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 Speculation: the last songs they ever listened to?

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Lunkhead McGrath
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PostSubject: Speculation: the last songs they ever listened to?   Speculation: the last songs they ever listened to? Icon_minitime18/6/2018, 22:30

It's something that rings in my mind recently when I consider Columbine and the day of the massacre itself.

I know Eric and Dylan were both big into music and I always wonder what the last songs they heard were?

I'd imagine Eric listening to something energetic to pump him up - he mentioned Son of A Gun by KMFDM pumped him up for soccer games, if I remember correctly. On the other hand, I could picture Dylan listening to a very slow, NIN song as he prepared to finally say goodbye.

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PostSubject: Re: Speculation: the last songs they ever listened to?   Speculation: the last songs they ever listened to? Icon_minitime18/6/2018, 22:44

I thought of son of a gun for Eric as well!

Not to be on the nose but I think Dylan listened to Wrath by KMFDM before he went in

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PostSubject: Re: Speculation: the last songs they ever listened to?   Speculation: the last songs they ever listened to? Icon_minitime18/6/2018, 23:12

I wonder if Dylan listened to the NIN album The Downward Spiral before going to the school.

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Lunkhead McGrath

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PostSubject: Re: Speculation: the last songs they ever listened to?   Speculation: the last songs they ever listened to? Icon_minitime19/6/2018, 00:17

I bet they both binge-listened three straight hours of Smash Mouth before that fateful morning. Fuckin' 90s kids!!!
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PostSubject: Re: Speculation: the last songs they ever listened to?   Speculation: the last songs they ever listened to? Icon_minitime4/8/2021, 20:49

The Verve - Bittersweet Symphony: It was playing on Eric's car radio two weeks before Columbine.

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PostSubject: Re: Speculation: the last songs they ever listened to?   Speculation: the last songs they ever listened to? Icon_minitime4/8/2021, 22:45

Sadgasm wrote:
The Verve - Bittersweet Symphony: It was playing on Eric's car radio two weeks before Columbine.


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PostSubject: Re: Speculation: the last songs they ever listened to?   Speculation: the last songs they ever listened to? Icon_minitime6/8/2021, 23:32

Rachel liked the Verve.

Of course, I don't know, but something on KMFDM's Xtort or "Symbols" is probably your best guess. Son of A Gun, Wrath, Stray Bullet, Dogma, Anarchy, Power, Megalomaniac, one of those.

Strange how it's so often "KMFDM for Eric,  NIN for Dylan", when they both liked both. Eric had NIN written on his backpack. They both played Quake. Nails were used as shrapnel surely for that reason. Ultimate DOOM has an homage to NIN.

Then Dylan had the Xtort shirt on the day of the van break in, the Wrath shirt on the day of the massacre. Dylan writes "My wrath for January's incident will be godlike", mentioning in one sentence two KMFDM songs, the van breakin, and the massacre, granted in Eric's yearbook.

It seems they got introduced to lots of their music from the 95 and 97 Mortal Kombat film CDs. Brooks said he played a lot of Mortal Kombat with Dylan.

Personally, I find it more interesting to think about what it was from the songs that influenced the plan, rather than what was the last song they ever heard. For example one could probably switch Patti's phone call for the beginning of "Power".

Hard to imagine something gloomy for that day. Killing themselves was only to come after much excitement.  And of course, there's always video game music like DOOM's first level theme. James Holmes shot up a movie theater, as does Duke Nukem 3D in the first level, and was cryptic about what music was in his earphones. "Techno" he said. I have to wonder if it was Duke.
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PostSubject: Re: Speculation: the last songs they ever listened to?   Speculation: the last songs they ever listened to? Icon_minitime9/8/2021, 01:51

One song that i could see Dylan listing to is Burn by Nine Inch Nails

For Eric i would say Waste / Son of a gun / Godlike as Possible KMFDM contenders

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PostSubject: Re: Speculation: the last songs they ever listened to?   Speculation: the last songs they ever listened to? Icon_minitime9/8/2021, 09:23

brandon scott hole - zenjin pseudoscorpion

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PostSubject: Re: Speculation: the last songs they ever listened to?   Speculation: the last songs they ever listened to? Icon_minitime9/8/2021, 09:52

yes, he was at columbine

I condemn the horrific actions of Blackbeard the pirate; I will not tolerate his glorification.

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PostSubject: Re: Speculation: the last songs they ever listened to?   Speculation: the last songs they ever listened to? Icon_minitime9/8/2021, 21:22

For Eric I would imagine either Stray Bullet or Son Of A Gun or maybe anything KMFDM or Rammstein

For Dylan probably anything Nine Inch Nails, though for some reason I imagine him listening to the song Disarm by Smashing Pumpkins

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PostSubject: Re: Speculation: the last songs they ever listened to?   Speculation: the last songs they ever listened to? Icon_minitime9/8/2021, 22:11

I guess only Jeffco will know what CD's were in the actual CD player in their cars after they parked up outside the school.

I know they found receipts and stuff but, I would love to know which CD/Song Dylan cut off by simply turning his keys to engine off before he got out to open the trunk.

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PostSubject: Re: Speculation: the last songs they ever listened to?   Speculation: the last songs they ever listened to? Icon_minitime9/8/2021, 23:51

Adzybear wrote:
I guess only Jeffco will know what CD's were in the actual CD player in their cars after they parked up outside the school.

I know they found receipts and stuff but, I would love to know which CD/Song Dylan cut off by simply turning his keys to engine off before he got out to open the trunk.

I know that in Dylan's car they found a White Zombie CD thought it doesn't specify which as well as a best of the Door's CD.

Between Eros and Thanatos
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PostSubject: Re: Speculation: the last songs they ever listened to?   Speculation: the last songs they ever listened to? Icon_minitime

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