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 Eric bipolar?

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Eric bipolar? Empty
PostSubject: Eric bipolar?   Eric bipolar? Icon_minitimeSun Jul 21, 2013 8:45 pm

In Brooks Browns No East Answers he talks about thinking Eric could of been bipolar and sometimes I wonder if he's right. Like the other day I was looking at Eric's diversion sheets and saw that one of the questions was have you ever felt mixed up or confused and Eric circled all the time. So I went to google (and if I'm wrong about anything here just let me know cause I don't know a lot about bipolar) and got this [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] and found out people with bipolar usually have this. Anyway I just want 2 get someone take on it and if anyone thinks he could of been bipolar like Brooks thinks.
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Eric bipolar? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric bipolar?   Eric bipolar? Icon_minitimeSun Jul 21, 2013 8:57 pm

I believe Eric was bipolar or had bipolar tendencies. Chris Morris said that one minute Eric was a nice and normal guy and the next minute he would get incredibly angry and it was very frightening to be around him when his mood changed like that.
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Eric bipolar? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric bipolar?   Eric bipolar? Icon_minitimeMon Jul 22, 2013 4:39 am

This actually seems to be a better overall fit than the OCD he seems to have been diagnosed with, although the OCD symptoms do make me go "hmm maybe" in parts. What is interesting is that OCD is cited as a possible strong comorbid presence in bipolar disorder, so it could very well be that Eric suffered from aspects of both and that they exacerbated each other. The Wikipedia article on Bipolar II disorder actually states that the use of antidepressants may precipitate relapse in patients. This would correspond with my belief that his medication actually made the problem worse. Still, it's pretty much impossible to tell if he suffered from any type of disorder. Not even that which he was diagnosed with is an absolute certainty. As far as I can see now, it is entirely possible that he had bipolar tendencies at the very least. I'm hesitant to actually state that this is absolutely the case, because I've never met the guy and I don't know what he was like on a day-to-day basis. He could've suffered from this, but he also could've suffered from OCD or something else entirely. (Or he could just be like yours truly, you know, where things like racing thoughts are just part of the package and they only get annoying when you're trying to sleep or trying to refocus your patterns on something else. Still, the fact that he was bothered enough by them to mention them in his diversion questionnaire does say a lot. These things are only a problem when they obstruct a part of your everyday functioning self, which he obviously felt they did to some degree.)
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Eric bipolar? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric bipolar?   Eric bipolar? Icon_minitimeMon Jul 22, 2013 6:06 am

Mental illnesses tend to come together, or blend into one another, so it wouldn't be too surprising if he had both OCD and Bipolar. Plus having racing thoughts are common in both OCD and Bipolar. I don't think it was a bad shout from Brooks, it's not impossible.
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Eric bipolar? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric bipolar?   Eric bipolar? Icon_minitimeSat Jun 01, 2024 6:51 pm

I believe Eric had Ocd and Bipolar. Eric couldn't stand being late for a class or school in the morning. He was very Ocd about that. His eyes would glaze over when he got real angry and he would become a different person and go into rage mode.
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Father Ted

Father Ted

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Eric bipolar? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Eric bipolar?   Eric bipolar? Icon_minitimeSat Jun 15, 2024 4:25 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Eric bipolar?   Eric bipolar? Icon_minitime

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