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 Mark Taylor lives!

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Posts : 760
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Join date : 2018-07-15

Mark Taylor lives! Empty
PostSubject: Mark Taylor lives!   Mark Taylor lives! Icon_minitime10/4/2019, 03:11

There have been rumors for years that Mark Taylor was drugged into oblivion by Big Pharma, the government, or some other shadow agency because he dared to question the cause of the Columbine massacre.

Well, this article seems to indicate that not only is he alive and well, but perfectly cogent and at a good place in his life.
"Mark Taylor, 36, was shot and left for dead on the lawn of Columbine High School.

He said: ”The emotional trauma was probably the worst part of it for me. Not understanding what happened, why they would just shoot me. Seeing my family have a hard time with it. There was some bitterness at first. But God has worked with me on that. I've had great opportunities.

“And I came to forgive Harris and Klebold, even though they tried to kill me. So many people let their past hold them back. They’re victims, and then they go out and do something to someone else because they have unforgiveness and bitterness.

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Posts : 760
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Forum Reputation : 3068
Join date : 2018-07-15

Mark Taylor lives! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mark Taylor lives!   Mark Taylor lives! Icon_minitime10/4/2019, 13:50

I didn't search to see if there was a Mark Taylor thread before I posted this and I just found it.
Sorry, Mods!
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Mark Taylor lives!
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