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Columbine High School Massacre Discussion Forum
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Posts : 3 Contribution Points : 54300 Forum Reputation : 0 Join date : 2019-02-24
Subject: Eric/Dylan last moments before suicide Tue Feb 26, 2019 4:28 pm
Guys I'm curious what you think Eric and Dylan said to each other just before they ended their lives, (if you think they said anything). We know through the autopsies that Eric killed himself before Dylan. Though I think we could agree that the time between their deaths would be a matter of seconds. Apparently Patti Nielson or Patrick Ireland, (not sure), heard them say 1,2,3 and then pulled the trigger though this wouldn't make sense as we know that Dylan killed himself after Eric because of the positioning of their bodies and blood, brain matter etc. Plus interestingly enough, Dylan also placed his earing on the table next to him just before his suicide. Do you think it was a brief ''ok Dylan that's it I'm out'' kind of situation? Do you think either of them were hesitating on pulling the trigger? second thoughts?
Screamingophelia Other Crimes Moderator & Top 10 Contributor
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Subject: Re: Eric/Dylan last moments before suicide Tue Feb 26, 2019 5:10 pm
Hi! That was Patti, but she was misquoted. I think she had said something like "I imagine the suicide was quick, like they said 1,2,3 and then did it."
For me, if they had anything deep to say to each other it was probably that morning or the night before at dinner. I think that day they were all about the "mission"
I think Lisa was too far from them to really see anything and she was in and out of consciousness but Patrick heard Dylan coughing.
I don't think Eric hesitated. I am someone who believes Dylan lit the molotov cocktail first and I don't know why but I am still semi unsure about the removing of jewelry thing.. he kept his ring on which is interesting. I think Dylan was waiting to die for a long time and he kind of relished it, for lack of a better phrase, but I have no idea.
_________________ "And you know, you know, you know, this can be beautiful, you say you're numb inside, but I can't agree. So the world's unfair, keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful."
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Posts : 3 Contribution Points : 54300 Forum Reputation : 0 Join date : 2019-02-24
Subject: Re: Eric/Dylan last moments before suicide Tue Feb 26, 2019 6:04 pm
I am someone who believes Dylan lit the molotov cocktail first and I don't know why but I am still semi unsure about the removing of jewelry thing.. he kept his ring on which is interesting.
I'm not sure either about the jewelry thing though I remember it being mentioned in one of CVA's videos commenting on the suicides. (video has been removed unfortunately).
Posts : 135 Contribution Points : 72669 Forum Reputation : 70 Join date : 2017-06-18 Age : 32 Location : Eastern Seaboard
Subject: Re: Eric/Dylan last moments before suicide Tue Feb 26, 2019 6:34 pm
I don't think they said anything in the library. I think Eric just walked from the windows to that corner and blew his brains out. Between the bombs failing and his broken nose, Eric was ready to check out and leave Dylan to his own devices. Any final goodbyes were probably said either at Outback the day before or shortly after their final video, perhaps something was said at Clement Park or on the hilltop, But they were both long past final goodbyes by the time they returned to the library.
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Posts : 2677 Contribution Points : 102724 Forum Reputation : 1190 Join date : 2016-03-02 Age : 36
Subject: Re: Eric/Dylan last moments before suicide Wed Feb 27, 2019 7:08 am
Dylan did not remove any of his jewelry. law enforcement did it. They started to remove it, then the bomb squad wanted to check Dylan's body for any more explosives and it was stopped and never restarted.
I do not think anything was said between them. I also think that Eric's death was somewhat a surprise to Dylan. Surprise might be the wrong word.... but I think Dylan was off doing his own thing back to Eric when Eric just walked over and shot himself. I think Dylan then knew that he was alone and quickly shot himself after.
_________________ Hold me now I need to feel complete Like I matter to the one I need
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Posts : 122 Contribution Points : 64699 Forum Reputation : 108 Join date : 2018-11-02
Subject: Re: Eric/Dylan last moments before suicide Wed Feb 27, 2019 10:58 am
I posted a thread a few weeks ago looking into the possibility of them killing themselves at the same time. I really can't be sure, but I always found it kind of strange that Eric killed himself first. I'd imagine one probably said "alright dude, I'm done" to the other.
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Posts : 227 Contribution Points : 77744 Forum Reputation : 486 Join date : 2018-07-26
Subject: Re: Eric/Dylan last moments before suicide Sun Mar 03, 2019 7:34 pm
Jollyhelpful wrote:
I don't think they said anything in the library. I think Eric just walked from the windows to that corner and blew his brains out.
That's how I see it too. Just sat down and pulled the trigger before he lost his nerve. I don't see him as being one for goodbyes. It was time.
As for his last moments... he was probably tired from carrying the guns around, in pain due to his broken nose and depressed that the school wasn't destroyed. I wonder if he regretted it and thought he had thrown his life away to kill innocents who didn't even pick on him. Or maybe he was satisfied with the carnage and pain he caused and felt like his revenge against the school where he was tormented was complete. Escaping punishment by suicide was the final fuck you to the world.
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Posts : 130 Contribution Points : 74303 Forum Reputation : 50 Join date : 2017-04-01 Age : 29
Subject: Re: Eric/Dylan last moments before suicide Sun Mar 03, 2019 9:01 pm
sympathyforEandD wrote:
As for his last moments... he was probably tired from carrying the guns around, in pain due to his broken nose and depressed that the school wasn't destroyed. I wonder if he regretted it and thought he had thrown his life away to kill innocents who didn't even pick on him. Or maybe he was satisfied with the carnage and pain he caused and felt like his revenge against the school where he was tormented was complete. Escaping punishment by suicide was the final fuck you to the world.
I like to hope/think that he was disappointed. You could argue that nothing went to plan that day after at least a year of serious planning. Sure people were dead, but it was such a small handful compared to what he had hoped.
I also like to think he regretted it, but it probably wouldn't have been for the reasons we'd hope. I'm sure he wouldn't have seen it as "I wish I haven't had killed these innocent people." But if he did regret it, it probably would have been more of a "damn, I just wasted my life over this?"
I really hope that he at least realized he threw his life away.
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QuestionMark Top 10 Contributor
Posts : 4345 Contribution Points : 126797 Forum Reputation : 3191 Join date : 2017-09-04
Subject: Re: Eric/Dylan last moments before suicide Mon Mar 04, 2019 11:34 am
whyno wrote:
I also like to think he regretted it, but it probably wouldn't have been for the reasons we'd hope. I'm sure he wouldn't have seen it as "I wish I haven't had killed these innocent people." But if he did regret it, it probably would have been more of a "damn, I just wasted my life over this?"
I really hope that he at least realized he threw his life away.
I think his biggest regret stemmed from the fact that the bombs failed to go off, that the school wasn't destroyed, that he and Dylan would never go down in history as the worst mass murderers in history. I think if he knew that the bombs were going to be duds, that he would wind up killing only 13 people, that he wouldn't think it would be worth it and try his hand at life.
_________________ "My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back." -Kip Kinkel
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Posts : 802 Contribution Points : 87147 Forum Reputation : 1491 Join date : 2018-07-26
Subject: Re: Eric/Dylan last moments before suicide Sat Mar 09, 2019 1:09 am
It's worth noting that Eric was quite the gamer with much of the massacre influenced by Doom - hell he shot himself with "Arlene" the one "straight out of Doom", and that Zach said Eric played the video game Postal. In Postal the main character shoots himself in the mouth after saying "I regret nothing."
Posts : 130 Contribution Points : 74303 Forum Reputation : 50 Join date : 2017-04-01 Age : 29
Subject: Re: Eric/Dylan last moments before suicide Thu Mar 14, 2019 6:06 pm
QuestionMark wrote:
whyno wrote:
I also like to think he regretted it, but it probably wouldn't have been for the reasons we'd hope. I'm sure he wouldn't have seen it as "I wish I haven't had killed these innocent people." But if he did regret it, it probably would have been more of a "damn, I just wasted my life over this?"
I really hope that he at least realized he threw his life away.
I think his biggest regret stemmed from the fact that the bombs failed to go off, that the school wasn't destroyed, that he and Dylan would never go down in history as the worst mass murderers in history. I think if he knew that the bombs were going to be duds, that he would wind up killing only 13 people, that he wouldn't think it would be worth it and try his hand at life.
I completely agree
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Subject: Re: Eric/Dylan last moments before suicide