you life, we plant, that your choices were wrong, hate over love, He has (..) your choice, fly free now and you can, He grants me, He takes those who believe. It indeed sounds to me like a letter written by a Christian.
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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeSat Dec 07, 2013 5:20 pm

Here is some more of the writing on Dylan's cross.

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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeSun Dec 08, 2013 11:29 am

Is that Mauser in the background?
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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeSun Dec 08, 2013 12:23 pm

Lol. No, I don't think so.

"I’ll see you in Heaven if you make the list"
Zachary Patrick Bowen (March 7, 1995-November 5, 2021).
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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 16, 2014 6:33 am

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"I’ll see you in Heaven if you make the list"
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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 16, 2014 8:50 am

Wow someone crossed out "Prayers for your family"
Also someone had a fondness for the words "Evil Bastard" (It's on there 3 times)
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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 16, 2014 9:55 am

I know we touched upon this topic quite recently but whenever I see these pictures I still can't believe they put them up alongside their victims.
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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 16, 2014 1:53 pm

I think the guy said at the time who did it was unknown... Don't hold me to this I can just be remembering wrong.
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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 16, 2014 7:58 pm

deathmedic wrote:
I think the guy said at the time who did it was unknown... Don't hold me to this I can just be remembering wrong.
Are you saying that the guy who put up the crosses (Greg Zanis) didn't know when he put the crosses up who the killers were? Because he did. He intentionally used a different style font on Dylan and Eric's crosses.

"I’ll see you in Heaven if you make the list"
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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 16, 2014 10:13 pm

I'm said this before but it's being discussed again so  I have to say that I'm glad they put them up. I know some people here hate them and disagree but as I've already explained I see them as victims too (only in a different sense) and I think their crosses deserved to be there. Not all the victim's families were enraged and disgusted about it. It was only two families that destroyed the crosses and trees, three is you count Rich Petrone.If  E or D were my child,I would have felt touched and yes I would have wanted them to be represented there.And I don't feel that I would be a horrible person for wanting that.I know at least Dylan's parents wanted his cross there and were hurt when it was destroyed and I don't believe they were in the wrong for that.This has all been many years ago now and some of the parents who were angry enough to do this seemed to have softened a bit in their anger so I don't know what they feel about their actions in doing that today.They might still feel glad they did it,they might think they could have handled it differently.It could go either way.

Last edited by PaintItBlack on Mon Jun 16, 2014 10:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 16, 2014 10:15 pm

The lady writing evil bastard on the cross was later arrested herself for assault. Just a little side note.

We're all going to die, all of us, what a circus; That alone should make us love each other but it doesn't. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing.-Charles Bukowski
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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 16, 2014 10:23 pm

These people really had absolutely no right touching Dylan and Eric's crosses. It was not their property to rip out of the ground, chop up and destroy. I am surprised they got away with doing it. Also, these fools were in such a huff to hurry up and destroy 2 of the trees planted that they destroyed the wrong damn trees. The trees they chopped all up to shit were not even the ones that represented Dylan and Eric. Idiots.

"I’ll see you in Heaven if you make the list"
Zachary Patrick Bowen (March 7, 1995-November 5, 2021).
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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeMon Jun 16, 2014 10:35 pm

I can understand why these people wanted to destroy the crosses and trees but I will always wish that they hadn't ,for E and D's families sakes, if nothing else. Kyle's dad even said when they destroyed the trees that "Do we put up memorials for Hitler's Mom and Dad ?" which still makes me wince even today when I think of it.

We're all going to die, all of us, what a circus; That alone should make us love each other but it doesn't. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing.-Charles Bukowski
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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeMon Jul 21, 2014 3:57 pm

Here is another image of Dylan's Cross.
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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeMon Jul 21, 2014 3:59 pm

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Dylan's cross
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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeMon Feb 13, 2017 4:13 pm

Somebody knows why the crosses are burned from the top?
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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeSun May 27, 2018 7:18 pm

Jenn wrote:
These people really had absolutely no right touching Dylan and Eric's crosses. It was not their property to rip out of the ground, chop up and destroy. I am surprised they got away with doing it. Also, these fools were in such a huff to hurry up and destroy 2 of the trees planted that they destroyed the wrong damn trees. The trees they chopped all up to shit were not even the ones that represented Dylan and Eric. Idiots.
I so agree.
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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeWed Nov 14, 2018 12:35 pm

vodka_esc wrote:
Somebody knows why the crosses are burned  from the top?

By comparing the two crosses from the rest, it's a reminder to show that as much as we need to forgive them, we cannot forget what they did. At least that's how I see it.

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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeSat Nov 17, 2018 5:23 pm

Kerea2244 wrote:
Jenn wrote:
These people really had absolutely no right touching Dylan and Eric's crosses. It was not their property to rip out of the ground, chop up and destroy. I am surprised they got away with doing it. Also, these fools were in such a huff to hurry up and destroy 2 of the trees planted that they destroyed the wrong damn trees. The trees they chopped all up to shit were not even the ones that represented Dylan and Eric. Idiots.
I so agree.

well and i totally disagree.

eric and dylan had absolutely no right to take other persons life. it was a very selfish and senesless act, and it was also a very dumb and naive move of the creator of those crosses to make crosses for them and place them in the same line as those for the victims. was he really expecting that all those who lost their beloved ones could mourn in front of the crosses of their relatives when they have something in sight which reminds them on their killers?

just think about if you had lost someone in this rampage. what would you think and feel when you see erics and dylans crosses and you know they just killed someone you loved. would you really think "oh those poor guys had no other choice in life, lets have them crosses too beside the ones of the innocent victims"? i don't think so.

i'm pretty sure the creator of those crosses would left of eric and dylan out if he was affected by their rampage in any way. but for me it seems he totally did not understand what other person went through after the massacre. so it's pretty easy for him to say they were victims too, so the deserve crosses beside the other ones. no the weren't victims, they were just some senseless killers who want to left their footprint in history. they had just a few weeks left "all the shit they went through" behind them when their highschool years end - without hurting someone.

i think i would totally do the same as mauser did with them crosses if i had lost someone in this tragedy.

other question is, what gave the creator of those crosses the right to make and place them near the school? as far as i remember he was from illinois and had absolutely no connection in any way to the massacre or the persons involved. so as he see that he has a right to place them i think others have also the right to remove them.
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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeSat Nov 17, 2018 7:20 pm

Yeah I agree with 303 on this one.
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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 05, 2018 11:02 am

303 wrote:
Kerea2244 wrote:
Jenn wrote:
These people really had absolutely no right touching Dylan and Eric's crosses. It was not their property to rip out of the ground, chop up and destroy. I am surprised they got away with doing it. Also, these fools were in such a huff to hurry up and destroy 2 of the trees planted that they destroyed the wrong damn trees. The trees they chopped all up to shit were not even the ones that represented Dylan and Eric. Idiots.
I so agree.

well and i totally disagree.

eric and dylan had absolutely no right to take other persons life. it was a very selfish and senesless act, and it was also a very dumb and naive move of the creator of those crosses to make crosses for them and place them in the same line as those for the victims. was he really expecting that all those who lost their beloved ones could mourn in front of the crosses of their relatives when they have something in sight which reminds them on their killers?

just think about if you had lost someone in this rampage. what would you think and feel when you see erics and dylans crosses and you know they just killed someone you loved. would you really think "oh those poor guys had no other choice in life, lets have them crosses too beside the ones of the innocent victims"? i don't think so.

i'm pretty sure the creator of those crosses would left of eric and dylan out if he was affected by their rampage in any way. but for me it seems he totally did not understand what other person went through after the massacre. so it's pretty easy for him to say they were victims too, so the deserve crosses beside the other ones. no the weren't victims, they were just some senseless killers who want to left their footprint in history. they had just a few weeks left "all the shit they went through" behind them when their highschool years end - without hurting someone.

i think i would totally do the same as mauser did with them crosses if i had lost someone in this tragedy.

other question is, what gave the creator of those crosses the right to make and place them near the school? as far as i remember he was from illinois and had absolutely no connection in any way to the massacre or the persons involved. so as he see that he has a right to place them i think others have also the right to remove them.

While I see your point, Eric and Dylan were also victims, even if they were the ones who killed themselves, people label them as monsters and yes they did some horrific things but they had families too, parents, brothers. Imagine if your kid did this, you wouldn't just be like "oh fuck him" you'd still be very sad you lost them and that they were dead. Look at all the pain sue has been through since this happened and im sure eric's parents are going through the same.

I think it may of been a bad idea for them to put their crosses next to the victims but Eric and Dylan are missed by friends and family too.
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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeWed Dec 05, 2018 5:09 pm

joebox97 wrote:
303 wrote:
Kerea2244 wrote:
Jenn wrote:
These people really had absolutely no right touching Dylan and Eric's crosses. It was not their property to rip out of the ground, chop up and destroy. I am surprised they got away with doing it. Also, these fools were in such a huff to hurry up and destroy 2 of the trees planted that they destroyed the wrong damn trees. The trees they chopped all up to shit were not even the ones that represented Dylan and Eric. Idiots.
I so agree.

well and i totally disagree.

eric and dylan had absolutely no right to take other persons life. it was a very selfish and senesless act, and it was also a very dumb and naive move of the creator of those crosses to make crosses for them and place them in the same line as those for the victims. was he really expecting that all those who lost their beloved ones could mourn in front of the crosses of their relatives when they have something in sight which reminds them on their killers?

just think about if you had lost someone in this rampage. what would you think and feel when you see erics and dylans crosses and you know they just killed someone you loved. would you really think "oh those poor guys had no other choice in life, lets have them crosses too beside the ones of the innocent victims"? i don't think so.

i'm pretty sure the creator of those crosses would left of eric and dylan out if he was affected by their rampage in any way. but for me it seems he totally did not understand what other person went through after the massacre. so it's pretty easy for him to say they were victims too, so the deserve crosses beside the other ones. no the weren't victims, they were just some senseless killers who want to left their footprint in history. they had just a few weeks left "all the shit they went through" behind them when their highschool years end - without hurting someone.

i think i would totally do the same as mauser did with them crosses if i had lost someone in this tragedy.

other question is, what gave the creator of those crosses the right to make and place them near the school? as far as i remember he was from illinois and had absolutely no connection in any way to the massacre or the persons involved. so as he see that he has a right to place them i think others have also the right to remove them.

While I see your point, Eric and Dylan were also victims, even if they were the ones who killed themselves, people label them as monsters and yes they did some horrific things but they had families too, parents, brothers. Imagine if your kid did this, you wouldn't just be like "oh fuck him" you'd still be very sad you lost them and that they were dead. Look at all the pain sue has been through since this happened and im sure eric's parents are going through the same.

I think it may of been a bad idea for them to put their crosses next to the victims but Eric and Dylan are missed by friends and family too.

Well said. Eric and Dylan were humans too!
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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: e&d   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeSat Dec 08, 2018 10:11 pm

303 wrote:
Kerea2244 wrote:
Jenn wrote:
These people really had absolutely no right touching Dylan and Eric's crosses. It was not their property to rip out of the ground, chop up and destroy. I am surprised they got away with doing it. Also, these fools were in such a huff to hurry up and destroy 2 of the trees planted that they destroyed the wrong damn trees. The trees they chopped all up to shit were not even the ones that represented Dylan and Eric. Idiots.
I so agree.

well and i totally disagree.

eric and dylan had absolutely no right to take other persons life. it was a very selfish and senesless act, and it was also a very dumb and naive move of the creator of those crosses to make crosses for them and place them in the same line as those for the victims. was he really expecting that all those who lost their beloved ones could mourn in front of the crosses of their relatives when they have something in sight which reminds them on their killers?

just think about if you had lost someone in this rampage. what would you think and feel when you see erics and dylans crosses and you know they just killed someone you loved. would you really think "oh those poor guys had no other choice in life, lets have them crosses too beside the ones of the innocent victims"? i don't think so.

i'm pretty sure the creator of those crosses would left of eric and dylan out if he was affected by their rampage in any way. but for me it seems he totally did not understand what other person went through after the massacre. so it's pretty easy for him to say they were victims too, so the deserve crosses beside the other ones. no the weren't victims, they were just some senseless killers who want to left their footprint in history. they had just a few weeks left "all the shit they went through" behind them when their highschool years end - without hurting someone.

i think i would totally do the same as mauser did with them crosses if i had lost someone in this tragedy.

other question is, what gave the creator of those crosses the right to make and place them near the school? as far as i remember he was from illinois and had absolutely no connection in any way to the massacre or the persons involved. so as he see that he has a right to place them i think others have also the right to remove them.

Greg Zanis, the cross carpenter, was a huckster who primarily did what he did for attention. Hate to say it, but Cullen laid out a pretty good case against the guy. He promised he'd never do it again and then he did it again. I certainly wouldn't appreciate a shrine to my kid's killer, even if my kid's killer was "a human being too."

I forget what all Ralph Larkin said about the crosses.
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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeSat Dec 08, 2018 10:19 pm

I’ll have to look a little more into it but I have heard a lot of the kids at the school didn’t mind the crosses being up for them. I’ve heard stories about adults writing really mean things on Eric‘s and someone crying and begging them not to do it.

They didn’t want anymore hate.

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeSun Dec 16, 2018 11:34 am

I completely understand the parents who were angry about Eric and Dylan's crosses. But to deface them, write vile things on them, even cross out prayers for their family, was too far in my opinion.

If you don't have respect for the dead, even the dead who committed a heinous act, at LEAST have respect for their family and friends who have lost someone themselves. It wasn't the family or friends fault that Eric and Dylan did what they did. Eric and Dylan wouldn't have given two shits about having crosses at a memorial anyway no matter what was written on it. The crosses were to help the family grieve. The family and friends of Eric and Dylan deserved to grieve their loss.

It's absolutely despicable to me how especially Dylan's parents were treated.
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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeSun Dec 16, 2018 11:41 am

knifeprty wrote:
The family and friends of Eric and Dylan deserved to grieve their loss.

Wholeheartedly agree! Sadly they were made to feel guilty for grieving. As if this one horrible action could wipe away years of love, years of good memories all at once. No
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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeSun Dec 16, 2018 11:56 am

I think someone posted here a while ago that there is a story of a student who was near Eric’s cross and someone kept writing evil bastard and the girl was crying and begging them to stop. Because she just wanted the gate to stop Sad

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeSun Dec 16, 2018 11:58 am

Screamingophelia wrote:
I think someone posted  here a while ago that there is a story of a student who was near Eric’s cross and someone kept writing evil bastard and the girl  was crying and begging them to stop. Because she  just wanted the gate to stop Sad

Sadly at that time HATE was what was on everyone's minds. Crying or Very sad
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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeSat Dec 22, 2018 5:07 pm

ShadowedGoddess wrote:
Screamingophelia wrote:
I think someone posted  here a while ago that there is a story of a student who was near Eric’s cross and someone kept writing evil bastard and the girl  was crying and begging them to stop. Because she  just wanted the gate to stop Sad

Sadly at that time HATE was what was on everyone's minds. Crying or Very sad

you wondering why? just think about all those innocent victims killed for no sense at all
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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeSat Dec 22, 2018 6:02 pm

What are you trying to say 303? just trolling? No one here is unaware of the cruelty shown towards the killed and injured or the survivors. Your comment sounds pretty shitty to me. Are trying to start an argument?
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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeSat Dec 22, 2018 9:02 pm

KKjHAM wrote:
What are you trying to say 303?  just trolling?  No one here is unaware of the cruelty shown towards the killed and injured or the survivors.  Your comment sounds pretty shitty to me.  Are trying to start an argument?

Yea, No one said anything about wondering why. No ones condoning or saying it was ok.

As an adult now though I think they should have been setting an example.

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeSun Dec 23, 2018 11:13 am

Screamingophelia wrote:
Yea, No one said anything about wondering why. No ones condoning or saying it was ok.

As an adult now though I think they should have been setting an example.

True. There was pain all around, grief was felt by ALL that day. Not only the victim's families. But also E&D's families/friends as well. Also I AM one that believes there were 15 victims. Eric and Dylan were victims of themselves just as much as the others were.

SO they can just fight me on that one! Smile
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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeSun Dec 23, 2018 12:45 pm

ShadowedGoddess wrote:

True. There was pain all around, grief was felt by ALL that day. Not only the victim's families. But also E&D's families/friends as well. Also I AM one that believes there were 15 victims. Eric and Dylan were victims of themselves just as much as the others were.

SO they can just fight me on that one! Smile

Same here. I'll fight them with you. It will be a Columbrawl.
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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeSun Dec 23, 2018 5:27 pm

miketheratguy wrote:
ShadowedGoddess wrote:

True. There was pain all around, grief was felt by ALL that day. Not only the victim's families. But also E&D's families/friends as well. Also I AM one that believes there were 15 victims. Eric and Dylan were victims of themselves just as much as the others were.

SO they can just fight me on that one! Smile

Same here. I'll fight them with you. It will be a Columbrawl.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]   Thanks! Nice knowing that someone would have my back. Very Happy
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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitimeSun Dec 23, 2018 5:31 pm

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] wrote:

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]   Thanks! Nice knowing that someone would have my back. Very Happy

Me and my rat horde will always have your back!
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Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content?   Dylan Klebold's Cross: Letter content? Icon_minitime

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