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 911 call prevents massacre at a college in Florida.

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911 call prevents massacre at a college in Florida. Empty
PostSubject: 911 call prevents massacre at a college in Florida.   911 call prevents massacre at a college in Florida. Icon_minitimeTue Mar 19, 2013 6:12 pm

Interesting story. Gunman committed suicide.

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“And may you grow to be proud
Dignified and true
And do unto others
As you'd have done to you”
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911 call prevents massacre at a college in Florida. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 911 call prevents massacre at a college in Florida.   911 call prevents massacre at a college in Florida. Icon_minitimeWed Mar 20, 2013 2:17 am

Indeed that is interesting. Twisted Evil
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911 call prevents massacre at a college in Florida. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 911 call prevents massacre at a college in Florida.   911 call prevents massacre at a college in Florida. Icon_minitimeWed Mar 20, 2013 1:32 pm

He is a fan of The Mad Hatter bar. Interesting. affraid
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Forum & Discord Server Owner

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911 call prevents massacre at a college in Florida. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 911 call prevents massacre at a college in Florida.   911 call prevents massacre at a college in Florida. Icon_minitimeFri Mar 22, 2013 10:05 pm

philosopher_king wrote:
He is a fan of The Mad Hatter bar. Interesting. affraid

Uh-oh. Don't tell Ivan. Laughing

“And may you grow to be proud
Dignified and true
And do unto others
As you'd have done to you”
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911 call prevents massacre at a college in Florida. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 911 call prevents massacre at a college in Florida.   911 call prevents massacre at a college in Florida. Icon_minitimeSat Mar 23, 2013 12:12 am

Jenn wrote:
philosopher_king wrote:
He is a fan of The Mad Hatter bar. Interesting. affraid

Uh-oh. Don't tell Ivan. Laughing
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911 call prevents massacre at a college in Florida. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 911 call prevents massacre at a college in Florida.   911 call prevents massacre at a college in Florida. Icon_minitime

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911 call prevents massacre at a college in Florida.
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