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 The 'other' incidents at Stoneman Douglas

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School Massacre Archives

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PostSubject: The 'other' incidents at Stoneman Douglas    The 'other' incidents at Stoneman Douglas  Icon_minitimeFri Nov 09, 2018 8:10 pm

Basically share other incidents that have occurred on the Stoneman Douglas campus either before, or after the shooting.

* In early November, before the shooting, two men walked onto the campus at 2:30 a.m, carrying a drill and hammer with them. They then broke into some vending machines and stole almost $500 in cash. Surveillance video captures them in the act. I dunno if they were caught.
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* Zachery Cruz, brother of Nikolas Cruz, was arrested for "trespassing" onto the campus. When questioned, he said he wanted to take it all in. He was soon released back into the public, being told not to go anywhere near the school.
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* Months after the shooting, two students were arrested for bringing weapons onto the campus. The first arrest was a 18 year old female, who after pouring cereal on another student, pulled out a 2 inch black knife and displayed it. The second arrest was a 16 year old, who brandished a 9 inch knife on the bus.
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* Two vandals were arrested after stealing several items from the mass shooting memorial. When questioned, one of them said, “I ripped down the anti-gun banner because I am pro-gun”
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Owner of the official School Massacre Archives YouTube channel.

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PostSubject: Re: The 'other' incidents at Stoneman Douglas    The 'other' incidents at Stoneman Douglas  Icon_minitimeSat Nov 10, 2018 6:46 pm

*On March 20th, less than a month after the shooting, A Broward Sheriff’s deputy assigned to protect the very building on the Parkland campus where everyone died was caught sleeping on the job.
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*School security guard (not an SRO) Andrew Medina, who saw Cruz walking towards the 1200 building minutes before the shooting, was found out to have sexually harassed some students. One of them was Meadow Pollack who later ended up being killed in the shooting.
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*In March 2018 (a few weeks after the shooting), a couple was arrested after stealing multiple mementos and other items from the huge makeshift memorial that was onthe campus.
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*In 2015, 17 year old senior Bailey Leal, who was a student at MSD, committed suicide by hanging herself in her closet with an electrical cord (at her house).
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*Back in 1992 8 MSD students who were members of the school's soccer team were speeding toward a bonfire party at the western end of Lox Road when the driver, Jamie Bardol lost control of her 1986 Pontiac as she tried to pass a friend's car on the two-lane road. The Pontiac careened into the canal, landing on its roof. 5 of them died and the other 3 were critically injured.
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PostSubject: Re: The 'other' incidents at Stoneman Douglas    The 'other' incidents at Stoneman Douglas  Icon_minitimeFri Dec 07, 2018 6:26 pm

This article is pretty in-depth and somewhat related to other incidents at MSD and Broward County schools as a whole. The lack of oversight going on with the school district there is mind-boggling.

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PostSubject: Re: The 'other' incidents at Stoneman Douglas    The 'other' incidents at Stoneman Douglas  Icon_minitimeFri Dec 07, 2018 7:40 pm

Mh_12rm_66 wrote:
This article is pretty in-depth and somewhat related to other incidents at MSD and Broward County schools as a whole. The lack of oversight going on with the school district there is mind-boggling.

AGREED! That whole place was and still is a mess. Everything on Nik's case started out bad and then just snowballed as it went. Evil or Very Mad
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PostSubject: Re: The 'other' incidents at Stoneman Douglas    The 'other' incidents at Stoneman Douglas  Icon_minitimeSat Dec 08, 2018 12:56 am

ShadowedGoddess wrote:
Mh_12rm_66 wrote:
This article is pretty in-depth and somewhat related to other incidents at MSD and Broward County schools as a whole. The lack of oversight going on with the school district there is mind-boggling.

AGREED! That whole place was and still is a mess. Everything on Nik's case started out bad and then just snowballed as it went. Evil or Very Mad  

Three words: Florida public school. 

It's not even a joke, Florida has a really bad education sector.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel

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PostSubject: Re: The 'other' incidents at Stoneman Douglas    The 'other' incidents at Stoneman Douglas  Icon_minitimeWed May 08, 2019 2:37 am

- 4 teens from Stoneman Douglas High School got into a car wreck on the night of November 16th, 2009 while celebrating homecoming. 3 of them died.
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- On March 21, 2007, an acid bomb went off at the courtyard of the school. 9 students were treated on the scene for skin irritations. A 10th grader was charged with discharging a destructive device after the incident.
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- On June 3, 2016, over 50 cars were spray painted with obscenities at the parking lot of the school. A witness said she saw a car drive off with two boys laughing before she saw all of the cars that were vandalized. I don't think they were ever caught. (Though I am going to take a wild guess and say that Nikolas Cruz was somehow involved in this.)
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And of course, the suicides of the two shooting survivors that have happened recently.

Owner of the official School Massacre Archives YouTube channel.

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PostSubject: Re: The 'other' incidents at Stoneman Douglas    The 'other' incidents at Stoneman Douglas  Icon_minitimeWed May 08, 2019 3:19 pm

Florida is a shithole. This would explain why the “Florida man” meme exist. This would also explain the many hurricanes near the state. Apparently god decided to curse Florida since it is literally the phallic shape of the U.S.A.
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PostSubject: Re: The 'other' incidents at Stoneman Douglas    The 'other' incidents at Stoneman Douglas  Icon_minitimeWed May 08, 2019 10:11 pm

School Massacre Archives wrote:
- On June 3, 2016, over 50 cars were spray painted with obscenities at the parking lot of the school. A witness said she saw a car drive off with two boys laughing before she saw all of the cars that were vandalized. I don't think they were ever caught. (Though I am going to take a wild guess and say that Nikolas Cruz was somehow involved in this.)
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While it's certainly right up his alley, I'm inclined to believe it wasn't him this time. Considering all the feces that have poured out about this school, it seems likely to me that there were loads of other trouble-makers at MSD.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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PostSubject: Re: The 'other' incidents at Stoneman Douglas    The 'other' incidents at Stoneman Douglas  Icon_minitimeThu May 09, 2019 2:29 pm

What a toxic school it sounds like...

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PostSubject: Re: The 'other' incidents at Stoneman Douglas    The 'other' incidents at Stoneman Douglas  Icon_minitimeSun May 12, 2019 1:57 am

I think after a tragedy like a school shooting, people are inclined to forget all other problems the school might have had. At that point it's about coming together as a community. And that is of course what media and everyone else will lap up. At least initially, until the dust settles.

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PostSubject: Re: The 'other' incidents at Stoneman Douglas    The 'other' incidents at Stoneman Douglas  Icon_minitime

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