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 UNSEEN SCREENSHOT of Robert Hawkins at Westroads Mall

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UNSEEN SCREENSHOT of Robert Hawkins at Westroads Mall Empty
PostSubject: UNSEEN SCREENSHOT of Robert Hawkins at Westroads Mall   UNSEEN SCREENSHOT of Robert Hawkins at Westroads Mall Icon_minitimeThu Aug 23, 2018 3:38 am

Omaha's news channel KETV7 uploaded a YouTube video last year which has about 500 views. It is about the first responders at the scene of the Westroads Mall shooting. At one point they show an unseen snap of Robert stepping out of the elevator with his rifle.

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This is obviously the moment before this snap:

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Here's also what the customer service desk he killed himself in front of looked like:

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UNSEEN SCREENSHOT of Robert Hawkins at Westroads Mall Empty
PostSubject: Re: UNSEEN SCREENSHOT of Robert Hawkins at Westroads Mall   UNSEEN SCREENSHOT of Robert Hawkins at Westroads Mall Icon_minitimeThu Aug 23, 2018 3:39 am

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PostSubject: Re: UNSEEN SCREENSHOT of Robert Hawkins at Westroads Mall   UNSEEN SCREENSHOT of Robert Hawkins at Westroads Mall Icon_minitimeThu Aug 23, 2018 3:42 am

Cool find, i notice that with Robert, others keep finding more and more stuff recently. The yearbook photo and now this.
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PostSubject: Re: UNSEEN SCREENSHOT of Robert Hawkins at Westroads Mall   UNSEEN SCREENSHOT of Robert Hawkins at Westroads Mall Icon_minitime

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UNSEEN SCREENSHOT of Robert Hawkins at Westroads Mall
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