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 The van break-in

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PostSubject: The van break-in   The van break-in Icon_minitimeMon Jul 23, 2018 2:43 pm

How exactly were the boys caught? I’m assuming they were caught in the act, but I cannot find anything other than “they were caught”. Also, do you believe this incident, along with its ramifications, helped to further alienate them from society?

I know they talk about this in their respective journals, but I feel the journals were written for the purpose of being read. So, I view them with a measure of speculation.
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PostSubject: Re: The van break-in   The van break-in Icon_minitimeMon Jul 23, 2018 2:47 pm

They were caught after the fact. They had driven into a park after normal hours and was going through the stolen goods when Deputy Walsh happened to spot them.

I do think the van incident solidified their bond, likely making them feel even more like it was them against the world.
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PostSubject: Re: The van break-in   The van break-in Icon_minitimeMon Jul 23, 2018 2:59 pm

JayT wrote:
How exactly were the boys caught? I’m assuming they were caught in the act, but I cannot find anything other than “they were caught”. Also, do you believe this incident, along with its ramifications, helped to further alienate them from society?

I know they talk about this in their respective journals, but I feel the journals were written for the purpose of being read. So, I view them with a measure of speculation.

They broke the window of the van. At first it didn't budge, Eric went to find a rock but when he got back Dylan already broke the window. Then they took the stuff from the Van. It was (amongst other things) an electric induction meter, gamepads and a military or industrial grade flashlight. They packed this not to the trunk of the car, but to the back seat.

They drove away with no headlights, but with inner car lights on. According to Walsh, its the weird light that drew his attention as he passed them on the road. So he decided to turn around and follow them at some distance.

They drove to some deserted roadside parking zone. They stopped, they were the only car there. They did not come out nor did the inner light in their car go off. They started looking at the stuff they got. They don't seem to have heard Walsh approach them and he heard Eric talk about how cool and strong the flashlight is and Dylan mentioned something about moving the stuff to the trunk.

Walsh confronted them, at first they said that they found teh stuff on the side of the road, but Walsh convinced them that there will be an investigation and its gonna be easier if they come clean there and then.

Life is like a tram - you need to know when to get off.

"Bullet Time" - a school shooting film from Poland
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PostSubject: Re: The van break-in   The van break-in Icon_minitime

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