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PostSubject: Lawsuits?   Lawsuits? Icon_minitimeSun Feb 18, 2018 8:59 pm

I assume there had to have been some sort of lawsuits surrounding the Harris family, Klebold family and maybe even the school itself. I imagine the victim's families would have wanted to press charges.

Does anyone know the results of any lawsuit, or even what lawsuits were filed (be it civil or criminal or anything else I don't know about)
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PostSubject: Re: Lawsuits?   Lawsuits? Icon_minitimeMon Feb 19, 2018 3:03 am

iforgotmyoldname2 wrote:
I assume there had to have been some sort of lawsuits surrounding the Harris family, Klebold family and maybe even the school itself. I imagine the victim's families would have wanted to press charges.

Does anyone know the results of any lawsuit, or even what lawsuits were filed (be it civil or criminal or anything else I don't know about)

I believe there was a lawsuit filed against Eric and Dylan's families, and that they were supposed to pay millions of dollars worth of damages. Someone else around here probably knows the case better than myself.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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PostSubject: Re: Lawsuits?   Lawsuits? Icon_minitimeMon Feb 19, 2018 3:31 am

In her book, Sue said that thirty-six lawsuits were filed against the Klebolds but she didn't say anything about the Harrises. I would guess that they had the same number of suits pending against them because I don't see why anyone would sue the Klebolds and not the Harrises.

She also mentioned that there were lawsuits filed against Robyn Anderson, Mark Manes, gun companies, a drug company (which manufactured Eric's antidepressant medication), the sheriff's department, the county and the police.

This article talks about one settlement against the families, Mark Manes, Phillip Duran and says that Robyn was expected to reach a settlement with the families, but I don't know if there were any others.
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Apparently, five families refused to settle in the 2001 agreement and their settlement was resolved in 2003. This article also implies that at some point, the original settlement amount was reduced from $2.5 million to $1.6 million.
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This article says that the Mausers did not file any lawsuits against the families.
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This article talks about the lawsuits against the school being dismissed while the lawsuit filed by the Sanders family against the police department was allowed to proceed.
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It went on for a long time and Sue talks about how even though her lawyers gave them a reduced rate, the legal fees were immense and they had to pay the settlements on top of that. The Klebolds used the payout from Dylan's two small life insurance policies to pay just the first legal bill and they continued to pay for years as the lawsuits dragged on.
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