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 School Shooters and what they were like in school

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School Shooters and what they were like in school Empty
PostSubject: School Shooters and what they were like in school   School Shooters and what they were like in school Icon_minitimeSat Feb 23, 2019 2:37 pm

Nikolas Cruz:
Got in trouble and suspended a lot, joked about shooting up schools, anger issues, often bought bullets and some weapons to school

Seung Hui Cho:
Quiet, shy, anti-social, barely spoke, rumored to have been bullied in high school but not conformed, stalked girls at Virginia Tech

Eric Harris:
Liked filming home videos at school, bullied by jocks and students, said to have been shy at times, was into computers and computer games, bullied students himself, thought to have been outgoing, (at least according to Cullen)

Dylan Klebold:
Wore "weird clothing" to school, was depressed, had thoughts of suicide, liked wearing trench coats (along with Eric Harris) at school, was in the schools play productions club, bullied by jocks and other students, bullied students himself, was extremely quiet and shy, known for his anger issues and acting out and cursing at teachers

Adam Lanza:
Anti-social, quiet, was often ignored and not talked to by other students, always appeared anxious when asked to introduce himself or when talked to, was rumored to have been physically bullied in elementary school but this is unconfirmed, had a weird walk, health problems

Jeff Weise:
Wore trench coats, black clothing, often wrote violent poetry and stories, into goth culture, and was even rumored to be part of a goth group at school called "The Dark Siders", bullied

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Hayden Jagst
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School Shooters and what they were like in school Empty
PostSubject: Re: School Shooters and what they were like in school   School Shooters and what they were like in school Icon_minitimeSun Mar 10, 2019 5:26 pm

I don’t really think Dylan Klebold bullied other students, I’m pretty sure that was Eric.
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School Shooters and what they were like in school Empty
PostSubject: Re: School Shooters and what they were like in school   School Shooters and what they were like in school Icon_minitimeMon Jun 10, 2019 1:26 pm

Tj Lane: Extremely quiet, observant, artistic and very intelligent
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PostSubject: Re: School Shooters and what they were like in school   School Shooters and what they were like in school Icon_minitimeMon Jun 10, 2019 1:34 pm

Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold, they shot up the school, so that's what they were like in school. Smile Smile

Michael Ryan : Very quiet

Martin Bryant: Very distruptive, excluded from his elementary school.
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PostSubject: Re: School Shooters and what they were like in school   School Shooters and what they were like in school Icon_minitimeTue Jun 02, 2020 2:35 pm

Pekka-Eric Auvinen:
A brilliant and complex student, bullied by students, versed in history and with a great political and philosophical knowledge.

Guilherme Taucci:
A quiet, introverted, unnoticed student who never bothered teachers and was bullied by students.
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PostSubject: Re: School Shooters and what they were like in school   School Shooters and what they were like in school Icon_minitimeTue Jun 02, 2020 4:37 pm

Adam Lanza is pretty obvious but a few teachers tried to go out of their way by accommodating him. His anxiety from school was so intense Nancy had to take him to the ER. He stopped going to high school when he was ~14 I think? [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] Adam when he was in 10th Grade.
This website - [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] is somewhat inaccurate as it lists photos of Ryan Lanza as Adam. There's a pretty big distinction between the two, imo.
Quote: "One of Adam's teachers said he had "episodes" when he became completely silent and withdrawn, but appeared to be making progress socially in school." I never heard that before. I always assumed he just kept to himself.
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Hayden Jagst
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School Shooters and what they were like in school Empty
PostSubject: Re: School Shooters and what they were like in school   School Shooters and what they were like in school Icon_minitimeWed Jun 03, 2020 8:55 am

badjunk wrote:
Adam Lanza is pretty obvious but a few teachers tried to go out of their way by accommodating him. His anxiety from school was so intense Nancy had to take him to the ER. He stopped going to high school when he was ~14 I think? [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] Adam when he was in 10th Grade.
This website - [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] is somewhat inaccurate as it lists photos of Ryan Lanza as Adam. There's a pretty big distinction between the two, imo.
Quote: "One of Adam's teachers said he had "episodes" when he became completely silent and withdrawn, but appeared to be making progress socially in school." I never heard that before. I always assumed he just kept to himself.
I always wondered this, but do you know where this photo of him was taken?

"Now! Feel death, not just mocking you. Not just stalking you but inside of you. Wriggle and writhe. Feel smaller beneath my might. Seizure in the Pestilence that is my scythe. Die, all of you."
- T.J. Lane (in his Facebook poem)
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School Shooters and what they were like in school Empty
PostSubject: Re: School Shooters and what they were like in school   School Shooters and what they were like in school Icon_minitimeWed Jun 03, 2020 10:54 am

badjunk wrote:
Adam Lanza is pretty obvious but a few teachers tried to go out of their way by accommodating him. His anxiety from school was so intense Nancy had to take him to the ER. He stopped going to high school when he was ~14 I think? [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] Adam when he was in 10th Grade.
This website - [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] is somewhat inaccurate as it lists photos of Ryan Lanza as Adam. There's a pretty big distinction between the two, imo.
Quote: "One of Adam's teachers said he had "episodes" when he became completely silent and withdrawn, but appeared to be making progress socially in school." I never heard that before. I always assumed he just kept to himself.

Damn, I dropped out a year before Lanza did. I always wondered how he finished public schooling. I did not know he dropped out! Thanks for sharing.
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PostSubject: Re: School Shooters and what they were like in school   School Shooters and what they were like in school Icon_minitimeWed Jun 03, 2020 2:06 pm

Carnifex879 wrote:
badjunk wrote:
Adam Lanza is pretty obvious but a few teachers tried to go out of their way by accommodating him. His anxiety from school was so intense Nancy had to take him to the ER. He stopped going to high school when he was ~14 I think? [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] Adam when he was in 10th Grade.
This website - [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] is somewhat inaccurate as it lists photos of Ryan Lanza as Adam. There's a pretty big distinction between the two, imo.
Quote: "One of Adam's teachers said he had "episodes" when he became completely silent and withdrawn, but appeared to be making progress socially in school." I never heard that before. I always assumed he just kept to himself.
I always wondered this, but do you know where this photo of him was taken?

I think this photo was taken at Newtown High School, but I'm not exactly sure.
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PostSubject: Re: School Shooters and what they were like in school   School Shooters and what they were like in school Icon_minitimeWed Jun 03, 2020 2:07 pm

hvernon wrote:
badjunk wrote:
Adam Lanza is pretty obvious but a few teachers tried to go out of their way by accommodating him. His anxiety from school was so intense Nancy had to take him to the ER. He stopped going to high school when he was ~14 I think? [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] Adam when he was in 10th Grade.
This website - [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] is somewhat inaccurate as it lists photos of Ryan Lanza as Adam. There's a pretty big distinction between the two, imo.
Quote: "One of Adam's teachers said he had "episodes" when he became completely silent and withdrawn, but appeared to be making progress socially in school." I never heard that before. I always assumed he just kept to himself.

Damn, I dropped out a year before Lanza did. I always wondered how he finished public schooling. I did not know he dropped out! Thanks for sharing.

No problem, glad you enjoyed Smile
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PostSubject: Re: School Shooters and what they were like in school   School Shooters and what they were like in school Icon_minitimeWed Jun 03, 2020 2:14 pm

Randan Fontaine:
Fontaine had struggled in school, but teachers described him as a "quiet person." He started Grade 10 for the third time. Barely did any school work. While Fontaine and a friend were eating lunch in the school canteen, he reportedly told the friend: "If you were told one day or if someone came into the school and shot it up and they told you it was me, would you believe it?"
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School Shooters and what they were like in school Empty
PostSubject: Re: School Shooters and what they were like in school   School Shooters and what they were like in school Icon_minitimeThu Jun 04, 2020 4:49 am


Last edited by forDiesel on Thu Jan 19, 2023 7:58 am; edited 1 time in total
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Hayden Jagst
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School Shooters and what they were like in school Empty
PostSubject: Re: School Shooters and what they were like in school   School Shooters and what they were like in school Icon_minitimeThu Jun 04, 2020 11:20 am

forDiesel wrote:
badjunk wrote:
Carnifex879 wrote:
badjunk wrote:
Adam Lanza is pretty obvious but a few teachers tried to go out of their way by accommodating him. His anxiety from school was so intense Nancy had to take him to the ER. He stopped going to high school when he was ~14 I think? [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] Adam when he was in 10th Grade.
This website - [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] is somewhat inaccurate as it lists photos of Ryan Lanza as Adam. There's a pretty big distinction between the two, imo.
Quote: "One of Adam's teachers said he had "episodes" when he became completely silent and withdrawn, but appeared to be making progress socially in school." I never heard that before. I always assumed he just kept to himself.
I always wondered this, but do you know where this photo of him was taken?

I think this photo was taken at Newtown High School, but I'm not exactly sure.

Yes, the picture was taken at Newtown High School. Behind him you can see the logo of the “Newtown Television” which is still a project of the Tech Club to this day, in which Adam Lanza also participated.
Thanks for the info!

"Now! Feel death, not just mocking you. Not just stalking you but inside of you. Wriggle and writhe. Feel smaller beneath my might. Seizure in the Pestilence that is my scythe. Die, all of you."
- T.J. Lane (in his Facebook poem)
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PostSubject: Re: School Shooters and what they were like in school   School Shooters and what they were like in school Icon_minitimeThu Jun 04, 2020 1:41 pm

I wanted to clarify that Adam Lanza did not drop out of high school and actually received his diploma a year earlier than he would have if he had attended normally. There were periods where he was not attending school at all, periods where he was classified as "homebound" and receiving educational instruction or tutoring provided by his school district within the home, periods where he was attending special education or mainstream classes for shortened amounts of time, and periods where he took college classes as "independent study" for high school credit.

(Generally, a person with disabilities like Adam's would be entitled to continued support from the educational system through age 21 and instead, Adam graduated and was exited from special education services at age 17. This was not necessarily the right thing to do, even if he managed to complete the academic requirements for graduation. By his last year of school, he was not willing or able to tolerate mainstream classes at NHS.)

A few years ago, I had written a relatively brief summary of his life (so I just want to point out that it is certainly missing some information that was released more recently, including details about school - we now have school transcripts and other specifics that we didn't used to have from a major release of random documents from the home). It goes through the complicated educational plan that eventually allowed him to graduate with a HS diploma from Newtown High School, if anyone is interested in the details.
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Also, I never managed to get around to finishing (or even updating) this thread as my own life took some odd turns but I collected a decent number of police interviews with people who knew Adam Lanza at various points in his life, including several former classmates and Tech Club members. It could be of interest if you would like to know what his peers felt about him, though some of this was actually included in the summary that I have linked above.
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

And a short post regarding Tech Club and NTV:
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

forDiesel, anna444 and revenge9722 like this post

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