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 Dozens feared dead after a train runs over a crowd in a Indian festival

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School Massacre Archives

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Dozens feared dead after a train runs over a crowd in a Indian festival Empty
PostSubject: Dozens feared dead after a train runs over a crowd in a Indian festival   Dozens feared dead after a train runs over a crowd in a Indian festival Icon_minitimeFri Oct 19, 2018 2:08 pm

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"Dozens of people are feared killed after a train ran into a crowd in northern India, according to local media reports and a local politician.

The incident on Friday took place on the outskirts of Amritsar city, Punjab state, where a crowd had assembled near a railway track to watch a religious festival.

"There are more than 50 casualties. The priority now is to take the injured to the hospital," Amritsar city police commissioner S. S. Srivastava told news agencies.

At least 60 people were admitted to hospital with injuries, police officials said.

Following the accident, a large number of people rushed to the site and shouted at railway officials for not taking precautions in view of the festival, AP news agency reported.

While accidents are relatively common on India's sprawling rail network, Friday's was among the deadliest in recent years."

I'm sorry, but WHO thought it was good idea to host a festival on the train tracks? Hello?!?!?

Owner of the official School Massacre Archives YouTube channel.
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Dozens feared dead after a train runs over a crowd in a Indian festival Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dozens feared dead after a train runs over a crowd in a Indian festival   Dozens feared dead after a train runs over a crowd in a Indian festival Icon_minitimeFri Oct 19, 2018 5:17 pm

It is India, where that sort of thing is considered acceptable, and a good way of eliminting the failures of Natrual Selection.
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Dozens feared dead after a train runs over a crowd in a Indian festival Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dozens feared dead after a train runs over a crowd in a Indian festival   Dozens feared dead after a train runs over a crowd in a Indian festival Icon_minitimeSat Oct 20, 2018 9:23 am

where a crowd had assembled near a railway track to watch a religious festival
> where a crowd had assembled near a railway track
> had assembled near a railway track
scratch scratch

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Dozens feared dead after a train runs over a crowd in a Indian festival Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dozens feared dead after a train runs over a crowd in a Indian festival   Dozens feared dead after a train runs over a crowd in a Indian festival Icon_minitimeSun Oct 21, 2018 9:42 am

hallywayhomicide wrote:
where a crowd had assembled near a railway track to watch a religious festival
> where a crowd had assembled near a railway track
>  had assembled near a railway track
scratch  scratch

A good way to eliminate the failures of natural selection.
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Dozens feared dead after a train runs over a crowd in a Indian festival Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dozens feared dead after a train runs over a crowd in a Indian festival   Dozens feared dead after a train runs over a crowd in a Indian festival Icon_minitime

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Dozens feared dead after a train runs over a crowd in a Indian festival
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