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 Did Lanza make the "Well, you're here" comment in Room 10?

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Did Lanza make the "Well, you're here" comment in Room 10? Empty
PostSubject: Did Lanza make the "Well, you're here" comment in Room 10?   Did Lanza make the "Well, you're here" comment in Room 10? Icon_minitimeMon Apr 22, 2019 1:59 am

Because if so, (based on the witness saying it was a boy who shouted "I don't want to be here", and witnesses in that class who ran out reporting Jesse Lewis only yelling for others to "Run"), that means it's fair to assume the interaction was between Lanza and Dylan Hockley.
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a broken human

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Did Lanza make the "Well, you're here" comment in Room 10? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Lanza make the "Well, you're here" comment in Room 10?   Did Lanza make the "Well, you're here" comment in Room 10? Icon_minitimeMon Apr 22, 2019 3:27 am

I have read that Lanza and a student exchanged those words. In the documentary, "Newtown", Hockley's parents mentioned that Dylan was found dead cradled with a teacher. I wonder though, was Dylan talking to the teacher at the time, or to Lanza when he entered the classroom?

It wouldn't surpise me though, as Jesse yelled "Run" (before he was shot) whilst Lanza was reloading his gun. But if this is the case, why didn't Dylan try and escape if they were in the same area?
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Did Lanza make the "Well, you're here" comment in Room 10? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Lanza make the "Well, you're here" comment in Room 10?   Did Lanza make the "Well, you're here" comment in Room 10? Icon_minitimeMon Apr 22, 2019 10:06 am

We'll never know for sure.
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Did Lanza make the "Well, you're here" comment in Room 10? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Lanza make the "Well, you're here" comment in Room 10?   Did Lanza make the "Well, you're here" comment in Room 10? Icon_minitimeThu Oct 17, 2019 1:12 pm

a broken human wrote:
Hockley's parents mentioned that Dylan was found dead cradled with a teacher.

That's fucking heart breaking.
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Did Lanza make the "Well, you're here" comment in Room 10? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Did Lanza make the "Well, you're here" comment in Room 10?   Did Lanza make the "Well, you're here" comment in Room 10? Icon_minitime

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Did Lanza make the "Well, you're here" comment in Room 10?
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