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 School shooting in Noblesville - suspect is in custody and no one died

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School shooting in Noblesville - suspect is in custody and no one died Empty
PostSubject: School shooting in Noblesville - suspect is in custody and no one died   School shooting in Noblesville - suspect is in custody and no one died Icon_minitimeFri May 25, 2018 11:28 pm

According to this CNN report: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] - there has been a shooting at Nobelsville Middle School.

The suspect is in custody, nobody has died (as far as I know). Some people are injured and are being taken to hospital.

Students were driven to Nobelsville High School so their parents can pick them up.

The shooter used two handguns, according to the police chief. Source for that is: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Glad to hear no one has died and hope the ones injured heal quickly.
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School shooting in Noblesville - suspect is in custody and no one died Empty
PostSubject: Re: School shooting in Noblesville - suspect is in custody and no one died   School shooting in Noblesville - suspect is in custody and no one died Icon_minitimeSat May 26, 2018 6:51 am

My nieces and nephews would have attended this school if they hadn't moved to Indianapolis 3 years ago. They still know many people that live there and attend that school. So thankful it didn't end in a high kill count and the injured will survive. This shooting and the one in Marshall county are both about 3 hours from where I live (right at the halfway point between the 2).
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Age : 23

School shooting in Noblesville - suspect is in custody and no one died Empty
PostSubject: Re: School shooting in Noblesville - suspect is in custody and no one died   School shooting in Noblesville - suspect is in custody and no one died Icon_minitimeSat May 26, 2018 6:58 am

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School shooting in Noblesville - suspect is in custody and no one died Empty
PostSubject: Re: School shooting in Noblesville - suspect is in custody and no one died   School shooting in Noblesville - suspect is in custody and no one died Icon_minitime

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School shooting in Noblesville - suspect is in custody and no one died
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