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 How the $7.5M Stoneman Douglas Victims' Fund will be distributed.

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How the $7.5M Stoneman Douglas Victims' Fund will be distributed. Empty
PostSubject: How the $7.5M Stoneman Douglas Victims' Fund will be distributed.   How the $7.5M Stoneman Douglas Victims' Fund will be distributed. Icon_minitimeWed Apr 11, 2018 3:30 pm

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A committee will be divvying up more than $7 million raised for the victims of the Feb. 14 Parkland, Florida, high school massacre.
People got a chance to speak up about how things should be split up at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale Tuesday night.

The National Compassion Fund is working with the Broward Education Foundation to evenly split about $7.5 million raised so far for victims, which includes three categories:

-Families who lost a loved one
-Those who were injured and had to stay in the hospital
-Anyone who experienced psychological trauma

There are still some things that need to be worked out, like which categories will receive more aid.

Anyone who wants to apply for benefits can do so through the end of next month. Funds will start being distributed in July.
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How the $7.5M Stoneman Douglas Victims' Fund will be distributed.
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