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 Cullen is having a good time covering Parkland

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Cullen is having a good time covering Parkland Empty
PostSubject: Cullen is having a good time covering Parkland   Cullen is having a good time covering Parkland Icon_minitimeTue Mar 27, 2018 4:19 pm

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“Damn,” said Vanity Fair writer Dave Cullen. We agreed: We should have ignored the rules and pressed up to where the networks were situated, to talk to Hogg. But Cullen will get his time. This is his story. I decided to trail him, as he tried to trail the Parkland students around Washington, because we have a history on this issue: On April 20, 1999, he called me at Salon, with reports of a school shooting at nearby Columbine High School. He filed almost daily for a while, absorbing the pain of the families and the survivors. Ten years later, he wrote the remarkable bestseller Columbine.

Full disclosure: Since that time, we have become friends. And I’ve watched as he’s gotten calls over the years, after every school shooting, as he goes on TV, or he writes a story, and sometimes he winds up visiting survivors. And he does it dutifully, but I see how it drains him. On his Facebook page, he regularly commiserates with Columbine survivors over the latest mass shooting—the latest example that the nation learned no lessons since 1999. (For me, the most tragic point of the day was when young Sandy Hook survivors talked about how Columbine survivors sent them an encouraging banner; then they unfurled a banner from Newtown High School to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. A special gesture, but can’t we just stop this particular kind of brotherhood right here?)

But Parkland hasn’t drained Cullen; it’s energized him. “This is completely different. I swore I’d never come back to a scene [of a mass shooting],” he told me. “But this isn’t about just their grief, horror, pain, and sadness. This is about doing something.” When he wrote Columbine, he worked hard to make it roughly half about the victims and survivors, half about the killers. “But 90 percent of the questions I get, everywhere, are about the killers,” he tells me. “I really thought it was a lost cause, to focus these stories on the survivors.”

But Parkland “flipped the script,” he said. So much so that, strolling through an airport recently and seeing a story about the killer, “I realized I forgot his name!” With the survivors’ activism, he says, “I can cover this story all day and just be energized.”

Why does anyone do anything?
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PostSubject: Re: Cullen is having a good time covering Parkland   Cullen is having a good time covering Parkland Icon_minitimeTue Mar 27, 2018 4:53 pm

Unless you can call Cruz a “psychopath” he is not interested in the perpetrator . Who am I kidding there is no “gorgeous redheaded depressed boy” to write about either...

Though it does pain me to the depths of my soul to agree with Cullen , this is one of the only shootings that I can remember where more information about the victims and survivors is in the media then the perpetrator.

Where where David and Emma during the shootings?

interesting I’m pretty sure Lance Kirklin is pro-Second Amendment even though he got shot at Columbine

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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Cullen is having a good time covering Parkland Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cullen is having a good time covering Parkland   Cullen is having a good time covering Parkland Icon_minitimeThu Mar 29, 2018 5:56 pm

"Cruz got chicks, lots and lots of chicks."

And thus I clothe my naked villainy
With odd old ends stolen out of holy writ,
And seem a saint, when most I play the devil.
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Cullen is having a good time covering Parkland Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cullen is having a good time covering Parkland   Cullen is having a good time covering Parkland Icon_minitimeThu Mar 29, 2018 6:15 pm

Screamingophelia wrote:
Unless you can call Cruz a “psychopath”  he is not interested in the perpetrator . Who am I kidding there is no “gorgeous redheaded depressed boy” to write about either...

Though it does pain me to the depths of my soul to agree with Cullen , this is one of the only shootings that I can remember where more information about the victims and survivors is in the media  then the perpetrator.

Where where David and Emma during the shootings?

interesting I’m  pretty sure Lance Kirklin is pro-Second Amendment even though he got shot at Columbine

corey depooter liked to hunt and fish too. honestly, living in america with a disorder is hell at this point. there is about the same info on the victims as the shooter but there are articles upon articles on the ar 15.
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pretty much what they see the true criminal as.
the rednecks are stupid too. we need better background checks and laws on guns instead of their logic of just buying them no questions asked.
age for semi-automatics is a confusing law to put in place but whatever
i would listen to the people for strong gun control but they have no facts and just feelings (or fake feelings like that emma kid who admitted to picking on nikolas)
seriously, ask her to name the 17 victims off the top of her head.

my aspergers gave me this little thing they say to the dentist and pretty much every authority so they end up treating me like a baby and start saying that me having a meltdown due to a room being really dirty they say that i'm special the way i am. never get anything to actually help me and starting to kinda deny the diagnosis because i can make eye contact and have a pretty large group of friends, i don't know. the aspergers label needs to be brought back so i'm not associated with those asshole crazy autistic kids that are constantly insulting people and never improving themselves, never being nice and always having some aid do their shit for them and they also never get in trouble.  helping people with disorders and mental illnesses is a joke in america. trump is an idiot.

Last edited by eldigato on Thu Mar 29, 2018 6:16 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Cullen is having a good time covering Parkland Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cullen is having a good time covering Parkland   Cullen is having a good time covering Parkland Icon_minitimeThu Mar 29, 2018 6:15 pm

Pho3nix wrote:
"Cruz got chicks, lots and lots of chicks."

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Cullen is having a good time covering Parkland Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cullen is having a good time covering Parkland   Cullen is having a good time covering Parkland Icon_minitimeFri Mar 30, 2018 2:42 am

eldigato wrote:
the aspergers label needs to be brought back so i'm not associated with those asshole crazy autistic kids that are constantly insulting people and never improving themselves, never being nice and always having some aid do their shit for them and they also never get in trouble.

A person like Chris-chan must infuriate you I take it.  Smile

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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Cullen is having a good time covering Parkland Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cullen is having a good time covering Parkland   Cullen is having a good time covering Parkland Icon_minitimeFri Mar 30, 2018 6:50 am

Pho3nix wrote:
"Cruz got chicks, lots and lots of chicks."

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PostSubject: Re: Cullen is having a good time covering Parkland   Cullen is having a good time covering Parkland Icon_minitime

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