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 Did Randy Stair die for fame?

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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeTue Jul 31, 2018 4:23 pm

Just a thought that occured to me.

In the crazy world of youtube "content creators" fame is everything, it is their son, father, holy ghost and the 72 houri combined. Everyo9ne in  that scene just talks about subscriber number: "You are a nobody becaus eyou just have 8000, while I have 23.5 thousand and AngryJoe has almost 3 million".

Randy tried various things to get something done with youtube, by all accounts he failed. EGS was supposed to be his major thing, but it did not catch on either. Now in entertainment circles (especially music and theatre) it is well known that an artist becomes more popular and sought-after when he/she is dead. Maybe more than ever if its suicide - see Kobain etc.

And I'm thinking, especially seeing the coin toss video... isn't the murder-suicide just the latest of Randy's grabs for fame? Would he kill himself just to have more people know about EGS? So more people would seek it out, do fanart, fanfiction, carry on the wiki?

Come to think of it, did EGS become more popular than he died? I assume so. I never heard of it before and would not have heard if he didn't shoot himself.

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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeTue Jul 31, 2018 7:45 pm

Sabratha wrote:
isn't the murder-suicide just the latest of Randy's grabs for fame? Would he kill himself just to have more people know about EGS? So more people would seek it out, do fanart, fanfiction, carry on the wiki?


Though be entirely fair a good bit of that newfound fame of his stems from Mister Metokur's video on the situation.

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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeWed Aug 01, 2018 2:47 am

With Randy there's two issues that seem to imideatly jump at you when you analyze the case. The obvious one is him suffering from GID - gender identity disorder (or using the polit-correct term, gender dysphoria). The second one is less obvious, but it would seem to be his desire for fame, recognition, having those proverbial 2.9 million subscribers.

QuestionMark wrote:
Though be entirely fair a good bit of that newfound fame of his stems from Mister Metokur's video on the situation.

I guess another person decided to unwittingly feed the space monkeys. The case of Amazing Atheist should have been ample warning, but I guess this Metokur probably doesn't know about it. Those who do fail to learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.

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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeWed Aug 01, 2018 4:22 pm

Sabratha wrote:

QuestionMark wrote:
Though be entirely fair a good bit of that newfound fame of his stems from Mister Metokur's video on the situation.

I guess another person decided to unwittingly feed the space monkeys. The case of Amazing Atheist should have been ample warning, but I guess this Metokur probably doesn't know about it. Those who do fail to learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.
There are so many layers to my confusion. I presume you are referring to when The Amazing Atheist made videos making fun of Pekka Eric Auvinen when he was on Youtube and still alive. Mister Metokur's video is a (sort of) documentary about Randy's life and EGS which he made after Randy died. and at the end he devotes a whole segment to making fun of Randy and asking everyone else to do the same to tarnish his legacy forever. So I'm not quite sure what is you mean by repeating the past.
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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeWed Aug 01, 2018 4:42 pm

D-FENS1993 wrote:

There are so many layers to my confusion. I presume you are referring to when The Amazing Atheist made videos making fun of Pekka Eric Auvinen when he was on Youtube and still alive. Mister Metokur's video is a (sort of) documentary about Randy's life and EGS which he made after Randy died. and at the end he devotes a whole segment to making fun of Randy and asking everyone else to do the same to tarnish his legacy forever. So I'm not quite sure what is you mean by repeating the past.

I believe it does not matter if it is before or after the death of a shooter, because folowup space monkeys will come long after the death of a specific shooter either way. There are too many people out there who feel unjustly shunned, mocked and pushed aside by people who are more sane, socially sucessful and better than they are.

The point is: If you mock someone like Randy (before or after her death), you just make her more appealing to the losers. More relatable for the space monkeys. "Hey she was ridiculed and mocked and insulted just like I am." And the losers and the space monkeys is where the next shooter is going to come from.

Disclaimer: I'm not saying all shooters come from the ranks of losers, bullying victims etc. There's some who are just mentally disordered or abused. But we sure as hell should not want to widen the potential shooter fanbase to now include teenagers and young men with gender identity disorder.

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"Bullet Time" - a school shooting film from Poland
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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeWed Aug 01, 2018 5:49 pm

Sabratha wrote:
D-FENS1993 wrote:

There are so many layers to my confusion. I presume you are referring to when The Amazing Atheist made videos making fun of Pekka Eric Auvinen when he was on Youtube and still alive. Mister Metokur's video is a (sort of) documentary about Randy's life and EGS which he made after Randy died. and at the end he devotes a whole segment to making fun of Randy and asking everyone else to do the same to tarnish his legacy forever. So I'm not quite sure what is you mean by repeating the past.

I believe it does not matter if it is before or after the death of a shooter, because folowup space monkeys will come long after the death of a specific shooter either way. There are too many people out there who feel unjustly shunned, mocked and pushed aside by people who are more sane, socially sucessful and better than they are.

The point is: If you mock someone like Randy (before or after her death), you just make her more appealing to the losers. More relatable for the space monkeys. "Hey she was ridiculed and mocked and insulted just like I am." And the losers and the space monkeys is where the next shooter is going to come from.

Disclaimer: I'm not saying all shooters come from the ranks of losers, bullying victims etc. There's some who are just mentally disordered or abused. But we sure as hell should not want to widen the potential shooter fanbase to now include teenagers and young men with gender identity disorder.
I'm gonna have to massively disagree. Where that could work with someone like Pekka, who is highly relateable to alot of nobodies out there (myself included), it does not work for Randy. Randy is near impossible to relate to and sympathise with. The only people who can relate to Randy are the people who have the same psychotic delusions as him, (which amounts to about 25 people). Randy is outrageously unlikable. He is smug, stupid, creepy, extremely weird and unbelievably cringe-worthy. He is a walking punchline. i have not encountered one person on the entirety of the internet who is not psychotic who empathises or sympathises with Randy. And just to clarify, Randy deserves every insult thrown at him because he is, like i say, a cringe-worthy walking punchline.
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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeWed Aug 01, 2018 8:26 pm

When I did some research on randy, I created a theory about why randy did what he did.

So I believe randy did it for fun (Randy wrote in his journal "Only I wanna have some fun before I go" and even said "fun" while shooting at objects), didn't enjoy life (Randy basically said he didn't wanna work and didn't enjoy life) and wanted a legacy (Randy probably saw the legacy Eric & Dylan had, compared the similarities between him and E&D and fantasized about the similar legacy he would have).

If i'm wrong, correct me.
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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeWed Aug 01, 2018 8:37 pm

Halcyon666 wrote:
When I did some research on randy, I created a theory about why randy did what he did.  

So I believe randy did it for fun (Randy wrote in his journal "Only I wanna have some fun before I go" and even said "fun" while shooting at objects), didn't enjoy life (Randy basically said he didn't wanna work and didn't enjoy life) and wanted a legacy (Randy probably saw the legacy Eric & Dylan had, compared the similarities between him and E&D and fantasized about the similar legacy he would have).  

If i'm wrong, correct me.
Technically you are correct. I think almost every shooter enjoys their shooting to some extent. And almost every shooter commits their shooting to "be somebody" (i.e. leave a legacy) However, those were most definitely not Randy's only motives.
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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeWed Aug 01, 2018 9:45 pm

D-FENS1993 wrote:
Halcyon666 wrote:
When I did some research on randy, I created a theory about why randy did what he did.  

So I believe randy did it for fun (Randy wrote in his journal "Only I wanna have some fun before I go" and even said "fun" while shooting at objects), didn't enjoy life (Randy basically said he didn't wanna work and didn't enjoy life) and wanted a legacy (Randy probably saw the legacy Eric & Dylan had, compared the similarities between him and E&D and fantasized about the similar legacy he would have).  

If i'm wrong, correct me.
Technically you are correct. I think almost every shooter enjoys their shooting to some extent. And almost every shooter commits their shooting to "be somebody" (i.e. leave a legacy) However, those were most definitely not Randy's only motives.


Last edited by Halcyon666 on Thu Aug 09, 2018 3:07 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : I don't like my post)
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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeThu Aug 02, 2018 3:35 am

D-FENS1993 wrote:
I'm gonna have to massively disagree. Where that could work with someone like Pekka, who is highly relateable to alot of nobodies out there (myself included), it does not work for Randy. Randy is near impossible to relate to and sympathise with.
Different people will relate to different individuals. I'd say you are underestimating the capacity here. After Columbine a lot of people also said: "Oh these guys were stupid, creepy unlikable losers, they were deranged if they thought they are gonna have followers".

I'm not saying Randy will have an impact comparable to Columbine, that's certainly won't happen. But given his specific disorder and the large pile of videos and content he created, he does have the potential to reach certain "audiences" who would not relate much to say Pekka or Breivik.

We shall see what will happen, but there were reports of suicides among the EGS crowd already after Blaze's death. Of course a suicide is harder to verify, might be trolls or an internet hoax. But I certainly am far away from brushing it off as harmless stuff.

The last thing everyone needs is spree killers "widening the base" to include all those sad and angry people with GID.

D-FENS1993 wrote:
Randy deserves every insult thrown at him because he is, like i say, a cringe-worthy walking punchline.
It is irrelevant what he deserves and what he does not deserve. The impact this will have on other people, including potential future killers is all that matters. The more one ridicules this admittedly delusional GID part-time store employee, the more other "losers" will find him relatable. Especially other GID people, who represent an overall angry, depressed and underachieving population.

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"Bullet Time" - a school shooting film from Poland
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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeThu Aug 02, 2018 10:10 am

Sabratha wrote:

The last thing everyone needs is spree killers "widening the base" to include all those sad and angry people with GID.
I agree with you there, given how people with GID are far more prone to suicide than the normal person and are often much more mentally unstable than the average person, so therefore are more capable of murder suicide as well.

Sabratha wrote:

D-FENS1993 wrote:
Randy deserves every insult thrown at him because he is, like i say, a cringe-worthy walking punchline.
It is irrelevant what he deserves and what he does not deserve. The impact this will have on other people, including potential future killers is all that matters. The more one ridicules this admittedly delusional GID part-time store employee, the more other "losers" will find him relatable. Especially other GID people, who represent an overall angry, depressed and underachieving population.
I will agree that Randy would appeal to people with GID and all those lunatics who want to join the EGS, but outside of those groups you aren't going to find really anyone who could relate to him. I'm talking as someone who relates to approximately 85% of shooters (if not more) I simply cannot stand Randy one bit. You also have to remember that Randy is a transsexual brony who wanted to kill himself to be a cartoon ghost girl. That is not something really anyone can relate to, unlike Eric and Dylan whose issues millions of people across the world share and have had to deal with. If anything i would see future mass shooters to be the ones making fun of Randy because of how much of a weirdo and a failure he was (For example Bill Atchison).
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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeThu Aug 02, 2018 10:50 am

Sabratha wrote:

D-FENS1993 wrote:
Randy deserves every insult thrown at him because he is, like i say, a cringe-worthy walking punchline.
It is irrelevant what he deserves and what he does not deserve. The impact this will have on other people, including potential future killers is all that matters. The more one ridicules this admittedly delusional GID part-time store employee, the more other "losers" will find him relatable. Especially other GID people, who represent an overall angry, depressed and underachieving population.

And quite bluntly, mentally ill. 

Trans people experience mental illness at higher rates than non-trans people. Now this is not to say all - or even most - trans people are mentally unstable, but there are certainly higher rates of mental disorders in people who have gender dysphoria. I can cite some specific examples but I think you get the picture. 

Granted I've seen almost none of the mentally ill trans people in question look up to Randy, preferring instead to idolize far-left extremism.

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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeThu Aug 02, 2018 8:47 pm

I agree with [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] that "given his specific disorder and the large pile of videos and content he created, he does have the potential to reach certain "audiences" who would not relate much to say Pekka or Breivik." Randy mentioned many times, that the only thing he wanted to do with his life was YouTube. Given his relativity meager following; He realized that his wasn't going to happen and that made him frustrated/depressed. He eventually stumbled across Columbine and decided that a shooting was going to be his ticket to "fame". He wanted to die but wanted people to remember him, which is HEAVILY REINFORCED in his suicide tapes. Every other sentence is a call-back or mention to one of his old videos. You can pretty much treat it as an extreme marketing campaign on his part.
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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeFri Aug 03, 2018 3:04 pm

QuestionMark wrote:
And quite bluntly, mentally ill. 

Trans people experience mental illness at higher rates than non-trans people. Now this is not to say all - or even most - trans people are mentally unstable, but there are certainly higher rates of mental disorders in people who have gender dysphoria

Feel free to call me old-school or even reactionary if want, but GID is a mental disorder. And I'm not using the term "mental disorder" neither lightly, nor in a layman sense, nor in an emotionally loaded-way.
GID is also not infrequently comorbid with other disorders, especially depression and borderline PD.

Also to go back to the original topic - why do so many people online mention Randy as autistic? I'm trying o watch his "suicide video package" and so far there's nothing that suggest autism.

At this point, if I were to guess if he had a mental disorder, then Schizotypal PD would be my best guess. Especially the ideas of reference. At this point of course it is still pretty much a "first impression" of a dead guy nobody will ever diagnose.

I am also seeing similarities with Dylan Klebold of all people. For all the "walking punchline comments", I was not suspectign him to be an interesting case from a psychological viewpoint, but he is.
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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeFri Aug 03, 2018 3:46 pm

Sabratha wrote:

Also to go back to the original topic - why do so many people online mention Randy as autistic? I'm trying o watch his "suicide video package" and so far there's nothing that suggest autism.
Calling someone Autistic is a common insult used online for people who are extremely weird. In case you didn't know.
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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeFri Aug 03, 2018 3:53 pm

D-FENS1993 wrote:
Sabratha wrote:

Also to go back to the original topic - why do so many people online mention Randy as autistic? I'm trying o watch his "suicide video package" and so far there's nothing that suggest autism.
Calling someone Autistic is a common insult used online for people who are extremely weird. In case you didn't know.
I'm not sure in this case who they want to insult, Randy or real Autistic people.

I don't usually tend to hang around places in the net where mental disorders are used as insults. Ratehr places where they appear in terms of DSM-V bulletpoints.

Life is like a tram - you need to know when to get off.

"Bullet Time" - a school shooting film from Poland
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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeFri Aug 03, 2018 5:14 pm

i think he thought he would inspire more people to go ghost and join his "egs"
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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeFri Aug 03, 2018 10:51 pm

Sabratha wrote:
D-FENS1993 wrote:
Sabratha wrote:

Also to go back to the original topic - why do so many people online mention Randy as autistic? I'm trying o watch his "suicide video package" and so far there's nothing that suggest autism.
Calling someone Autistic is a common insult used online for people who are extremely weird. In case you didn't know.
I'm not sure in this case who they want to insult, Randy or real Autistic people.

I don't usually tend to hang around places in the net where mental disorders are used as insults. Ratehr places where they appear in terms of DSM-V bulletpoints.

You don't go around the internet much at all then do you?  Smile
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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeSat Aug 04, 2018 3:43 am

QuestionMark wrote:
Sabratha wrote:
D-FENS1993 wrote:
Sabratha wrote:

Also to go back to the original topic - why do so many people online mention Randy as autistic? I'm trying o watch his "suicide video package" and so far there's nothing that suggest autism.
Calling someone Autistic is a common insult used online for people who are extremely weird. In case you didn't know.
I'm not sure in this case who they want to insult, Randy or real Autistic people.

I don't usually tend to hang around places in the net where mental disorders are used as insults. Ratehr places where they appear in terms of DSM-V bulletpoints.

You don't go around the internet much at all then do you?  Smile

In my line of business, you rarely have time to spend hours online. In the past month or so, this forum is the only online social platform I engage in with any regularity.
Even in this case, I mostly treat it as a "before-after-work" thing when I come back and am too tired to do anything constructive that requires a lot of concentration.

Life is like a tram - you need to know when to get off.

"Bullet Time" - a school shooting film from Poland
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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeSat Aug 04, 2018 10:07 pm

I think he did die for fame.
He wanted a meaningful death because he couldn't have a meaningful life.

He didn't want a girlfriend, friends, or anything like that. It was worthless in his eyes. His own family wasn't enough for him. All he really wanted was to belong to a large group of human beings and have attention from everyone inside, but in reality, all he ever received was a life of anonymity, nothingness. It was like he wasn't even a person. He couldn't even be e-famous, so, I believe, that was the last straw for him.

He is a person that never got what he wanted most out of existence, so he killed himself in a murder-suicide for the control and attention he desired (things he was denied by the world around him).

He comes from an upper-middle class family, so conscientiousness/goal-setting behavior is a part of his blood. This is what ultimately destroyed him.  The desire to be greater than himself. In a car-ride video he explains that he had a job where "He messed around on his phone for a couple of hours and then went home", and he flipped around and said "That's not me.", and he quit. Most people in this world would love to have that, but that was not who Randy Stair was. He was not a man that could handle being nothing. You combine that with his spiritism, femininity, and strong desire to belong and be valuable, and you get a mass shooting. He genuinely did not see death as the end no matter what he logically thought because there was always a force in his mind compelling him to think spiritually. He was made to be that way through evolution. Randy Stair was white, and that made him biologically inclined toward work (lower amount of pleasure from just existing, high-dopamine low-serotonin brain), religious thought, feminine mannerisms, and low self-esteem (desire to belong and excel). It's one of the greatest designs from evolution for the human species.

You can see all what he is in the way that he flips a quarter to decide his destiny. To me, it's asinine, but to him, it's everything.

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In many ways Randy Stair was like a woman in a man's body. He was an excellent designer. He was spiritual despite knowing about Natural Selection. He never stopped shaving his face throughout extreme stress, etc. He even chose a shotgun suicide because he considered it fabulous, reportedly stating that he loved the way the corpses of the columbine killers looked, and he sought to emulate that.

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and this one is pertinent to his nationality/cultural background

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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeSun Aug 05, 2018 1:44 am

Whysomangry wrote:
Randy Stair was white, and that made him biologically inclined toward work (lower amount of pleasure from just existing, high-dopamine low-serotonin brain), religious thought, feminine mannerisms, and low self-esteem (desire to belong and excel).

This gives me pause.  Suspect

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeSun Aug 05, 2018 3:50 pm

QuestionMark wrote:
Whysomangry wrote:
Randy Stair was white, and that made him biologically inclined toward work (lower amount of pleasure from just existing, high-dopamine low-serotonin brain), religious thought, feminine mannerisms, and low self-esteem (desire to belong and excel).

This gives me pause.  Suspect

There's nothing wrong with the truth. Race is bone deep. I'm black, but even I know Blacks have denser bones than Whites; the differences don't stop there.

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This is all just evolution whether we like it or not.
If you do not believe in god, this is the one true answer due to insurmountable evidence.
You likely don't like the way I think, but you must know that my digit ratio is .956, and my penis is 7 inches. This means I've got a very masculine brain due to prenatal testosterone, so I'm inclined to think and deal logically/analytically.

I seriously enjoy Cartoons, Anime, and Tragedies.
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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeThu Aug 09, 2018 5:47 am

Whysomangry wrote:

You likely don't like the way I think, but you must know that my digit ratio is .956, and my penis is 7 inches. This means I've got a very masculine brain due to prenatal testosterone, so I'm inclined to think and deal logically/analytically.
The fuck?
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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeThu Aug 09, 2018 11:38 am

Whysomangry wrote:
QuestionMark wrote:
Whysomangry wrote:
Randy Stair was white, and that made him biologically inclined toward work (lower amount of pleasure from just existing, high-dopamine low-serotonin brain), religious thought, feminine mannerisms, and low self-esteem (desire to belong and excel).

This gives me pause.  Suspect

There's nothing wrong with the truth. Race is bone deep. I'm black, but even I know Blacks have denser bones than Whites; the differences don't stop there.

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This is all just evolution whether we like it or not.
If you do not believe in god, this is the one true answer due to insurmountable evidence.
You likely don't like the way I think, but you must know that my digit ratio is .956, and my penis is 7 inches. This means I've got a very masculine brain due to prenatal testosterone, so I'm inclined to think and deal logically/analytically.

This is some Terry Davis level shit going on here.

"My guns are the only things that haven't stabbed me in the back."
-Kip Kinkel
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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeThu Aug 09, 2018 11:41 am

Yeah probably
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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeSun Aug 12, 2018 3:58 pm

People bragging about dick size on this forum.

In my thread as well. Stop the madness.

Life is like a tram - you need to know when to get off.

"Bullet Time" - a school shooting film from Poland
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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeSun Aug 12, 2018 4:00 pm

Sabratha wrote:
People bragging about dick size on this forum.

In my thread as well. Stop the madness.

Imagine randy's reaction to that? randy would have Vietnam style flashbacks to when someone wanted to know what his dick size was.
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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeSun Aug 12, 2018 4:42 pm

D-FENS1993 wrote:
Sabratha wrote:
D-FENS1993 wrote:

There are so many layers to my confusion. I presume you are referring to when The Amazing Atheist made videos making fun of Pekka Eric Auvinen when he was on Youtube and still alive. Mister Metokur's video is a (sort of) documentary about Randy's life and EGS which he made after Randy died. and at the end he devotes a whole segment to making fun of Randy and asking everyone else to do the same to tarnish his legacy forever. So I'm not quite sure what is you mean by repeating the past.

I believe it does not matter if it is before or after the death of a shooter, because folowup space monkeys will come long after the death of a specific shooter either way. There are too many people out there who feel unjustly shunned, mocked and pushed aside by people who are more sane, socially sucessful and better than they are.

The point is: If you mock someone like Randy (before or after her death), you just make her more appealing to the losers. More relatable for the space monkeys. "Hey she was ridiculed and mocked and insulted just like I am." And the losers and the space monkeys is where the next shooter is going to come from.

Disclaimer: I'm not saying all shooters come from the ranks of losers, bullying victims etc. There's some who are just mentally disordered or abused. But we sure as hell should not want to widen the potential shooter fanbase to now include teenagers and young men with gender identity disorder.
I'm gonna have to massively disagree. Where that could work with someone like Pekka, who is highly relateable to alot of nobodies out there (myself included), it does not work for Randy. Randy is near impossible to relate to and sympathise with. The only people who can relate to Randy are the people who have the same psychotic delusions as him, (which amounts to about 25 people). Randy is outrageously unlikable. He is smug, stupid, creepy, extremely weird and unbelievably cringe-worthy. He is a walking punchline. i have not encountered one person on the entirety of the internet who is not psychotic who empathises or sympathises with Randy. And just to clarify, Randy deserves every insult thrown at him because he is, like i say, a cringe-worthy walking punchline.
He was also horribly ugly and had a punchable face, everytime I see that fuckface I just want to
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Fucking cunt, good riddance to that reproductional failure.
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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeSun Aug 12, 2018 4:57 pm

imgview wrote:

He was also horribly ugly and had a punchable face, everytime I see that fuckface I just want to
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Fucking cunt, good riddance to that reproductional failure.

If randy was my kid, i would be like "i should've aborted him". Randy's the reason why i don't have kids.
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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeSun Aug 12, 2018 5:34 pm

Halcyon666 wrote:
imgview wrote:

He was also horribly ugly and had a punchable face, everytime I see that fuckface I just want to
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Fucking cunt, good riddance to that reproductional failure.

If randy was my kid, i would be like "i should've aborted him". Randy's the reason why i don't have kids.

Just talk to your kid and dont let him just play video games for all his teens so he has zero social skill or friends as a grown up, and make him hit the gym.
If his loser parents actually had a relationship with that failure they would have realized that he needed to be put in a mental hospital.
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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeSun Aug 12, 2018 6:06 pm

Halcyon666 wrote:
imgview wrote:

He was also horribly ugly and had a punchable face, everytime I see that fuckface I just want to
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Fucking cunt, good riddance to that reproductional failure.

If randy was my kid, i would be like "i should've aborted him". Randy's the reason why i don't have kids.

Randy was yet another failure of Natrual Selection.
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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeSun Aug 12, 2018 6:07 pm

Ziamber II wrote:
Halcyon666 wrote:
imgview wrote:

He was also horribly ugly and had a punchable face, everytime I see that fuckface I just want to
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Fucking cunt, good riddance to that reproductional failure.

If randy was my kid, i would be like "i should've aborted him". Randy's the reason why i don't have kids.

Randy was yet another failure of Natrual Selection.

Agreed, Randy didn't even know what Natural Selection even meant. The only aspect of natural selection he implemented was shooting himself.
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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeSun Sep 25, 2022 6:37 am

What is the point in killing yourself for fame, if you're not even alive to see it?

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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeSun Sep 25, 2022 6:46 am

Guest wrote:
Ziamber II wrote:
Halcyon666 wrote:
imgview wrote:

He was also horribly ugly and had a punchable face, everytime I see that fuckface I just want to
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Fucking cunt, good riddance to that reproductional failure.

If randy was my kid, i would be like "i should've aborted him". Randy's the reason why i don't have kids.

Randy was yet another failure of Natrual Selection.

Agreed, Randy didn't even know what Natural Selection even meant. The only aspect of natural selection he implemented was shooting himself.

I love Randy he's such a cutie.

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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeSun Sep 25, 2022 6:48 am

Homicide wrote:
Guest wrote:
Ziamber II wrote:
Halcyon666 wrote:
imgview wrote:

He was also horribly ugly and had a punchable face, everytime I see that fuckface I just want to
[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Fucking cunt, good riddance to that reproductional failure.

If randy was my kid, i would be like "i should've aborted him". Randy's the reason why i don't have kids.

Randy was yet another failure of Natrual Selection.

Agreed, Randy didn't even know what Natural Selection even meant. The only aspect of natural selection he implemented was shooting himself.

I love Randy he's such a cutie.
But he murdered 3 innocent people.

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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeSun Sep 25, 2022 11:19 pm

Sadly, yes randy is now more famous for all the wrong reasons

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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeSun Sep 25, 2022 11:25 pm

DanielBryer wrote:
What is the point in killing yourself for fame, if you're not even alive to see it?
What is the point in reviving 4 year old threads to say absolutely fucking nothing? I honest to god hope one day you get shot while grocery shopping.

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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeSun Sep 25, 2022 11:31 pm

BornFromAgartha wrote:
DanielBryer wrote:
What is the point in killing yourself for fame, if you're not even alive to see it?
What is the point in reviving 4 year old threads to say absolutely fucking nothing? I honest to god hope one day you get shot while grocery shopping.
Yeah I know this Daniel “Non Offending Pedophile” Bryer guy is trying to get the most replies so he’s on a scoreboard or some shit

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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeMon Sep 26, 2022 12:32 am

BornFromAgartha wrote:
DanielBryer wrote:
What is the point in killing yourself for fame, if you're not even alive to see it?
What is the point in reviving 4 year old threads to say absolutely fucking nothing? I honest to god hope one day you get shot while grocery shopping.

Born from argatha is the worst member on this forum right now.

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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeMon Sep 26, 2022 3:51 am

Rosie1756 wrote:
BornFromAgartha wrote:
DanielBryer wrote:
What is the point in killing yourself for fame, if you're not even alive to see it?
What is the point in reviving 4 year old threads to say absolutely fucking nothing? I honest to god hope one day you get shot while grocery shopping.

Born from argatha is the worst member on this forum right now.
I agree.

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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeMon Sep 26, 2022 4:51 am

DanielBryer wrote:
Rosie1756 wrote:
BornFromAgartha wrote:
DanielBryer wrote:
What is the point in killing yourself for fame, if you're not even alive to see it?
What is the point in reviving 4 year old threads to say absolutely fucking nothing? I honest to god hope one day you get shot while grocery shopping.

Born from argatha is the worst member on this forum right now.
I agree.

nice alt retard. this forum has been horrible with you on it, you contribute nothing but spamming meaningless comments which you've admitted is only to bring your post count up.

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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeMon Sep 26, 2022 10:46 am

vril wrote:
DanielBryer wrote:
Rosie1756 wrote:
BornFromAgartha wrote:
DanielBryer wrote:
What is the point in killing yourself for fame, if you're not even alive to see it?
What is the point in reviving 4 year old threads to say absolutely fucking nothing? I honest to god hope one day you get shot while grocery shopping.

Born from argatha is the worst member on this forum right now.
I agree.

nice alt retard. this forum has been horrible with you on it, you contribute nothing but spamming meaningless comments which you've admitted is only to bring your post count up.
Rosie's not my alt.
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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeTue Nov 08, 2022 11:01 pm

D-FENS1993 wrote:
Sabratha wrote:
D-FENS1993 wrote:

There are so many layers to my confusion. I presume you are referring to when The Amazing Atheist made videos making fun of Pekka Eric Auvinen when he was on Youtube and still alive. Mister Metokur's video is a (sort of) documentary about Randy's life and EGS which he made after Randy died. and at the end he devotes a whole segment to making fun of Randy and asking everyone else to do the same to tarnish his legacy forever. So I'm not quite sure what is you mean by repeating the past.

I believe it does not matter if it is before or after the death of a shooter, because folowup space monkeys will come long after the death of a specific shooter either way. There are too many people out there who feel unjustly shunned, mocked and pushed aside by people who are more sane, socially sucessful and better than they are.

The point is: If you mock someone like Randy (before or after her death), you just make her more appealing to the losers. More relatable for the space monkeys. "Hey she was ridiculed and mocked and insulted just like I am." And the losers and the space monkeys is where the next shooter is going to come from.

Disclaimer: I'm not saying all shooters come from the ranks of losers, bullying victims etc. There's some who are just mentally disordered or abused. But we sure as hell should not want to widen the potential shooter fanbase to now include teenagers and young men with gender identity disorder.
I'm gonna have to massively disagree. Where that could work with someone like Pekka, who is highly relateable to alot of nobodies out there (myself included), it does not work for Randy. Randy is near impossible to relate to and sympathise with. The only people who can relate to Randy are the people who have the same psychotic delusions as him, (which amounts to about 25 people). Randy is outrageously unlikable. He is smug, stupid, creepy, extremely weird and unbelievably cringe-worthy. He is a walking punchline. i have not encountered one person on the entirety of the internet who is not psychotic who empathises or sympathises with Randy. And just to clarify, Randy deserves every insult thrown at him because he is, like i say, a cringe-worthy walking punchline.

"It's very easy to call someone sick when you don't understand them. Because it's hard to accept the possibility that he's right."
She killed herself for fame, her paranormal belief in transcendence and also her suicidal nature. not understanding is one thing, criticizing without understanding is another much more ignorant. she made that more than clear in all the media and I would say she was the most honest person I've ever seen on this topic. and the alignment of the stars in the week of her birth makes more than clear the introspective and dark nature that has dominated her.
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Did Randy Stair die for fame? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Randy Stair die for fame?   Did Randy Stair die for fame? Icon_minitimeWed Nov 09, 2022 12:29 am

I think it's comical. Do you want to study about crimes but don't listen to criminals' motivations?
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