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 Dylan, Suicide, and NBK

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PostSubject: Dylan, Suicide, and NBK   Dylan, Suicide, and NBK Icon_minitimeWed Apr 04, 2018 7:58 am

"Dylan was suicidal, Eric was homicidal."

Who comes up with this garbage? Cullen obviously. And other "Columbine experts", experts who conveniently ignore that the majority of mass shootings were perpetrated by suicidal individuals. Apparently the need for a compelling narrative overrides the need for truth.

Eric was not a psychopath. Dylan was not manipulated. Dylan came up with NBK.

That Dylan was suicidal gives more reason to think that he was the one who came up with the idea to kill people than the other way around, at least when we consider history.
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PostSubject: Re: Dylan, Suicide, and NBK   Dylan, Suicide, and NBK Icon_minitimeWed Apr 04, 2018 9:54 am

If there was a manipulator it was Dylan. NBK was his idea and he wanted to do it with a girl at first. Realizing that was pure fantasy he recruited Eric instead who had allot of anger toward the world (which deep down was probably just anger with himself over perceived inadequacies) But hey Dylan drew hearts in his journal while Eric drew swastikas. Rolling Eyes
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PostSubject: Re: Dylan, Suicide, and NBK   Dylan, Suicide, and NBK Icon_minitimeWed Apr 04, 2018 4:39 pm

W.A.R. wrote:
If there was a manipulator it was Dylan. NBK was his idea and he wanted to do it with a girl at first. Realizing that was pure fantasy he recruited Eric instead who had allot of anger toward the world (which deep down was probably just anger with himself over perceived inadequacies) But hey Dylan drew hearts in his journal while Eric drew swastikas. Rolling Eyes

While I agree that NBK was Dylan's idea and that he's the one who brought it to Eric's attention, I don't think Eric needed much convincing to go along with it.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
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PostSubject: Re: Dylan, Suicide, and NBK   Dylan, Suicide, and NBK Icon_minitimeWed Apr 04, 2018 5:49 pm

Dylan was far scarier than Eric at the end. I am someone that believes that Dylan did have a heart and soul but I think he got pretty screwed up around the time he turned 16 and never came back from it. He even writes about an entity taking him over and he doesn’t know what happened to him.

"And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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PostSubject: Re: Dylan, Suicide, and NBK   Dylan, Suicide, and NBK Icon_minitimeWed Apr 04, 2018 10:13 pm

We all really need to drop the idea that one of the boys "recruited" the other one, altogether.
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Dylan, Suicide, and NBK Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan, Suicide, and NBK   Dylan, Suicide, and NBK Icon_minitimeWed Apr 04, 2018 10:18 pm

Eric was an angry kid who raged out in public, Dylan was good at hiding what he was really like. He was way scarier during the massacre. Who called Isaiah a nigger? Dylan did. I think Eric tried to impress him by shooting Isaiah and also that's why he started wearing the trench coat. Not saying Dylan recruited Eric but Eric looked up to Dylan a lot.

Edit: Not sure if I can say the n word on here so tell me if I should remove it. I don't have a problem with Black people just bringing that they called Isaiah the n word up
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Dylan, Suicide, and NBK Empty
PostSubject: Response to: eldigato   Dylan, Suicide, and NBK Icon_minitimeWed Apr 04, 2018 10:22 pm

eldigato wrote:
Eric was an angry kid who raged out in public, Dylan was good at hiding what he was really like. He was way scarier during the massacre. Who called Isaiah a nigger? Dylan did. I think Eric tried to impress him by shooting Isaiah and also that's why he started wearing the trench coat. Not saying Dylan recruited Eric but Eric looked up to Dylan a lot.

Edit: Not sure if I can say the n word on here so tell me if I should remove it. I don't have a problem with Black people just bringing that they called Isaiah the n word up
Even if Dylan had in mind the concept of NBK first, which of the two contributed more to the development of said plan ?
It's an interesting question in my opinion.
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Dylan, Suicide, and NBK Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan, Suicide, and NBK   Dylan, Suicide, and NBK Icon_minitimeWed Apr 04, 2018 10:24 pm

CALU wrote:
eldigato wrote:
Eric was an angry kid who raged out in public, Dylan was good at hiding what he was really like. He was way scarier during the massacre. Who called Isaiah a nigger? Dylan did. I think Eric tried to impress him by shooting Isaiah and also that's why he started wearing the trench coat. Not saying Dylan recruited Eric but Eric looked up to Dylan a lot.

Edit: Not sure if I can say the n word on here so tell me if I should remove it. I don't have a problem with Black people just bringing that they called Isaiah the n word up
Even if Dylan had in mind the concept of NBK first, which of the two contributed more to the development of said plan ?

both of the boys are guilty in doing the massacre. eric did more but dylan was a slacker. both shot people though
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Dylan, Suicide, and NBK Empty
PostSubject: Response to: eldigato   Dylan, Suicide, and NBK Icon_minitimeWed Apr 04, 2018 10:25 pm

eldigato wrote:
CALU wrote:
eldigato wrote:
Eric was an angry kid who raged out in public, Dylan was good at hiding what he was really like. He was way scarier during the massacre. Who called Isaiah a nigger? Dylan did. I think Eric tried to impress him by shooting Isaiah and also that's why he started wearing the trench coat. Not saying Dylan recruited Eric but Eric looked up to Dylan a lot.

Edit: Not sure if I can say the n word on here so tell me if I should remove it. I don't have a problem with Black people just bringing that they called Isaiah the n word up
Even if Dylan had in mind the concept of NBK first, which of the two contributed more to the development of said plan ?

both of the boys are guilty in doing the massacre. eric did more but dylan was a slacker. both shot people though
But who actually put more fuel into the fire (If you know what I mean) ?
Is there any information about which one of the two developed the plan more ?

Last edited by CALU on Wed Apr 04, 2018 10:27 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Dylan, Suicide, and NBK Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan, Suicide, and NBK   Dylan, Suicide, and NBK Icon_minitimeWed Apr 04, 2018 10:26 pm

CALU wrote:
eldigato wrote:
CALU wrote:
eldigato wrote:
Eric was an angry kid who raged out in public, Dylan was good at hiding what he was really like. He was way scarier during the massacre. Who called Isaiah a nigger? Dylan did. I think Eric tried to impress him by shooting Isaiah and also that's why he started wearing the trench coat. Not saying Dylan recruited Eric but Eric looked up to Dylan a lot.

Edit: Not sure if I can say the n word on here so tell me if I should remove it. I don't have a problem with Black people just bringing that they called Isaiah the n word up
Even if Dylan had in mind the concept of NBK first, which of the two contributed more to the development of said plan ?

both of the boys are guilty in doing the massacre. eric did more but dylan was a slacker. both shot people though
But who actually put more fuel into the fire (If you know what I mean) ?
Is there any information about which one of the two developed the plan more ?

They're dead and if the police + government releases all the info on them we would know. it's tricky to say.
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Dylan, Suicide, and NBK Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dylan, Suicide, and NBK   Dylan, Suicide, and NBK Icon_minitimeThu Apr 05, 2018 2:44 am

CALU wrote:
But who actually put more fuel into the fire (If you know what I mean) ?
Is there any information about which one of the two developed the plan more ?

I think Eric was the one who came up with the bombs and worked the hardest on them, if that's what you mean.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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PostSubject: Re: Dylan, Suicide, and NBK   Dylan, Suicide, and NBK Icon_minitimeThu Apr 05, 2018 2:51 am

QuestionMark wrote:
CALU wrote:
But who actually put more fuel into the fire (If you know what I mean) ?
Is there any information about which one of the two developed the plan more ?

I think Eric was the one who came up with the bombs and worked the hardest on them, if that's what you mean.

Or is it metaphorical? Who talked about it more and was more amped up. According to transcripts and AMR it is said in the Basement Tapes Eric encourages Dylan to be angrier and more vitriolic. I think in general before 4/20 Dylan had an issue with those feelings anyway. Dylan had an issue with a lot of his feelings. He was embarrassed about whacking off.. he was embarrassed if his mom said his name too loud in front of people.
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