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 Interragation tape question

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Interragation tape question Empty
PostSubject: Interragation tape question   Interragation tape question Icon_minitime27/9/2018, 22:55

I found it a lot weird when Cruz was seen punching self, pretending he had a gun and other things. Anyone know what the reason behind that was???
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Interragation tape question Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interragation tape question   Interragation tape question Icon_minitime28/9/2018, 03:41

He was pulling a James Holmes and pretending to be mental to avoid the death penalty.
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PostSubject: Re: Interragation tape question   Interragation tape question Icon_minitime28/9/2018, 04:53

SavageGlocker wrote:
He was pulling a James Holmes and pretending to be mental to avoid the death penalty.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]   That is very possible. He was also biting on his own arm. I mean like literally biting himself and growling. IF that was just for show then Nik is a bit of a drama king!  Haha
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PostSubject: Re: Interragation tape question   Interragation tape question Icon_minitime

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