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 Paddocks house broken into........ WTH

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Paddocks house broken into........ WTH Empty
PostSubject: Paddocks house broken into........ WTH   Paddocks house broken into........ WTH Icon_minitimeWed Oct 11, 2017 11:56 am

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This is honestly impossible isn't it? Unless there's a cover-up happening where "evidence" now has gone missing. How the heck can the house of the largest mass shooting in America get broken into during an active investigation?

There are no laws of nature that prevent humans from making choices.
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Paddocks house broken into........ WTH Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paddocks house broken into........ WTH   Paddocks house broken into........ WTH Icon_minitimeWed Oct 11, 2017 12:01 pm

silentprocess wrote:
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This is honestly impossible isn't it?  Unless there's a cover-up happening where "evidence" now has gone missing.  How the heck can the house of the largest mass shooting in America get broken into during an active investigation?

You would think the police would have had it completely secured, but at this point nothing will really shock me about this case. Suspect
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Paddocks house broken into........ WTH Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paddocks house broken into........ WTH   Paddocks house broken into........ WTH Icon_minitimeWed Oct 11, 2017 1:15 pm

I'm not a conspiracy theorist really but there are many things about this that scream "somethings not as it appears!" to me.

- Guy has zero interest in guns, buys best guns on the market for the job and accessories needed to fire at near full auto.
- No motive at all.
- House gets "robbed" while under investigation (by the police I'm sure).
- Timeline makes no sense, shot a guard 6 minutes before shooting the crowd? If that's the case police response would have known exactly where to go.
- Images of "suicide" leaked immediately.

Is Jeffco investigating this? Same shoddy investigation skills. I'm calling bullshit on the whole thing.

There are no laws of nature that prevent humans from making choices.
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Paddocks house broken into........ WTH Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paddocks house broken into........ WTH   Paddocks house broken into........ WTH Icon_minitimeWed Oct 11, 2017 1:20 pm

silentprocess wrote:
Is Jeffco investigating this?  Same shoddy investigation skills.  I'm calling bullshit on the whole thing

LOL I have to agree with you. When things in a story just don't add up its usually because the truth wasn't included.
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Paddocks house broken into........ WTH Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paddocks house broken into........ WTH   Paddocks house broken into........ WTH Icon_minitimeWed Oct 11, 2017 1:39 pm

silentprocess wrote:
I'm not a conspiracy theorist really but there are many things about this that scream "somethings not as it appears!" to me.

- Guy has zero interest in guns, buys best guns on the market for the job and accessories needed to   fire at near full auto.  
- No motive at all.  
- House gets "robbed" while under investigation (by the police I'm sure).  
- Timeline makes no sense, shot a guard 6 minutes before shooting the crowd?  If that's the case police response would have known exactly where to go.
- Images of "suicide" leaked immediately.

Is Jeffco investigating this?  Same shoddy investigation skills.  I'm calling bullshit on the whole thing.
My take on it:
- I've read snippets in several different places that suggest that he did have an ongoing interest in guns but didn't bring it up to everyone who knew him casually. I believe that someone he worked with at one point said that she knew he had a CC gun, and I think this was before 2013. Someone else said that when they spoke of the second amendment he knew the details and was fervently in favor of gun rights. And I think one other person knew of his "gun room" even before he started buying all the guns that he bought over the last year.
- The motive is not known but that doesn't mean that he didn't have his own reasons, even if we never find out what they were.
- Yes, that's bullshit. Police either fucked up or are covering something up about other fuck ups.
- Makes sense if you can believe that the police are capable of fucking up.
- Again, probably a police fuck up and the person was either paid to leak the photos or was sending them to friends who leaked them.

So basically, I don't think the whole thing is bullshit, just the police response.
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Paddocks house broken into........ WTH Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paddocks house broken into........ WTH   Paddocks house broken into........ WTH Icon_minitimeFri Oct 20, 2017 12:52 pm

silentprocess wrote:
I'm not a conspiracy theorist really but there are many things about this that scream "somethings not as it appears!" to me.

- Guy has zero interest in guns, buys best guns on the market for the job and accessories needed to   fire at near full auto.  
- No motive at all.  
- House gets "robbed" while under investigation (by the police I'm sure).  
- Timeline makes no sense, shot a guard 6 minutes before shooting the crowd?  If that's the case police response would have known exactly where to go.
- Images of "suicide" leaked immediately.

Is Jeffco investigating this?  Same shoddy investigation skills.  I'm calling bullshit on the whole thing.

The line about Jeffco actually made me lol.

This is just insane. I can't believe that they could be THAT incompetent not to secure the house...which then implies some pretty serious things about the entire event.
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Paddocks house broken into........ WTH Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paddocks house broken into........ WTH   Paddocks house broken into........ WTH Icon_minitimeSat Oct 21, 2017 9:03 pm

silentprocess wrote:
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This is honestly impossible isn't it?  Unless there's a cover-up happening where "evidence" now has gone missing.  How the heck can the house of the largest mass shooting in America get broken into during an active investigation?

Hahahaha Roll are police really that stupid?! I thought police like that only exist in GTA
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Paddocks house broken into........ WTH Empty
PostSubject: Re: Paddocks house broken into........ WTH   Paddocks house broken into........ WTH Icon_minitimeSat Oct 21, 2017 11:22 pm

How does that even happen? Wouldn't the police be searching the house and be there if anyone attempted to do something like that? Seems a little sketchy to me. Is Jeffco "helping" the Las Vegas police?
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PostSubject: Re: Paddocks house broken into........ WTH   Paddocks house broken into........ WTH Icon_minitime

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